Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 349

Unlike her who lived here since she was born, she only lived here for a short time sincerely. The impression of this place is also quite bad.

Under this premise, it is only natural to move out.

"But..." Kyoko hesitated a little: "Sincere brother also lives in someone else's house, right?"

"This, it's..."

Sincere and hesitant, the two sisters of the Araragi family. Huo Lian that fool is better, but Yue Huo is a little jealous jar. When it was normal to see myself and the blond girl taking a bath together, I would go to the kitchen without a word to get a kitchen knife.

"Ahaha, this is Kyoko, my good friend, I have been living here since today, it should be fine... right?"

If you are sincere and dare to take Kyoko to there and say something like this... Then sincerely believe that there is a 80% chance that Moonfire will drew his sword and make a big noise——

After talking about Yuehuo, let's talk about apricots. Don't look at her pitifully like a kitten now. But sincerely I can assure you that if Moonfire makes trouble, she will go back ten times. The child's mentality is stubborn, fragile and sensitive. If she is misunderstood and sincerely not serious about her, she might run away from home again.

Moreover, if you want to get her forgiveness this time, you can't do it in two years.

Ah, ah. So difficult, so difficult.

Even the Wushuang Battlefield Yuanzheng, who is wise, feels a headache right now. I couldn't help but want to ask Zhen Zi if he could exchange any medicine to make the harem harmonious in the system.

Of course, if you think about it, it's impossible. How could there be such a thing in this world.

"In fact, there are simple and easy-to-understand brainwashing methods. Sincerely, would you like a little bit of O'Neill?" By her side, ZhenZhou ZhenZi was eager to try.

"...Forget it." Sincere hesitated for a second, and then firmly rejected her.

"Is there any problem?" Kyoko seemed to have noticed something too, and her sincere eyes became sharp.

"Ah, that, in fact, um, Kyoko, you should know, I have a lot of... sisters."

"..." Kyoko's eyes are sharp ×2.

"Although it's just a cousin, how should I put it..." A little sincere: "But, our relationship is a little..."

"There is more than one cousin who has a good relationship with you?" Kyoko asked: "Moreover, the girl who has a good relationship with you is not only a cousin, right?"

The battlefield sincerely began to sweat.





The two faced each other and remained silent for a while, before Kyoko sighed, and then became somewhat distracted: "Forget it, I have known for a long time, sincerely you can't be trusted..."

"Aren't you angry?" Sincerely relieved, then asked a little strangely.

"——How can I not be angry?! How is it possible?!" Kyoko thumped the table hard: "But...I have been conscious of being angry for a lifetime."

Seeing Kyoko who blushed and said such words in a low voice. Sincerely and super unexpectedly, this girl turned out to be-she was so cute.

"——Ah, I see, I will treat you well, Little Kyoko, you are so cute, um, so cute, so cute."

Sincerely did not hold back at all, he rushed to hold Kyoko in his arms, then rubbed it.

"Idiot, let me go quickly, Idiot—" Kyoko struggled hard, but because he didn't have the strength to be sincere, he was quickly defeated.

Of course, there is another main reason for this, because she likes it herself.

After a while, I ate breakfast. Sincere and Kyoko went out, locked the door, and then went to the Dengshi House to thank Grandma Dengshi.

Although in the process, a certain silver-haired natural curl is very disappointing, and I can't wait to let people kill him, but other than that, everything else is pretty good.

After that, head to the office building of the Commission for Discipline and Discipline.

"Let's live there temporarily. The dormitories there are all single rooms, and the conditions are very good." In the taxi, he said to Kyoko sincerely.

Although she said that, Kyoko was still a little unhappy.

No matter how good the dormitory is, it is not my home.

The only comfort is that I can often see sincerity when I live here. It is not too difficult to sleep with oneself sincerely.

"Next, Kyoko will be hired by the Committee of Discipline and Discipline." He said sincerely, "Well, Kyoko should also choose a school."

"I don't want to go to school."

"Don't say such childish remarks." Sincerely said to her: "A child of this age, what do you want to do without going to school?"

"Don't you never go to school?" Kyoko retorted plausibly, letting sincerity not know what to say for a while.

"Um, my situation is special, so—"

"A kid at this age, what do you want to do if you don't go to school?" Kyoko learned the sincere tone he had said before, repeating what he said before.

"...Okay, okay. I won't talk about this for now. But going to school is good, and I can make a lot of good friends. Isn't it great?"

"...I only need to have a sincere brother." Kyoko whispered.

"...Really." Sincerely, holding her hand gently: "But Kyoko—"

"--I say."

The rental madao is a little upset: "You two pay a little attention, OK, show affection and don’t show it in front of me. Are you trying to stimulate my poor fellow to have a heart attack? Be careful when I hit the steering wheel. A car accident dragged you into the the young people now..."

"——Shut up and drive your car!"


In short, in the end, Kyoko agreed to be sincere, temporarily living in the senior staff dormitory of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline, and also promised to go to school in good faith.

The two cuddled together like this, ignoring Madao's wailing, and came to the building of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline. After getting out of the car, the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline, who had been informed, greeted sincerity at the door of the building.

"Ah, ah. Chief. Have you finally come to work?"

"...Why are you?"

At the gate of the Mansion for Discipline and Discipline Committee, Battlefield Yuanzheng and Shirai Kuroko are as always, uncomfortable for anyone to look at.

"Are there no other welcomers?" asked sincerely.

"No, no more." Kuroko said, "Those guys have more important things to do. The Yukawa Tsubasa you brought back has to analyze intelligence and data, and the Gaocheng Saye you brought back has to do administrative and chores, etc. , It’s also the early spring classmates you brought back who want to monitor the network, but the Mushan Chunsheng you brought back is still going to experiment. Finally, you brought it back—"

"--All right."

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