Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 1378

The Rangers fled in a hurry, discarding not only their human allies, but also the Protoss.

The general situation is gone-even though the arrogance of the Protoss makes them disdain to retreat before they fight, relatively speaking, they still have more important tasks-

In this way, a Protoss warship turned and retreated without hesitation, and was ready to leap away.

It's just a pity, the speed is a step slower.

"I haven't fought an air battle with the Protoss yet."

With that said, General Wright Baldwin was quite excited: "If it is a Minotaur-class battlecruiser, it may be weaker than the Protoss battleship. But my ship is of the Gorgon class."

Although it is not something to show off, the general must admit one thing.

In terms of military violence, few people in the universe can surpass humans.

Even though the overall technological level is a bit worse than Protoss. However, in front of the Protoss battleship, the Gorgon-class battleship can have the upper hand.

"The other party has blocked the space, we can't move!"

"In that case, let's fight!" The archon commanding the Protoss battleship shouted: "Phoenix fighters and light drones are dispatched! Order the escorted Void ship to attack! The broken star cannon is ready! The tactical sublight engine is on! Destroy that! A human battleship, let them understand the power of the Protoss!"

"Yes Archon!"

At the fastest speed, the Protoss entered a state of combat-after the main star El was destroyed by the Swarm, Protos' mentality changed dramatically.

No matter how proud he is, no matter how he thinks he is the executor of the balance of the universe. But when even their main star can't keep it, it's useless to say anything.

Although the Archbishop Atannis after Tassada worked hard to educate him, there were still a large number of Protoss becoming more extreme, aggressive and full of aggressiveness.

As it is now-when hundreds of Phoenix fighter planes and nearly 400 small UAVs formed a tactical formation, rushing towards the Durkhan at the same time, Durkhan Gnakune, the ghost crew and The Viking crew has also been re-ready, loaded with ammunition, and added energy and fuel. The pilots partially disembarked and then replaced with more energetic pilots.

With sufficient manpower and adequate training facilities, as the ace Omega Squadron, there are even more technical arms than technical weapons.


"The enemy's fleet is too many. If we fight, we will suffer, General." Adjutant Yuchuan said.

"Perhaps... if there are a few Valkyrie-class frigates here. With just one Durahan, the formation is still a bit thin."

"If your military rank is upgraded to another level, you may be able to form a battleship formation, sir." Yu Chuan said calmly.

"Perhaps, but the poor also have poor ways of playing-allow the use of sister network attacks to control the opponent's drone swarm!"

"Yes, sir……"

After hesitating, Yuchuan finally decided to remind him.

Today, Wright Baldwin showed too many cards.

No matter if he is too powerful, enough to offset the ghost energy of a Yamato bombardment, or the leap technology independently developed by Omega Squadron.

Although General Wright, who is a small military leader of the empire, has independent conscription and command and combat qualifications, is already considered a high-level empire and has a little capital to play chess, it is still a recipe for disaster.

If the card of sister network is played again at this time, then...

"Our Majesty is a smart man." Wright said lightly: "He won't do anything when he is sure that I am worthy and the threat to him is not great enough."

Of course, the communication between them still uses the heart. After all, at least for now, Wright Baldwin is still an ambitious new-generation military officer who is quite loyal to the emperor.

Because of the changes in the world, Wright Baldwin will not remove this disguise until he has accumulated enough strength.

"So, just hand in the technology.

Whether it is a leap, or the theory of sister networks. Anyway, you know, we are not relying on this, are we? "

That is, while the general was talking with the adjutant, the battle situation with the Protoss changed slightly.

Due to the lack of distance, all weapons except the main guns on both sides could not be fired. Both the Yamato Cannon and the Star Breaker are weapons that consume huge energy and cannot be launched easily. Both sides are waiting for the opportunity to release the carrier-based aircraft while approaching in a roundabout way while the electronic countermeasures system is fully opened. While the aiming system hopes to lock the opponent, it is also desperately avoiding being locked by the enemy.

Usually in these two aspects, the Protoss has an absolute advantage over the empire. Their technological level is higher. This is true whether it is electronic tactics or weapon systems. Not to mention, the quality and cooperation of the Protoss connected by Kara far exceeds that of the Imperial soldiers. So usually in one-on-one battles, the Imperial Minotaur-class battlecruiser is not an opponent of the Protoss battleship. Even at the Gorgon level, they can only draw a tie, and even if they have the upper hand, they cannot completely eliminate the opponent.

However, this time it was different.

Under the order of Wright Baldwin, the sister system was quickly activated. It was too late when the Protoss discovered that something was wrong. The callers spread a strong panic in Kara: "The other party's hacker has entered the program of the drone! They are tampering with our control system, and we can't stop them!"

At the same time, the Protoss cluster on the front line quickly fell into chaos. The Protoss was surprised and unbelievable for the drone attack nearby. The completely unprepared Phoenix fighters were hit hard, and of course, more importantly, their formation was completely broken.

At the same time, the Viking and Ghost fleet of Omega Squadron arrived. Attacked inside and outside, the Phoenix fighter group fell into a passive position as soon as they started to fight.

"Phoenix fighter back!" The Protoss Archon gritted his teeth and ordered.

"But in this case, the drones controlled by the enemy may enter the battleship along the time of containment!" Callies reminded——

"Order the templars to stand by in the ship’s ejection bay and destroy the controlled drones immediately!"

"Yes, Archon!"

——In this way, the first round ended with Wright Baldwin's victory. Wreckage of drones and Phoenix fighter jets are scattered in the space. At the same time, the Protoss Templar destroyed all the drones that took advantage of the chaos. But even so, they still suffered heavy losses.

There was a mess in the ejection chamber of the Protoss battleship. Feeling the anger and hatred of the compatriots in Kara, the Protoss Archon even more angrily ordered: "Continue to stay close to each other, all the photon turrets are opened! The missile group is ready, the broken star cannon is aimed!"

At the same time, Wright Baldwin issued a similar order: "The laser cannon group is aimed, the missile group is ready, and the Yamato Cannon continues to lock the target."

The war between the two giant space monsters is about to become fierce.

Chapter 11 Space War

——When the Star Breaker and Yamato Cannon were aimed at the same time, Wright Baldwin sighed secretly. During the artillery battle, the two sides tested each other for at least half an hour. The intelligent missile was shot down by the close-range lattice defense system of both sides. For the same reason, the Imperial Viking fighter and the Ghost fighter dare not get too close, so that the damage is limited.

The laser and photon cannon groups from both sides bombarded each other. But it doesn't make much sense. Whether it is the specially made phantom shield of the Durham or the plasma shield of the Protoss battleship, it can easily block the opponent's attack.

Fortunately, there are no Void Ships and Storm Ships around the Protoss battleship. Unfortunately, the Protoss’ crystal technology is sufficient to produce a more powerful energy output than the imperial fusion reactor.

This makes their main cannon recharge faster, and when the Imperial Yamato Cannon is cooling down, the second shot can be fired in advance.

In this case, Wright Baldwin still has only one chance. We must seize the opportunity and strive to hit the enemy with the first shot, otherwise, he will fall into a disadvantageous situation.

"We need better weapons and equipment, especially we need more powerful energy generating devices." Wright Baldwin thought in his heart.

It is a good tactic to capture the enemy's weapons and equipment and then imitate them. But it has no effect on Protoss.

Human technology and Protoss technology are completely taking two different paths.

Although the empire’s scientific researchers can gain a lot of gains by studying Protoss technology, they still cannot completely solve the mystery of Protoss energy.

"This can be said later, but now..."

Thinking of this, General Wright Baldwin has made a decision: "The sister system is fully activated to lock the opponent!"

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