Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 612

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Update... There may be only one update today = = = = = = =, it will be made up tomorrow, don’t worry

Chapter 86 The Last Peace Before the War

In this way, the pair of pretty and lovely sisters went to work happily—everything seemed so harmonious.

It's as if they are born to be hungry and cold, and they are born to live very hard.

This feeling is as natural as Sir Isaac Newton's three laws.

Ah, ah. Is it a bad year?

The era of the bubble economy. Even in a place like Japan, which is known as a developed country, there are poor children who can’t get enough to eat.

However, seeing how cute they look, they should have been the eldest ladies of wealthy people before. It's okay to be in such a difficult situation.

Magicians and surrogates are usually not people who like to sigh with emotion or deal with such mundane matters.

However, it is rare to see such lovely sisters, magicians and surrogates who usually don't feel much about the world of ordinary people, and it is also rare to express such emotions.

Of course, emotion is just emotion.

They didn't mean to help them.

Whether it is helping them to work, paying off debts, or giving them money, introducing jobs, or whatever.

If it is other times, they may still be a little leisurely. But now, they are full of thoughts, and they are all attracted by what happened in Winterwood Town, and they have no time to take care of them.

What happened here.

Moreover, who actually made these things.

These substitutes and magicians, of course, are not so stupid to think that this incident is a coincidence, and of course they are not dereliction of duty or lazy enough to think that the matter is over, then everyone can pack up and go home.

——If you say that, then the colleagues who explored Winterwood Town before and then died are all dead in vain.

However, there is no way.

For the surrogates, the relationship between the church and the church is of course the local church priest and the monitor of the Holy Grail War.

The relationship between magicians is naturally the local guardian.

Tosaka Tokichen, and Yanmine Rimasa-the latter has died, and his son is now in the basement of the Tosaka family as the successor. Not at all disgusted with the glare next to him. Calmly watched the flash bombs of the original sincere group of people on the battlefield.

Then, it is the mansion of Tosaka Toshimi...

His home has disappeared—perhaps, this is the only abnormality in the peaceful Winterwood Town.

This also made Mr. Toshimi's ugly expression even more ugly.

After being unable to find the person they were looking for for the first time, the substitutes and magicians were not surprised.

In other words, they think this is normal.

At the beginning of the abnormal situation, the first person to be aware of the abnormality and the first contact with the abnormality should of course be the first to hang up.

They only approached them just in case. More thoughts in my heart, or when they are dead.

And when the easiest way to understand the truth was not found, these guys began to aimlessly, headless flies everywhere.

Whether it is a magician or a substitute, they are all guys who think they are amazing. It doesn't matter if there is no clue or evidence. All in all, there are a large group of nuisances in Winterwood Town.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter.

Both Battlefield Yuancheng and Teacher Skaha discovered them, but it didn't matter. As long as these guys don't get in the way.

After that, it was Mr. Kirishu.

After the town of Fuyuki fell into a false peace, the sincere party replied with Kirishu Eomiya.

After hearing that he had missed a tragic decisive battle, Mr. Kirishu looked very surprised-in fact, when he answered the phone, he thought the battle hadn't started yet.

"I drove around the city for a long time, but found nothing. When I went to the Tosaka's house, I found that the Tosaka's house had completely disappeared, and I couldn't contact you." Mr. Kiritsu said like this——

"In other words, the teacher did replace Dongmu Town in another space." Sincerely thoughtful: "And it was late at night, and Dongmu Town was not a big city, so most residents of Dongmu Town didn't even have it. I feel something has happened here...but...As one of the participants in the Holy Grail War, is Mr. Kirishu not even qualified to participate? Hmm...

Thinking like this in my heart, sincereness seems to understand Teacher Scarha's standards.

Of course, this matter can never be said.

Then, I would like to remind Mr. Keiji that he should arrange all the technical workers to purchase, and wait for the sincerity to be lucky. Although there are many sincere girls here, most of them are The heroic spirit who snapped up and couldn't make up for the devil.

But... if you haven't had a sincere sex before, you can do it once. Because this can enhance the basic attributes of sincerity.

The problem is that they are sincerely afraid that they will eat the meat and know the taste. If you do it once, you have to do it a second time, and then there will be a third time...In this way, there is nothing else to do on the battlefield, only sex...

Thinking about it, I find it troublesome...Of course, it's not that sex is bad, but that the situation is critical now, and the war is about to begin. This is not the time to indulge in beauty.

But then again, if they can get magic power, who cares about those big sisters who have skills.

This is the sincere sorrow and problem of the battlefield, which cannot be relieved.

In this way, after everyone swayed sincerely and asked him to make an idea, what should be done next, but sincerity means not to say. There is no way for everyone. I can't stay in this basement all the time... However, I can't stay here.

"Spirit Vessel Node" said sincerely: "Today, my magic enchantment with Teacher Skaha still uses underground spirit Vessel node.

In other words, if the spirit vein node is unguarded and destroyed by the opponent, the battle will be lost.

Of course, if conversely, attacking the opponent's spiritual vein node when someone is guarding, it is equivalent to giving the opponent food. "

"In this way, won't the two sides stand in a stalemate?" Ms. Altria was a little anxious when she said that sincerely: "This way, it will be endless."

"No, there is still a way to end it."

Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly: "In other words, there are not only these two spiritual vein nodes in Winterwood Town."

"If anyone can occupy the new spiritual vein node, then who can expand the influence of their own enchantment. Then, can they win?" The Queen on the other side asked with some uncertainty.

"Well, yes, that's it." Zhanchang Yuanzheng is quite confident: "Just like this, you can win!"

"So, at present, the best spiritual vein node is-shall we go home?!" Beside, Mrs. Ellie immediately thought of the spiritual vein node closest to herself-that is, the Einzbern family residence:

"Well, indeed... My original plan was indeed to renovate my house first and then support the barrier, but the plan cannot keep up with the change." Sincerely and calmly said, "More importantly, Einzbey The Lun’s mansion is too far from the city to take care of it. In addition, although there are not many, I have arranged a lot of defensive barriers in the mansion. Even if it is Teacher Scarha, it is impossible to completely Regardless of my arrangement.

Fighting with us there, the teacher was born at a loss. So she will definitely look for other spiritual vein nodes. "

"Next, where else is the spiritual vein node?"

"Liudong Temple." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly: "I'm afraid, there will be the final battle place."

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