Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 362

But since O'Neill said so, it's not impossible to change your title-just use a super high school scum. What do you think of O'Neill? "

"--Of course it's not good!" Zhanchangyuan sincerely yelled without hesitation: "Neither the scumbag nor the playboy can! Even if it is said, at least it must be a little commendatory. For example, what is love? of."

"Does this make a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference!" Sincerely continued to protest: "Even if it is the Peak of Hope Academy, it is impossible to find a playboy or something to enter the school?! Even if that kind of guy is cultivated, there is no way to cultivate talents, right? !"

"It's correct to say that...Well, it's not unreasonable for Ernie Chan to say that. In that case, a super high school lover, right?"

Finally, the handwriting appeared in the fuzzy place on the sincere admission notice: "Super college-level love saint."

Seeing this kind of handwriting, he was somewhat relieved sincerely-but subconsciously, he felt that he might be fooled again.

That kind of tactics.

When letting a person accept their proposal. Don't make a proposal directly. Instead, he proposed something that was super excessive and the other party could never accept it. After the other party protested loudly, after difficult negotiations, he reluctantly retreated. Throw out your real proposal. In this way, the other party will think that they are taking advantage and then happily accept it.

"However, it shouldn't matter. After all, it's just a code name." Sincerely thought so.

"Oh, of course, there is another thing." She happily said to Sincere: "Sincere O'Neill must behave the same as above-I mean this title, and sincere O'Neill must be regarded as a super university The level of love saint's side is thoroughly expressed. If it is not like that, then the Peak of Hope Academy will question the talent of O'Neill.

If O'Neill's performance is too bad, then the Peak of Hope Academy will withdraw O'Neill's title of "Super High-Class Love Saint". Let Ernie Chan retreat to the preparatory subject.

Even if this is the case, some special events may be opened, and the mission world can continue. But in the end, there are few options. Sincerely, think about it carefully. "


With a soft snort, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely tossed his hair. Under the inexplicable flashing special effects, I don't know where a rose was transformed.

"Then, dear lady, can I invite you to dinner?"


Zhen Zi was silent for two seconds. Then could not help shouting:

"——Oni-chan what are you doing?! Super disgusting!"

"——You call me disgusting?! Obviously you asked me to do this!"

"——Where did I ask you to do this?! I want you to become a super high school-level lover, not a super high school-level disgusting person!"

"——Where is the disgusting person?! Are you obviously handsome? Ninety-nine percent of the girls will be flattered and fainted by the kind of handsome!"

"——Even handsome is disgusting and handsome. Absolutely, absolutely disgusting!"


That was when the two former brothers and sisters had a big quarrel on the battlefield. "Touched" all of a sudden. I don't know how I hit someone.

Well, in other words, I was hit by someone.

A cute girl with her head down on the game console temporarily shifted her gaze away from the game console screen, and raised her head to look sincerely.

"Oh, sorry." After saying this, she turned around and walked around sincerely. Still staring at the game console carefully. The speed of pressing the keys with both hands is simply dazzling. Perhaps the title of this guy is not necessarily a game player of super college level.

"In other words, the mission has already begun."

"Uh, uh. It's getting started."

After that, sincere and Zhenzi stopped arguing.

"Then act quickly, O'Neill, let all the girls in the world understand your charm. Or simply throw away the title of super high school-level love saint and become a hot chicken in preparatory classes. The result is all yours. Don’t let me down in your grasp."

After saying this, the original purple on the battlefield disappeared.

"Really..." Sincerely complained in my heart.

In all fairness, this "game method" sincerely dislikes it.

After all, he is a very responsible person. If it's just because of the way of the game or something, you have to take the initiative to tease your sister, and then abandon irresponsible words after teasing your sister, and you can't get through sincerely.

"Therefore, the scale must be well grasped. It is best to maintain the level of friends. Don't fall in love, and don't show up with friends. Lovers are not full of this kind of painful situation. Hmm, just use this as the premise to have fun. Let’s start campus life."

I sincerely think so in my heart-the previous mission world has already explained.

Sincerely want to spend a year of life here. No missions will be started this year. In the second stage, when the timeline of the task is opened, the performance of sincerity during the year will be added as one of the influencing factors.

In other words, there is no such thing as a school life in a peaceful one-year period. It feels reassuring to think about it.

Sincerely couldn't help showing a happy smile. Then he walked two steps quickly and patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Huh?" The cute and petite girl looked at sincerely with a confused look.

She has short brown hair and a well-proportioned figure. Although she has a little bit of thought on her chest, she is undoubtedly a beautiful girl.

Wearing the school uniforms of Hope Peak High School, short skirts, and a cute kitty backpack, plus the black silk over the knees adds a lot of charm to her.

Pure and lovely girl.

As a love saint at the super high school level, start with her and make a good relationship with this girl!

Think so sincerely.

"The battlefield was sincere, the first-year students who entered the school this year." Sincerely and generously self-reported.

"...Oh, oh." The other party nodded, and recovered a little, his expression was not so confused: "Qianhai Qianqiu."

The sound is also very nice.

"The same freshmen who just enrolled this year. Super college-level gamers."

When he said that, he looked a little shy and timid. It is easy to arouse others' desire for protection.

"That's it. Then, we will be classmates next." Sincerely said to her: "Is it going to report now?"


Maybe it's not so accustomed to being sincere to speak actively. The other party put on a cat-shaped hood, covering his eyes.

"Then let's go together." Sincerely said: "In the next three years, please take care of me, Qihai-student-and, don't play games when you are walking. It's easy to get into trouble. ."

"Ah, um." Qi Hai Qianqiu nodded, looking a little reluctant. I don't know if it is the reluctance to walk with sincerity, or the reluctance to not play games.

"At this time, it would be great if I had also played some games... The problem is that I am not very familiar with these things." I thought so sincerely.

If there is no way to provoke the topic, it would be bad. If you have some topics that have a good weather today. Seeing this girl's introverted look, she shouldn't like it too much, but it doesn't seem very good to just say nothing.

?Chapter 5 The world is different in people's eyes

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