Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 343

"Oh, just leave like this?" The pink-haired squinted eyes were a little surprised: "It's not good to be anticlimactic, sincere classmate."

Although he said that, he did not make any actions to retain or block sincere actions.


Just when everyone thought that this incident was over, Sincerity suddenly speeded up-hugged Kyoko around her waist, and then carried it up. At the same time, Jiebi Danxi disappeared indoors with an instant movement, and sincere Regardless of Kyoko's "Wow!" yelling, he drew his sword out of its sheath and walked to Enoshima Dunko.

"Sincere!" Jian Zi shouted anxiously, while shielding her shield behind her back. Two tactical knives were drawn at the same time——

"Get out of the way," said sincerely to her: "One move, one move I can't kill her, I will leave."

Without hesitation, Blade still clenched his teeth and stood in front of Sincerity.

"This is your choice?"

——The next second, the sincere sword pierced past at an unimaginable speed.

"--This one."

"——This speed?!"

The night king Fengxian and Shenwei who were unmoved just now were shocked.

The speed of sincerity is more than ten times faster than before.

"——He has been hiding his strength just now?!"


Unable to resist, unable to dodge, unable to block. Enoshima Blade, who had played with sincerity a few days ago, instantly felt desperate.

The two sides are too far apart, and they are no longer rivals of the same level.

Author's message:

Update la la la la, thanks to Yi Shuihan, the invincible Zuofei fell, Daxie Yulie King, and Xiao Jiu for being there for rewarding; thanks to Yi Shuihan, ashes eight electrons, polar ice front, Wuqi Chaoyuan, A monthly pass for ASH and Hato

Chapter 29—The Devil and the Devil

Blade closed his eyes tightly and waited for death to come-however.

In the next moment, the long sword that pierced Enoshima Blade’s heart strangely turned a corner under the inspiration of the true essence, let it pass Enoshima Blade, and stab directly at the younger sister, Enoshima Dunzi behind her. .


After a crisp sound, sincerely paused.

"Dunzi, Dunzi sauce!"

As if her sister had died, Blade cried loudly-although she hadn't seen it, she couldn't imagine anyone or anything that could stop the sincere thunder.


"What's your name, sister~"

After Blade turned his head in disbelief, he saw this scene:

Toshiko Enoshima, holding a baseball bat in his hand. She blocked the sincere sword with a very non-standard block posture.

Block a sincere attack.

Block the great game rated A++ Juggernaut with a full blow.

Shenwei can't do it, Yewang Fengxian can't do it, Sakura Kyoko, the blonde ninja, and Enoshima Blade. All powerful fighters can't do it. But Dunko Enoshima did it. Moreover, it was blocked casually with a "thing" such as a baseball bat that is not a weapon.


Even if the battlefield is sincere, the battlefield that seems to be sincere in daily life, is very surprised by this——

Yes, yes, Origin World Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, even with A++ level combat power, cannot guarantee the original sincere invincibility of the battlefield. But, but—this is ridiculous, no, it should be said, it is ridiculous.

"Enoshima, Dunzi."

"Hi, it's me, it's me, sincere classmate~"

"Really, very good, I underestimated you before..."

The next moment, sincerely and slowly withdrew the sword: "Next time...huh."

Only halfway through the threatening words, he turned around sincerely, then put Kyoko on the ground and left without looking back.

"...Huh, Dunzi sauce."

After this, Enoshima Blade finally breathed a sigh of relief, and when he recovered, he found that his legs were soft, and he fell to the ground uncontrollably softly.

"Kala, Kara" with two crisp sounds, Blade turned his head to look at the shield subconsciously.

What she saw was her sister's perfect smile and her hands with unusually twisted angles.

Dang, Dang Lang Lang, the special alloy bat fell on the ground, a crack expanded, and then broken into a debris.

"Ah, Dunzi-chan, what's wrong with your hand?!"

"Of course it's broken." Dunzi said something terrible nonchalantly.

"No, no—call the doctor over quickly, and also, just—"

When Blade was surprised and at a loss, Enoshima Dunko, whose bones in both hands were misplaced, couldn't help laughing "hahahaha".

"Okay, very good, simply good can't be better."

"Dunzi, Dunzi sauce?"

"Of course, a sow like you doesn't understand it at all."

Her face flushed, unlike the previous few times, this time she seemed to be in heat.

"That is, that is the original sincerity of the battlefield. It's amazing, it's so amazing, such a boy, such a boy. I can't think of it at all, but, sure enough, this is the boy I chose—huh Hehehehe, hehehehehe. As long as there are sincere classmates, then I won't be bored in my life. Hehehehehehe, hehehehahahaha..."

Compared with physical pain, she gets more mental pleasure. Enough to make her ignore the intense pain of breaking her hands.

"... Dunzi sauce, you are so happy..."

Looking at his sister, Jianzi showed a happy smile-this was a wild laugh that was terrifying to outsiders, but it was extremely cute to her.

It was for this lovely, unusually distorted feeling that Blade gave up everything. Including his sincere feelings for the battlefield, willing to become a shield tool.

at the same time.

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