Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 382

As if embarrassed.

——If someone who is familiar with sincerity sees this scene, he will definitely be unable to help but spit out: "What are you pretending to be a pure bastard!?" Then throw everything you can kill with your greatest strength.

It's just a pity that there are no such good people here now. So I can only let my sincere self play.



"Slightly, say something a little bit?"


"Don't you think this is embarrassing?"


"Aren't you very good at talking just now? Let's find a little topic now, you are a boy!"

"Even if you say so..."

"--and so--"

Just before Koizumi wanted to get angry, a car suddenly passed by——

"Be careful--"

It was natural to protect Koizumi Mahiru behind him, and then he was splashed with water.

"Ah, this..."

Although there was a lot of noisy before, Mazu-san is also a girl after all. The body moves faster than thinking--

"It's okay, this—"

She took out a handkerchief and wanted to wipe her body clean, but for a body of sewage, a handkerchief was too insignificant and could not help. Koizumi gave up soon, and seemed at a loss and embarrassed.

"It's nothing, just take a shower and change your clothes after you go back." She smiled sincerely and comforted her and said: "Private colleges have this advantage, 24-hour hot water supply. In addition to school uniforms It’s also very handsome..."


Mr. Koizumi lowered his head, said twice, and then walked forward in silence for a while, then whispered, using a voice that was just right to hear clearly, "I'm sorry, sincere classmate..."

"So, Mahiru has no reason to apologize." With a sincere smile, he said, "Ah. Ah. Speaking of which, I should apologize to you. For the matter of the quarrel just now--"

"——Could it be that you said that because I am a girl?!"

Mr. Koizumi seemed a little excited when he said that sincerely.

——Because it is a girl — I shouldn’t quarrel with a girl — I quarreled, it was my fault.

If he apologizes purely from the perspective of morality and demeanor, Mr. Koizumi will not only be unhappy, but will also feel unhappy. Because this is equivalent to a sincere acquiescence. In fact, he thinks that way. In fact, he thinks painting is better than photography.

"No." Sincerely shook his head: "In fact, of course I know that photography is also a kind of art, and art is not superior or inferior. Whether it is Yangchun Baixue or the lower Liba people, they are all forms of art. The so-called roads lead to Rome. , Or the same goal in different ways. Any means of expression to the extreme, can give people a beautiful shock."

"Then, then... why did you say that just now?" Koizumi's voice softened a lot. Even a little embarrassed.

"It's because I thought of what happened before." Zhanchangyuan said in a sincere voice: "Before this, I once painted for a queen..."

"Huh? Queen?"

"Ah, it's okay to say that she is a woman with high authority." Sincerely explained immediately: "I looked at her at the time, but I thought of another person unconsciously."

"Another person?"

"...Her sister." The sincere tone was a little bit...sigh.

"She is one of my best friends. At that time, I was invited to her home as a guest, but for some reason, she went to recuperate in other places. It was her sister who really received me.

Then, I drew a picture for her, and then..."


"Even though I was looking at my sister, I couldn't help thinking of my sister who was more familiar with me. Because I was a friend, I was a little worried about her, so... It's like the oil painting painted just now. I also processed the portrait of that sister a little bit... Then, she was like another model, although she was drawn according to her, the final drawing was her sister."

"And then, what happened?"

The sincere story of the battlefield made Koizumi Mahiro very interested, and he wanted to know what happened next.

"Next... because the two sisters are twins, so my sister doesn't know this at all... Although there is a slight difference, she ignores it. Maybe it's because the painting itself is somewhat different from me. "Sincerely sighed a little: "She saved the portrait like a baby. Then, her sister returned home, I was very happy. Then..."

Speaking of this, I sincerely smiled bitterly: "Then a little bit, how should I put it... Because of that painting, no, not just because of that painting. Because before then, their sisters themselves had different problems. Less conflict. But that is indeed one of the incentives...their sisters turned against each other.

Although I tried very hard to persuade me, I couldn't help it. Once a crack occurs, even if it is filled, it will leave traces. It will not disappear anyway. "

Having said that, sincerely stop. Looking at Maki Koizumi on the sidewalk next to the highway leading to the city:

"Paintings will change due to changes in people's hearts, and even cause disasters. When you pick up the paintbrush, you must be responsible for the creation of the work. You must take it seriously and inject a beautiful soul into the work. Because of this, I understand this reason."

"It is for this reason that, sincerely you will be angry because of what I said before...?"

"Yes...but I'm not angry anymore. As a cameraman, Mahiru also has his own position. You also expect to express good wishes through your own photos, right?"

"Well, yes, I do think so!" Koizumi nodded seriously: "Although it is not very good to say that-although some people think that the cameraman should be shooting real... But I am only selective The shooting. Compared to those suffering photos, I prefer to take shots of everyone laughing together."

"That's it."

Because the sky had begun to clear, the battlefield sincerely put away the umbrella.

"We seem to have something in common."

"...Um... Then, then..." Koizumi was a little embarrassed, but also a little curious: "Finally, how about the two sisters?"

"..." Zhanchangyuan smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Yes, that's it..." I don't know what Koizumi Mahiro understood.

She lowered her head subconsciously, not wanting to see Zhanchangyuan - but at this time, sincerity stopped her.

"Look up and look over."


Raising her head and looking at the sincere Koizumi Mayaki, she was a little surprised-because she saw that sincere took out the phone and pointed it at herself.


Shutter sound.

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