Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 353

Although it is not suitable for secretly investigating ninjas, spies or rogues. However, the strength and agility of the A++ level are sincere enough to move freely here without being discovered.

What people feel most is a breeze blowing around them. Some guys with more powerful senses can only feel their eyes sway.

The battlefield sincerely moved forward like this, searching little by little, and found his goal. The female ninja named Yueyong, the leader of Baihua.

A blonde female ninja wearing a black modified kimono and holding a cigarette stick. No matter how many times I watched it, I couldn't help feeling that this guy is so great, I couldn't help turning her into his own thing.

"Should I go out and talk to her directly, or continue to observe in secret?" Sincere thought for a while, and then decided to choose the latter.

She was not on duty, but acting in the mansion of Night King Fengxian. It doesn't look like walking around randomly, but with sufficient purpose.

"So, what does she want to do? It always feels like there will be big discoveries." Sincerely thought.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 36 Can't Feel Anymore

Although Yueyong, who is a female ninja, is already very vigilant, she is still no more sincere than the original battlefield.

Ten meters away is too far away, and within five meters there is a possibility of being discovered. Sincerely, just like that, within ten to five meters of Yueyong, followed her carefully. In this way, I walked to the door of the room, knocked on the door and didn't wait for an answer, so I pushed in.

"Speaking of which, according to the location and standards, this room should be Yewang Fengxian's wife and concubine, or the place where his family lives? Could it be said that Yue Yong is not only his confidant, but also his...that? That's not the case. Alright."

There is some discomfort in my sincerity. But still didn't say anything. Silently followed her and walked in.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

There is already a woman in the room. Although she is considered a beautiful woman by normal standards, she is a little older and is not the type she really likes, so there is no problem at all.

This should be her room.

In other words, this guy should be the woman of the Night King Fengxian? Probably so.

"You are here, Yue Yong." After seeing Yue Yong, the woman smiled happily. It seems that the two people have known each other for a while, and the relationship looks pretty good.

"Yeah." Yue Yong nodded, then walked in and closed the door casually. Although it was well hidden, the fleeting worries and intolerance were still captured in good faith.

It seems that their relationship is not just a "good" level.

Then, there was a series of girl talks. Regarding the recent period of time, food and other things are trivial things that are trivial, and I sincerely want to doze off.

But then, more important information appeared.

"What? This, absolutely not." The woman was surprised to say to Yue Yong-of course, before, sincerely heard Yue Yong say her name, called the Sun Wheel.

One is the sun and the other is the moon. I don't know if there is any symbolic meaning in it. While thinking so sincerely, listen to this guy.

"However, this may be the last opportunity, and it may also be the best opportunity." Yue Yong was a little anxious: "Recently, the Night King Fengxian is about to go to war with the newly emerging underworld organization. That person's strength, even Feng Xian is definitely not an opponent. When they fight, they are likely to threaten you!"

"Even so, I can't run away." The woman called the sun wheel smiled and shook her head: "You know the reason, Yueyong."

"Yes, but—"

"——Thank you very much for telling me these things." She continued to smile and shook her head: "However, let's leave quickly. If he finds out, things will be troublesome."

"..." Hearing what she said, the blonde female ninja paused, and then said unwillingly: "I will think of another way."

——At this moment, applause rang out.


Before Yue Yong spoke, her words came first.

However, it is useless and meaningless. Sincerely, catch all the suffering without falling, and then put it on the ground without making a sound:

"It's really a deep relationship between sisters. So, is it the Lily relationship or something else? Want to escape while I and Yewang Fengxian are at war? Although it sounds touching, it's not in my interest, let alone The important thing is..."


After seeing sincerity, the blonde female ninja looked terribly horrified: "Zhanchangyuan, sincere..."

What she saw was a man who was more oppressive and terrifying than Yewang Fengxian, who suddenly appeared outside of her bearing range, and did not give her any time for psychological preparation.

"Well, that's right, it's me." Sincerely nodded: "It's impossible to just meet yesterday, so forget me today?"

"——What are you doing sneaking into here?!" The blonde female ninja took out two handles again.

Although the combat effectiveness of both sides is not at the same level, she still wants to give it a try. No, not "try it" but have to stop in front of sincerity, because behind her is the person she has to guard.

"Take it easy." Sincerely said, "Do I look so bad? Or, you can't even beat the night king and Fengxian. Do you want to try and fight me? You are still discussing how to escape, now you Is it too late to talk about loyalty?"

She did not answer, but continued to look at each other sincerely. After that, looking at a sincere smile and a very sincere look in her eyes, she replaced the kunai in her hand.

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you here to kill the Night King Phoenix? Or, that Enoshima shield? Whatever you do has nothing to do with me, so—"

"——I will not let either of them." Sincerely interrupted her: "However, this time I did come for you, Yue Yong."



In this way, after ten minutes of conversation, sincerely turned and left. Yue Yong, who had just been under too much pressure, began to gasp.

"Well, it's okay, Yueyong?" Behind her, Sun Wheel asked worriedly.

"No--" When she wanted to comfort her, Yue Yong turned around subconsciously, but suddenly fell to the ground. It turned out that her legs had weakened just now, and there was no way to support her to stand.

A small deal was concluded. The sincere mood is somewhat pleasant. Seeing that the time is still early, he wants to go to Blade again. But after a second thought, it was better to give up.

Unlike this "loyal" Yueyong, the man named Enoshima Blade is mentally distorted and loves his sister more than anything in the world. Even the original sincerity of the battlefield can't compare to her.

"I have another chance." Sincerely thought, "The most important thing now is to get my mother back. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to do anything."

Throw the rat avoidance device.

The current situation of the original sincere battlefield is like this.

If she attacked Enoshima Dunko, she would use her backhand and hurt her mother's life.

"So, first of all, it is the Night King Fengxian." Sincerely thought: "If the Night King Fengxian is defeated, then Enoshima Dunko will definitely act. This is probably an opportunity. Of course, other than that...

It was at this time that the huge explosion brought the sincerity back from the imagination to the real world.


"Intruder! There is an intruder!!" A large number of Baihua members shouted loudly and rushed towards the gate.

"...?" Battlefield Yuanzheng was a little strange. Then, he saw a fool.

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