Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 634

Chapter 2 Nobody wants this kind of thing to happen

"Ah! Ah!"

A certain ruined building on the battlefield that was sincerely visited. It seems to be the abandoned building of the cram school called Reikaojuku-of course this is not important-Battlefield Hara sincerely threw his sister Yuehuo to the ground.

Then she saw her with her hands on her chest, and then looked at the battlefield with a look like a beast, and at the same time yelled.

"What's your name?" Sincerity seemed helpless.

"Of course it is, of course it is--" Sister Yuehuo blushed: "Bring me to this kind of place, it really wants to blow me off, right, sincerely?!"

"..." The battlefield was sincere and speechless for a while.

"Ah, ah. I knew I knew..." Sister Yuehuo looked disappointed. It's better to say that I have enlightenment-because the changes that occurred during the previous flight and the kimono are really troublesome. So for a while, sister Yuehuo looked very erotic.

I don't know when the shoes fell, they are barefoot now. The hem of the kimono is also lifted a lot. Exposed white calves. At the same time, the neckline of the upper body was also loosened, exposing large pieces of milk.

It looked like the princess of the Warring States Period who was about to be lucky enough by a certain beast.

However, I don't know if I didn't notice this, or didn't care at all. Sister Yuehuo didn't mean to cover up at all. Instead, she rubbed her legs back and forth, and her body twisted and twisted, looking like she was tempting to commit a crime.

"I knew that there was a reason why O'Neill ran away from home." She said calmly, "Sure enough, I was so cute because of Moonfire, so O'Neill couldn't stand it. So O'Neill left, right Right?"

"Um..." The battlefield was sincere and still didn't know what to say.

"On weekdays, I watched me wearing a seductive criminal kimono, dangling bare feet at home, and occasionally bathing with Oni-chan. So the'beep' desire in Oni-chan's heart is increasing day by day. Every time I don't want to push herself down Sister.

However. Sure enough, O'Neill is still a good person..."

Yuehuo said very happy. And it’s very fluent. She didn’t know that she had rehearsed this passage several times--

"Well, in this way, O'Neill will overthrow me in a brutal manner, and then even if she is reluctant, she has to go back with Yuehuo and become my beep slave, hehehe~"

Sister Yuehuo thought happily, and then went on to say: "——In order to prevent myself from doing things that are inferior to animals, so——Hey! O'Neill! Where are you going?!"

Only halfway through the conversation, Yuehuo saw Sincerity turned and left, and had gone a long way.

"Where shall I find a bucket, and then pour you up!" Zhanchang Yuancheng said without looking back.

"Stupid! Abnormal! Lolicon! Inferior sex and madness!"

So Yuehuo yelled behind him...

"So what are you going to do?" Sincerely turned around helplessly, watching all kinds of awkwardness, and still looking around, as if to catch something and throw one's own moonfire.

"..." So Sister Yuehuo lowered her head and stopped talking.

Sure enough, this idiot didn't know what to do.

Although it is known as a chaotic poisoner. But it turned out to be just for fun. Really encountering things show the nature of the fool.

"So, it's impossible for me to go back." So she approached Sister Yuehuo sincerely and said as she walked.

"..." Yuehuo whispered: "I'll make up a hatchet to remove the Oni sauce, then chop it into stuffing and make dumplings for Huo Lian to eat..."

"...What terrible things my sister is thinking about." Sincerely he held her forehead with her hand: "I have found a new place to live. Don't worry about it in the future, Master Yuehuo."

"Which shameless bitch..." The murderous intent flashed on Sister Yuehuo's face.

"It's not what you think." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and helplessly: "It's very healthy, very healthy. I live in the teacher's home now."

"Oh...Teacher..." Sister Yuehuo thoughtfully, then she looked sincerely nervously: "It's the kind of person who can't get married at an age, is in a very good shape and wears black stockings, thinking about it every day. Teachers who have sex with strong male students, right?!"


Only a little bit, Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "How did you know?!" This sentence came.

"No, just a very ordinary male teacher."

"--That's even more unhealthy!"

"—The unhealthy thing is your head, idiot! What on earth are you thinking?!"

Sincerely knocked on the head of Yuehuo. And Yuehuo also squatted down without speaking, clutching his head.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this way, this fool has nothing to say.

Although he was not reconciled, but the incident had reached this point, even Moonfire could no longer make trouble unreasonably.

"Then, then... Isn't O'Neill really going back?"

Seeing Bingjiao doesn't work. Seduction and sincerity are not fooled. Yuehuo immediately put on another pitiful expression. As if about to cry soon--

But I'm sorry, I'm sorry sister. The battlefield in front of you, Yuanzheng, has already experienced many battles. I won't be swayed by a biological sister who is cute, white, and able to snap off anytime, anywhere.

"Yes, I really can't go back." said sincerely and coldly.

In the following, although still very lost, Yuehuo still reluctantly accepted the sincere remarks, and was again sincerely taken away from the ruined building and returned to the street.

"It doesn't matter, we will still meet frequently in the future, in the office, which is the building of the Committee of Discipline." Sincerely comforted her.

But the effect does not seem to be very good.

After hearing this sincerely, Yuehuo seemed to become even more unhappy.

It seems to be sensitive to that place.

This makes sincerity very strange.

Apart from having sex with myself, there are more girls, there are more girls. It seems that it's about to become outside of your own harem asylum, it's not a big deal, right?

Why is Moonfire upset?

"Well, it doesn't matter how this kind of thing is." Sincerely thought very relaxed.

After finally dismissing the ill sister Yuehuo, there was an indescribable sense of accomplishment in my sincere heart.

Although with Yuehuo's intelligence network, this incident will definitely be a mess in the end. But let's think of that time again. What we have to do now is to pass this level.

"I'll talk about the following things later. At least she can be quiet enough to know that Xiao Jing is living with me."

Having said that, I haven't seen Xiao Jing for a while, and when I heard Yue Huo say so in detail, it suddenly seemed to be sincere.

Although in Xiaojing's view, sincerity was just going out for a while. But in fact, sincere has already sex with several big sisters over there.


Thinking like this in my heart, I sincerely changed the direction. After calling a taxi, he drove to his largest base, which is the Flower Street in Yoshiwara.

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