Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 335


At this moment, Yukai Danxi paused the fight with Kyoko Sakura, and moved back to sincerity in an instant. She looked a little worried. In addition, I am a little embarrassed.

Originally came here sincerely, saying that he wanted to investigate and spy on intelligence. I didn't expect to get to this point because of my own reasons.

Baihua has already been dispatched, and it must be a short while before the night king Fengxian will know the situation here, and God knows what that lunatic would think.

Maybe he would think this is a good opportunity to send more troops to attack, to kill sincerity.

"It's okay." Sincerely, she gave her a gentle look as a comfort.

Girls who can think so are good children. If a guy like Enoshima Dunko, he would definitely think it was a sincere fault-if it weren't sincere and sentimental, he wouldn't meet his ex-girlfriend by chance. There will be no conflicts, and there will be no such incidents.

So, although Tsao Jiao made a jacket for the knot, he was still a good boy.

At the same time, Kyoko Sakura's performance on the other side is also a bit strange.

A little jealous, a little unpleasant, and even said that if she didn't sincerely read it wrong, then she did regret it a bit.

"They are just my friends."

After that, Kyoko suddenly said loudly to the blonde female ninja: "This is just my personal grievance. There is no need for such a big battle, right?"

Listening to their conversation, Kyoko seemed to belong to the Yoshihara system, working for the Night King Fengxian, and his status was not low.

"Do you mean to leave the matter here to you?" the blonde female ninja asked calmly.

"Yes, that's what I meant." Sakura Kyoko responded without showing any weakness.

what. Speaking of which, Kyoko is also a good girl. He even dared to speak sincerely to relieve the siege under such circumstances.

However, the possibility may not be great.

"If they are really just your friends, forget it."

Sincerely surprised a little, the blonde female ninja hesitated, as if she was seriously considering Kyoko's words.

But in the end, she shook her head and refused. And gave the reason.

Oh oh oh, maybe this is a good boy too. Want to make major events smaller and help you resolve them?

Thinking of this, sincerity was a little touched-it turns out that this world is still salvageable. The girls in the world are not only the melanosis Jiao Zhong Er metamorphosis like Enoshima Dunko, or the nervousness of his sister Alara Mu Yuehuo, or the arrogant girl with poisonous tongue like his sister.

There are still good kids. And there are a lot of them-sincerely I met three in one go!

"This person, the battlefield is sincerely the leader of the emerging underworld organization. You should know this, Kyoko? Even so, do you have to vouch for him?" The blonde ninja asked.

"of course!"

Although the golden ninja's prompt could not be clearer, Kyoko Sakura was still "silly" and responded without hesitation:

"Of course I know this guy. At best, he's just a lascivious, useless idiot. Talking about the leader of the emerging underworld organization must be just a good name, or some misunderstanding!"

"In that case..."

Although after a brief fight just now, the blonde ninja fully understands that sincerity is by no means a useless fool. But she was still shaken: "If you say so—"

"—Please wait a minute."

At this moment, another voice came. The person who ran over at an extremely fast speed was a short-haired girl in a dark green suit. Enoshima Blade, nicknamed Battle Blade Skeleton.

Still a good girl. Well, what happened today, are so many good girls here for a meeting? Is it the kind of secret boudoir tea party between little girls? Is sincerity a bit bad here?

Although it leaves people with this illusion, in fact, Enoshima Blade is not a joke here.

This guy will appear here, and being able to talk to the leader of the Yoshihara Ninja team means that the guess before sincere is correct.

Dunko Enoshima is indeed hiding in Yoshihara. To make matters worse, she has already got on the line with Yewang Fengxian and even gained some power.

She first glanced at Sincere with an apologetic look, and then said: "Dunzijiang already knows that you are here, sincere classmate, so I said... Master Fengxian, please come to him as a guest."

The two words of the blade sounded a little uncomfortable before and after, the first sentence was about shields, and the last sentence was about Night King and Phoenix. However, this further proves that the sincere guess is correct.

Perhaps this is also her own way of reminding sincerity.

"Yeah." Smiling sincerely, nodded to her. It was like comforting her, it was not her fault, it had nothing to do with her.

But the more sincere it is, the more embarrassed Blade will be. After a while, she shyly bowed her head and dared not look sincere.

"Sincere, there are not many of them, we can break through and leave. As long as we return to the school district of the Academy City, even if the Yewang Fengxian's subordinates, they will not act rashly." Beside Sincere, Jie Biao Danxi whispered to him.

"It's okay." Sincerely patted her hand.


"——Even if I promised, Danxi's body will not work, right?" Sincerely continued, he whispered to her.

Author's message:

It is still three shifts today ==

Chapter 22 The pink hair is black when cut


If you are sincere, let the knot Danxi feel a little surprised.

"When you were fighting Kyoko just now, you used too much power, right? Don't be so surprised, after all, I am not blind."

After saying this, he turned his head sincerely and looked at Blade: "Then, lead the way, Blade... Also, Senior Feng Xian wouldn't be so stingy, just let us walk over, right?"

"Yes, of course not."

It's like responding to Blade's words. A black sports car quickly stopped in front of Sincerity. The door opens automatically. Sincerely then took Yubiao Danxi and sat in.

"...Oh?" Next to him, the blonde female ninja who just said nothing was a little surprised: "I thought you would ask to let your partner go back."

"Yeah." Smiling sincerely: "I believe that the Lord of the Night will not be so stingy that even a girl will not let it go, right?"

"..." The blonde female ninja took a deep and sincere look, and said nothing more-with her skill and IQ, it is not difficult to analyze the current situation of Yuki Danxi. The reason for doing so sincerely seems unkind, but in fact it is the best choice——

He was worried. I was worried that her front foot asked Danxi to leave, and in the back, these female ninjas of Baihua would kill her. So instead of asking her to leave irrationally, it's better to take her by your side.

"Of course, as long as there is me, no one in the sky and the earth will hurt him." Sincerely went on, adding the same.


Hearing what he said, the blonde ninja was slightly surprised, and then smiled cheerfully. I don't know whether it is because of the sincere self-confidence of benevolence, righteousness and self-confidence, or a joke about her overpowering.

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