Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 337

"Humph." The Night King snorted softly, not commenting on this.

"Ah~ but think about it, I will see my sincere classmates again soon, Dunzichan is so shy~"

For this neurotic woman, the Night King didn't want to care anymore.

"The world is invincible...?" He continued to look at the sincere holographic image.

"If it's the invincible world in terms of sultry sisters, I would admit it, huh...oh?" In the next second, the Night King discovered something wrong-in the holographic picture, the sincere eyes that were screaming at Kyoko suddenly horrified The light of human beings is aligning with oneself. It was as if he had discovered someone observing him secretly.

"It's kind of, meaning." Ye Wang Fengxian slightly corrected his understanding: "Perhaps, he is a man who can do something.

Although it is absolutely impossible, what is unparalleled in the world. "

Whispering such words, he stretched out his hand again and asked the maid to pour the wine for himself. At this moment, after slowing down, the maid had recovered.

She has a skillful smirk on her face, affectionate eyes and perfect movements-at least that's true on average.

"However, compared with that female fox, I don't know how much...huh." Looking at Enoshima Dunzi, who was still looking idiotic, the Night King Fengxian commented.

It looked like it was real.

If you don't know her nature, you might really misunderstand that she likes that kid.

"However, being liked by her may be worse than being hated by her."

Drinking the clear wine, Yewang Fengxian thought this way—he didn't take in Enoshima Dunzi out of kindness.


at the same time.

"Ah, oh. That's it." Sincerely nodded: "Because of the pressure of life, I left Kabukicho, and then came to Yoshihara to serve as the Yoshihara security team. I understand, I understand, Xiao Kyoko has lived this time. It's...very difficult."

Sincerely, he looked at Kyoko with mixed guilt, pity and anxiety.

Just now, she was still saying, "I don't want to talk to you!", she was sincerely understood in a few words.

"It's up to you whether I'm doing well..." Kyoko pouted, pretending to be strong.

"Even if we weren't...that relationship, but still friends, right. Shouldn't we care about each other? Last time, didn't Kyoko sent me home?"

"I would rather let you be blown by the cold wind all night. It's better to get sick and die..."

Although she said that, Kyoko's voice was very low, and it sounded like she lacked confidence.

In short, it's just a stiff mouth.

While doing this with long-lost ex-girlfriends, sincerely did not spare the other two girls. Usually before the end of Danxi or Enoshima Blade is upset, he will say a few words to them, as if he cares about them. This attitude of right and left has taken care of everyone.

Perhaps it was due to a competitive mentality, or for other reasons, after speaking like this for a while, Jiebi Danxi took the initiative to take the sincere arm.

Looking at her with inquisitive eyes sincerely, she looked back without showing weakness.

Although I didn't say it directly, the meaning is sincere.

"We are pretending to be a couple now, right?"

Although in fact, sincerely did not agree at all, and it is meaningless.

In addition, the words of the blade are also obvious, a lot more than normal. Some information about my sister Dunzi that would never be revealed in ordinary times was unconsciously said. Let the sincerity have more preparation.

"In other words, from the very beginning, that guy decided to come and join forces with Yewang Fengxian." Sincerely thought, "As expected of Enoshima Dunko, his vision and methods are first-rate. If not. If you don't have a right mind, you can definitely become a good's a pity."

Of course, this "a pity" only disappeared in an instant.

Especially when thinking about the relationship between this guy and himself.

The sincere mood became very bad, and the interest of talking with the girls in this way and that way disappeared suddenly.

Silence fell in the car. Just like this, he continued forward, and then stopped in front of a rather grand Japanese-style building.

Not so much a mansion as a castle or a fortress. If you count the Night King Phoenix Immortal who lives in it, it is more than enough to be named "Devil King's Castle".

In this way, Zhan Tian Yuan got out of the car sincerely, and then first noticed at the gate, the guy who smiled very brightly, like a boy next door.

That face, I always think I have seen it somewhere.

Author's message:

Update la la la

?Chapter 24 Whether it is fighting or a woman is good, to win and to win beautiful

"First of all, I want to welcome you, Zhanchangyuan is sincere... well, senior?"

At the last address, the pink-haired boy next door paused, and then said so.

At the same time, sincerely noticed from the corner of his eye. At the same time, the blade of the car and Kyoko's complexion became a bit ugly.

Kyoko even whispered: "How come I met this lunatic here..." Such words.

"Thank you Senior Fengxian for your love," said sincerely and calmly.

"Ah, oh. Hmm." Hearing this sincerely speaking, the squinted braid paused, and then continued to smile: "You say that because you think I am the old man's subordinate, and then use that old man's name. The head scared me and reminded me that I am his subordinate and you are his guest, so what can I do to you, does that mean?"

"I'm OK, I didn't say anything." Sincere also smiled, but at the same time, his hand calmly touched the Guanri sword hilt on his waist.

"Oh, it would be better if it didn't mean it like that--" In the next second, the man opposite—or the boy rushed over, and at the same time threw his fist to Sincerity without hesitation—he drew his sword out of sincerity. At the same time, the opponent's knee kick came first and hit the sincere lower abdomen, but was blocked by the sincere left hand.

After a violent collision, both sides took two steps back and stabilized again.

"Yeah, yeah. Yes, it's not bad." The squinted man smiled and nodded: "Originally, the guy in the shield said that you can knock me off in one turn. He thought it was because of a good relationship with you, so casually I said it. But now it seems... it seems to make sense."

"Mr. Shenwei!" Next to him, the blade held the handle of the tactical short knife: "What do you want to do?!"

"Am I not clear enough just now?" squinted her eyes and smiled and looked at her: "This is what your sister said, the first idiot girl in the universe, Miss Con, you should understand what she means, right Right?"


Hearing what the other party said, Blade was stunned for a while, a little at a loss, and subconsciously looked at sincerity.

"It's okay." Sincerely smiled and patted her arm: "I know your position, so there is no need to be embarrassed."

As if he was sincerely thinking, the more he treats Blade in this way, the more Blade feels sorry for him-perhaps conversely, if she sincerely scolds her, she will feel better in her heart.

This kind of "satisfaction" is constantly, constantly, and continuously increasing. Sincerely believe that one day this emotion will grow to the extent that it affects the balance. At that time, even if the blade is not inclined to yourself, just keep neutral between yourself and the shield. That abnormal pink-haired double ponytail will be much easier to deal with.

"Oh oh oh, do you want to seduce girls even at this level? It's amazing. If you put the abilities and minds that you use for ssulting into martial arts and combat, then you will drop me in one round. It's not too difficult."

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