Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 626

At the very beginning, Battlefield Yuanzheng still had enough energy to treat himself, and his liquid protective suit could also repair itself.

However, up to now, the original sincerity of the battlefield can no longer care about this.

The armor pieces are scattered, and flesh and blood fly.

Thighs, calves, flanks, and even the face. The battlefield originally carried dozens of wounds. The whole person seemed to be stained with blood.

"Teacher, I am disfigured!"

He smiled savagely-when Skaha hit his nose again, he heard a cracking sound of "Kara", and his nose bone must have been broken, needless to say.

"Don't worry, even if your face is ruined, I will support you forever!"

"--What's a joke? Can you afford it, old woman?!" With all his strength, Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely threw his small sword out--

The flaming Kodachi perfectly blends the swordsmanship of sword repair and the tantric flame sword. It can be called the second chapter of the original sincere battlefield——

Although the use of the dark attribute Kodachi as a carrier is somewhat inconsistent, sincerity can no longer take care of that much.

As a result, the hit—Skaha did not dodge, nor did he block. Kodachi pierced Skaha's shoulder directly, and then made a "sizzling" sound, and then a burnt smell came out - however.


Seeing his own trick hits, but Battlefield Hara is sincere but doesn't feel happy-just because of the opponent's attack, he can no longer dodge.

In the next move, Skaha stabs the original sincere ankle of the battlefield-under her control, the hard barrel of the piercing gun of death is twisted and deflected abruptly-


Battlefield Yuanzheng’s left foot could not support his body. He lost his balance and fell to the ground—then he was pushed up by Skaha, his left hand was pressed on his shoulder, his legs and knees were pressed on his thigh—in sincerity only The movable right arm was raised. Before the Guanri Sword pierced her throat, the piercing Death Xiang's spear had come first, nailing his right hand to the ground, and then the gun barrel turned, with a "tear" sound, Sincere half of the hand is bloody.

Take a big breath, take a big breath. After calming down like this, Skaha showed the winner's smile.

"Wright, you lost."

Although paid a lot of price. But it's worth it. After all, I won.

The battlefield was sincere and silent.


at the same time.

"Why—why, why, why?! Why is this happening?!"

In front of Mordred, there was Altria who looked more like a berserker than her.

She was attacking Mordred desperately. At the same time the other party responded, a happy smile appeared on his face like revenge.

Just now, she successfully awakened Altria's memory.

I thought about it, I remembered everything.

All the things I did in the past.

Then, of course, Altria went crazy.

"Knight King?!"

"The embodiment of chivalry?!"

"Britain's Chosen King?!"

"Jokes, all jokes! You are a tyrant, a crazy tyrant who will snatch his son's lover! This is the essence of you, Altria!"

As Mordred shouted, Altria was degenerating at a very fast speed. Her body exudes an ominous black atmosphere, and her expression also looks increasingly terrifying. His eyes gradually turned golden, and red magic lines appeared on his face.

The king of Britain with dragon attributes. The descendants of the red dragon.

Compared with the so-called king of knights, perhaps this image of Altria is more in line with her own identity and symbol, brutality, greed, and strong possessiveness. At the same time, she has strong sex and desire-everything and everything The dragon blood flowing in the body is closely related.

The tyrant symbolizing the red dragon indeed fits the title of Altria more than the so-called knight king-that is to say.

"It's a war between two monsters, father!"

Mordred yelled excitedly: "A war for their favorite treasure-there is no so-called chivalry, no shame or moral restraint. That's it, it's that simple!"

The big sword swung fiercely met the opposite sword - and then, Mordred was blown away by the sudden increase in terrorist power.

After hitting dozens of shadow warriors into the air, Mordred got up-although she had desperately stabilized her body halfway, and plunged her sword into the ground to stop, it still didn't help. The sword marks on the ground are seven meters long.

"Very, very good!"

Before she wanted to wipe away the blood from the corners of her mouth, a more violent attack came--

After the "boom", Mordred's entire body was smashed into the ground for half an inch by Altria-even though he wanted to swallow it, Mordred still vomited blood.


She struggled desperately, reaching out and grabbing the hilt of the big sword beside her.

Then, Altria stepped on her feet in greaves boots.

"Cracking", he crushed the bones of Mordred's right hand.

The severe pain made Mordred convulse all over-but more pain came from within.

Regret it, a little bit.

Regret for letting his father become like this.

Regret of being beaten and abused by my father.

Also, the regret of not being able to overcome her.

"Wright, Wright..."

She allowed Altria to ride on her, and then drew the dagger from the iron boots—usually, it was on the battlefield to eliminate the weapons that could not move the enemy.

"That's it, it's over..."

Seeing her raising the dagger, Mordred closed his eyes.


After a while, the feeling that should have come did not appear. Instead, it feels like water drops on the face.

"...Is it raining?"

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