Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 617

In fact, Sister Kwai enjoys this kind of thing very much, so there is no need to tell these two young girls.


Sincerity seems very lonely: "You should know, my true identity is from the heroic spirit, which means that after this Holy Grail war, I will leave here."

"Ah!" Sakura exclaimed when she heard that sincerely, and then she covered her mouth. Looks very surprised. Looking at the sincere eyes, it seems reluctant--

"Hmph, let's go if you leave. What does it matter?" On the other side, Rin was still very proud. But unfortunately, her expression deeply betrayed her.

It can be seen that the two young girls are reluctant to be sincere.

"Such as if..."

After this, sincere was a little surprised that the first person to speak was not Rin, but Kozakura—

"If..., I, I would, like a mother..." She blushed and said, "As long as, as long as..."

Of course, Sakura didn't say what it was "if" or "as long as".

Even if she doesn't say it, she can understand her meaning sincerely.

"Sakura, what are you talking about?!" Next to him, Rin was shocked-her sister is always timid, as if she is very courageous and easily arouses people's desire for protection or something. Unexpectedly, in this case, she was so bold.

"I, I just... a little bit..."

Sakura blushed and wanted to lower her head when she was watched by her sister with that gaze, but she lifted her head up soon, and said to Rin, "Needless to say, sister, this, this is all my decision. And, besides, speaking of it, sincere brother is also my teacher, so, so it doesn't matter!"

Such a defense made Rin wonder what to say for a while.

Ah, ah. Young girl. The young girl is so nice. Although there are a few snack machines, but not many, clumsily imitating the appearance of an adult, people just think it is cute.

Think about the Rin of the original world, and then look at this young girl now, and sincerely understand why it is so troublesome to grow up.

Sure enough, this young girl is much cuter now.

um, yes.

"Yes, damn..."

Kozakura's attitude made Rin very upset and at a loss - if it was a sincere compulsion, it would be easy to say, she just had to pose as an older sister and protect her lovely sister.

However, this is Sakura's initiative, and it seems that in addition to being very determined, he is even very happy (?).

Although Young Girl Rin thinks this is wrong, she doesn't know how to stop it or what to say...

"Yes, damn!"

Therefore, Rin didn't talk to Sakura at all, and stared straight and said sincerely, "I don't allow you to bully Sakura! If, if you have to..., just come at me!!!"


The battlefield was sincere and speechless for a while.

The child's duplicity is too much. He has even exceeded the limit of Tsundere, and has developed in the direction of a scheming bitch-this guy.

"What's the look in your eyes?!"

Seeing sincerity did not answer, instead looking at herself with that kind of eyes, Lin suddenly became dissatisfied, and protested loudly to sincerity in this way--that way, it developed in the direction of the little devil in the sincere impression.

Sincerity even has an illusion, can it be said that the final Rin will become the legendary little red devil because of himself?

In that case, he is really sinful.

"Sister, what are you talking about?!"

Listening to Rin's words, her sister Sakura didn't feel happy or moved, of course, but became super unhappy. A feeling of "My sister is a bad person, she wants to grab something I like with me" spontaneously.

"Obviously it should be me---sister, you actually don't want to help me, but you like Wright?" Kozakura was anxious and told the truth.

"Wh, what-I don't think so at all. Sakura what are you talking about?!"

Hearing what his sister said, Lin blushed and felt very shy. However, still bite the bullet and argue like this.

Seeing that, the young girl was about to quarrel.

So, with a sincere smile on one side, he hugged them in his arms. Then one kissed.

"Brother Wright~"

"What are you doing, you guy..."

One is very happy, and the other is always upset about the conversion, which is actually very happy. In the end, neither Sakura nor Rin had the intention of fighting.

"In other words, that kind of thing is a little bit early for you." Sincerely said to them: "Wait for the next time. If there is another one, we will do it again."


Hearing this sincerely, the two young girls were relieved at the same time, but also a little lost. And then.

"Just use this instead."

After speaking, sincerely let go of one, then kissed the other, and then the other...

Unlike the previous one, this time there was a body fluid exchange and a deep kiss with a magic effect.

Author's message:

Updated...orz, ask for a monthly pass. If anyone has...

Chapter 90 The Decisive Battle Begins

"The next thing, wait until you grow up to do it~"

After saying this, he sincerely released the two young girls. Another person, one by one, gave a golden apple.

The source of magic power is of course the two young girls themselves.

Then, the blushing Sister Tosaka lowered her head, was attracted, and stopped talking.

When they came back to their senses again, Battlefield Yuanzheng had already left. Both the young girl and the young girl were stunned, and then... they looked at each other with weird eyes.

The sense of competition between sisters was born at this time.


After half an hour.

"That is to say, Liudong Temple." Zhanchangyuan pointed to the place on the map sincerely: "Japanese monks have Japanese characteristics. They can marry wives and have children, and then pass on the temple as an industry to future generations. Think about it. It is also a very profitable thing...If I can, I also want to pass the Holy Grail to my descendants..."

Sincerely muttering like this, following his words, the expressions of the girls around him were different. It seems that the "offspring" sincerely said is the same as her.

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