Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 659

"Slightly tired."

"Well, so is Heizi..."

When I spoke, the sun was already westward. The other three girls who watched the reality show all afternoon with their notebooks could not help but yawn, feeling their eyes astringent.

So early in the spring, she gave the eye drops she had prepared to Mikoto and Laizi. And to sell them this kind of goods that are very useful for their own use.

Although the other two girls both said that they didn't look at the computer often and didn't need this so they didn't succeed.

By the way, in the early spring, you will be able to change your job to a spectacle girl, right?

And it's the kind of spectacle girl whose power is getting bigger and bigger, and she can't see anything when she takes off her glasses.

"It's almost..."

Feeling very tired, Zuo Tian Leizi yawned again: "I almost know that Heizi is dating sincere seniors..."

"Ah... Yeah." Yawning seemed to be contagious. Mikoto also yawned, and then said, "I've seen enough. I always think it's not good to peek into other people's privacy like this..."

It sounds like it was like someone else was watching the live broadcast for four hours before.

"Eh, wait, this picture seems very familiar...?" Tears looked at the cold drink shop that sincerely walked over with Heizi in the live broadcast, and said—while speaking, the doorbell of the store rang. This was followed by a question from the waiter: "We welcome two guests."

And sincerely: "Just here, Kuroko~"

And Kuroko's: "Well~Sincere Senior~"

Misaka and the three: "Hey!!!"

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 16 Real men dare to face the dripping blood


With a bang, Saten Leizi's eyes were quick, and he closed the laptop-this made Misaka Mikoto and Chuharu Shiji a sigh of relief, but it was not without side effects.

The side effect is that, arm in arm, the two people with sincere and painful ribs looked over.

The five looked at each other, and everyone felt embarrassed.

In the next second, Sunspot moved at the same speed as teleportation... well, it was actually teleportation-out of the original sincerity of the battlefield. The two people are separated by one meter. If there is demand, it can probably be increased.

"Oh, clam...what a coincidence, my sister..."

If it was in any of the previous situations, and suddenly saw Mikoto or something on the street, Kuroko had probably rushed forward without hesitation, beeping around.

It's just different this time. This time Sunspot felt guilty for no reason.

It's like the feeling of suddenly meeting the original partner when shopping with a lover. My natural legs are soft--

Of course, this is just Heizi thinking so alone.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, haha."



Several people just smiled awkwardly. While several girls smiled embarrassingly, Zhanchang Yuanzhen frowned and felt something was wrong.

(That feeling has disappeared. Could it be that the other party finally retreated when he saw that it was impossible to take advantage of it?)

In fact, sincere does not mean to discuss this topic with Heizi. It's just that the spirits were linked together before, and there were more dialogues on the spiritual level, so I just said one more sentence from the lower consciousness.

To tell the truth, the battlefield with superior intelligence, how can he not degenerate to the point where he needs to ask Kuroko if he has a problem.

Of course, I know this sincerely, but Heizi doesn't know it.

(Now that kind of thing is fine! The key is how to explain to your sister?!)

Zhanchangyuan took a deep and sincere breath, and then pretended to say hello to the three girls: "Yo, Mikoto, and tears... Oh, the early spring is here..."

Because Chuchun is green and still dizzy, collapsed on the seat, so sincerely did not see her the first time.

Early spring decorated with Lee: "..."

In an instant, this girl felt the strong malice from the world. At the same time, he once again strengthened his determination to become stronger.

In the brain environment of early spring, there has been a scene of Shirai Kuroko with his feet covered with scars, holding Battlefield Hara in his arms, Misaka Mikoto and Saten Mikoko clapping and spreading flowers beside her.

"Yes, Heizi...Although we have always been friends, but...sure enough, thanks to your care... Next, we are enemies, hehehehehehehe..."

Chuchun classmates let out a disturbing sneer--

If it is in normal times, such a sneer will definitely attract the attention of many people. But now everyone has more important things to do, and I will ignore the Chuchun students for now.

(Calm down, don't be afraid. At the moment just now, the other party probably couldn't judge our state.) Sincerely comforted the sunspot like this:

(So we can just pretend that there is nothing like that now! Well, yes!)

(But, but... we are together...)

(To be honest, I met occasionally on the street. As your boss, I feel that you work hard, so I want to treat you to a cold drink.)


(What's wrong, is it inappropriate?)

(No, I just think you are very calm, boss. And I came up with a solution all at once...)

If it weren’t for someone else next to him, Heizi really wanted to look at sincerity with a skeptical look—

(Do you have—) Well, this is a taboo, so I won't say it here.

Sincere and Kuroko, they just pretended to sit beside Misaka Mikoto and the others. Ordering while talking about the ha ha ha. By the way, I also sincerely treated Misaka Mikoto and the others.

I heard that someone can treat someone. The atmosphere is a little more active. Until the early spring said weakly: "I want a cup of black coffee, because my mood is black."

"Ah ha ha……"

Knowing the same thing about Chuchun's original feelings for the battlefield, Leizi and Mikoto laughed in embarrassment.

——Your love triangle is so special, just engage in your love triangle. What about our family and friends caught in the middle. Do you want to join in, do you earn me?

Talk while eating.

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