Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 624

Since the spiritual vein node is not enough, it must be the idea of Liudong Temple.

However, if they meet at Liudong Temple, the two sides don't need the help of the Great Enchantment...Whoever can win this victory will win the entire Holy Grail War.

"In other words, do you still have to fight in the end?" Sincerely muttered while rubbing the hair of Sister Serra and Sister Liz.

At the same time, Teacher Scarha turned around without hesitation, left Gilgamesh and his group behind him, and walked towards Liudong Temple.

Behind her, the two heroic riders and assassin were severely injured and unconscious. Tosaka Tokimin still fell in a pool of blood. Gilgamesh, Yanfeng Qili, and the six guides Lingxia lost control of their bodies, like sculptures.

No one can stop Skarha.

Although now, two people can solve the problem in a direct battle.

However, Skaha still decided to set up a magic circle to communicate the spiritual vein nodes.

She needs to hurry up. Can't wait any longer.

The waist injury is almost uncontrollable until now, and it is slowly getting worse.

She must use this method to force the battlefield to come here sincerely and start a decisive battle with her.

Author's message:

Update, this volume is coming to an end

Chapter 94 The Final Battle with Skaha

Just as Skaha thought, after Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely complained, he broke free from the arms of the two young ladies without hesitation. Under their reluctant gaze, they stepped onto the battlefield without hesitation.

This is the first time. For the first time since the beginning of the Holy Grail War, the battlefield was sincerely prepared to face Skaha.

There is no plan, no other conspiracy.

Although the magic power is sufficient, it is not enough to replicate the previous golden apple feast. In the Liudong Temple, the spiritual vein node, the original sincerity of the battlefield cannot use the enchantment features of the perfect world.

In other words,

"The odds are not high."

Beside Sincere, who opened its magic wings and flew fast forward, followed by the battlefield Zhenzi, which is useless but chattering endlessly:

"Ah, ah. It's not impossible to end the mission at this time, Odoudou. Although the pass evaluation will be lowered. But it is better than being caught and used as a beep extractor and then raised in captivity?

The battlefield was sincere and still did not speak.

"Ah, ah... my stupid Odoudou... you actually like her, right?"

Zhanchang Yuanzheng still didn't speak, and he didn't know if he didn't want to talk to this guy or he didn't hear him at all.

Or in other words.


Although it may be a bit late to say that--however, however, the battlefield is sincere and true, with a heart as a soldier. Longing, he was actually longing to fight his teacher.

That's Skaha. Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows. A powerful female warrior who taught herself spear, swordsmanship, and rune magic.

Just think about it, if you can fight her, how much satisfaction your heart will be as a soldier!

at the same time. Skaha has already begun to arrange the magic circle.

"Wright Baldwin. Come back, um, yes, I will definitely come..." And Mr. Keiji squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, looking desperate.

"It's all over. Everything, everything... it's all over.

After trying almost all the methods, but still unable to escape from the Kingdom of Shadows, Eimiya Kirito gave up hope.

Similarly, there is Altria who feels that he should give up hope.

Although it was unbelievable, even though she felt "this is too absurd", she could still feel the feeling of blood connection when facing the girl who looked like her.

She did not lie. I really missed this memory.

In other words, the guy who gets along with him day and night, Battlefield Hara is truly his lover. It is the one who speaks loudly and is willing to forgive.

Thinking of this, Altria felt like laughing.

"Do you lose your memory? This old stalk can also be sold."

Opposite, Mordred seemed very disdainful.

"But it doesn't matter."

"Because everything is about to end."

Saying this, she raised the sword in her hand: "Then, goodbye, my father."

Then fall.


at the same time. The battlefield was in front of the original sincerely.

"You finally came, my student."

Wearing a golden crown decorated with gold chains and veils, it looks more gorgeous than usual. This is the sincere teacher of the battlefield, the unique Skaha in the world.

"Ah, yeah, I'm here." Zhanchangyuan shrugged his shoulders sincerely and relaxedly: "Although...but whatever. We don't have much to say now, right, teacher."

"I'll ask you one last sentence." Skaha ignored him, and still said to herself: "Really refuse to follow me back to the Kingdom of Shadows?" Her tone was a little shaken, even vaguely pleading.

"No." Zhanchangyuan answered sincerely without hesitation.

"The brainwashing and teaching for you is just a casual talk, I never really thought of doing that." Scarha's attitude was softer than before—she was scared. Yes, I am really scared. To this day, when Yuanzheng really stood opposite her on the battlefield, Skarha realized how scared she was to lose him.

Not only the body, but also the mind.

The lovesickness of thousands of years has penetrated into the bone marrow, making Skaha unable to extricate himself.

"I know." The original sincere attitude of the battlefield remained unchanged, still flat.

"Even if... you are sorry for me, I will close one eye. Just don't let me know.

This is easy for you, Wright. "

"Well, it's really simple. But I still don't want to do that."


"—Enough is enough."

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