Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 664

"Are you sure this really works? Is it really okay?"

The little fool frowned and looked sincere.

"Well, yes, absolutely no problem." Nodding sincerely:

"Pretend to be in love with me. Make your lily color lighter-after all, Mikoto is a straight girl. So if you pursue her directly, there is no chance of success.

Therefore, being by her side as an ordinary girlfriend will have more opportunities for intimate contact. "

"Well... it makes sense. The question is, can I defeat my sister?"

"Of" Sincerely shook his finger: "So I will be used here."


Heizi is even more vigilant-in other words, this Lily has always been so vigilant when facing sincerity: "Do you want to attack your sister, and then fly with us?"

Battlefield: "..."

"Well... this is also a way, but... as a last resort option." Heizi muttered softly.

Of course, since sincerity and Heizi are only "acquaintances", in order to have sex with my dear sister, I am willing to fly with sincerity. Heizi's morality is evident...


However, is this really the case?

With the mystery blush that appeared on Heizi's face as a guarantee, I sincerely promised that this little idiot did not mean nothing to himself.

Er er er, it is this is the case, make persistent efforts to make persistent efforts -

"It's not like this—" said sincerely and earnestly: "In this respect, I'm more disciplined. I won't be like this or that with plural girls. Because that makes people feel shy, Kuroko, don't you think so? "


Heizi stretched the tone, his sincere expression was full of distrust.

"So, my plan is like this." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely: "Pretend to be in love-and then break up-you pretend to be very depressed after the breakup. Your sister must be very worried about you.

In this way, you can act coquettishly with her—even if you are grinding a mirror, there is a certain success rate—because you have been dumped and you are heartbroken. You can't get my love, if your sister doesn't sacrifice herself to grind the mirror with you, you will commit suicide-um, um. That's it, that's it. Look, in this way, you will attack her. "

"Are you a tactic of defrauding sympathy with the help of broken love..."

Baijing Kuroko thoughtfully. Then nodded: "It seems to make sense..."

"Yeah, that's it." Sincerely showed a happy smile: "So I won't lie to you, Kuroko. Just do what I said, you can get happiness, and then you can immigrate to any gay and marry A legalized country. Congratulations in advance, Kuroko. As your boss or something."

"Well, hehehe... only, there is no such thing, hehehehehe..."

Although there was nothing to say, the smile on Heizi's face couldn't stop.

So, this guy is really cheating. Think so sincerely. Just make up any reason or anything, and this guy can be subdued.

Just kidding, hehehehe, how could that fellow Mikoto polish the mirror with you because you are pitiful?

At most, it's about kissing you or something.

Well, even if she gets a brain pump that day, and she really rubs the mirror with you, it's nothing. It is absolutely impossible for her to marry you in a country where gay marriage is legalized.

Okay, well, just in case...


Then I can only congratulate you two lovers for finally getting married.

But is this impossible?

Absolutely, absolutely impossible, right?


"Hahahahaha..." ×2.

After the appointment, I sincerely laughed happily with Heizi. Then, the energetic Heizi ran to sign in quickly, and then happily went to the street to beat the bad-I mean to perform the task.

With the continuous development and development of the school city. The class division in the school city has become more and more serious.

The allowance is distributed according to the ability level, and various subsidies are given.

Lv5 like Sincere can be allocated to ultra-luxury villas, and the monthly allowance can also be soft-of course, the premise is to cooperate with the inspection and research of scientific research institutions-otherwise, you can only get the ordinary basic allowance That's it.

It looks like a sunspot. Obviously she is a very good person with spatial ability, but because she doesn't want to be studied like a guinea pig, her allowance has never been much—

By the way, by the way, because of the special nature of the academy city, it is very difficult to communicate with others. In other words, the same is true for parents who want to send money to their children.

This is why Heizihui cares so much about the work of this discipline committee, and is not afraid to bargain with sincerity on various issues.

I don't know how expensive chai rice is if you are not in charge.

That's it. Even those with a high level of ability like Heizi have to fight crime every day and work hard for life. It is conceivable how hard it is for the low-powered or incapable people who were hit by the sunspots to live.

Poor people have short ambitions, and there is no money to live. Without ability, there is no way of ascending in this academy city where ability is everything, and even the meaning of existence... In this way, the dual stimulation of mental and material will naturally lead to the emergence of a large number of crimes.

On the college council, Sophia Nishinomiya, as a sincere spokesperson (part-time asshole...or chief?), once asked questions about these incidents. I hope that the academy city can improve the lives of the low and the incapable. The establishment of general schools, and the expansion of exchange activities between the school city and the outside world, etc.

But of course, her proposal was rejected by the other board members.

It's different from the director of the Jinzhimiya family who at any rate pays attention to social issues. Almost all directors of the Gakuen City General Council voted against it.

Because they are not politicians or politicians who need to please the people. Their identity is the insatiable capitalist.

For them, Academy City is like a chicken that can lay golden eggs. In all, the industrial value created here can be compared to some small and medium-sized countries. And the influence and added value brought by its high-tech technology far exceed these benefits on paper.

Under this circumstance, academy city will of course be coveted.

Commercial spies, political spies, etc. They are either to steal the scientific research results of the Academy City, or to steal the scientific research works of the Academy City. Or want everything.

All in all, in this case, the Academy City can't wait to guard the entire city heavily, block it up, and completely refrain from interacting with the outside world to preserve their wealth. How could it be possible for Academy City to expand its contacts with the outside world?

It's really unreasonable to make trouble.

As for the incompetent, the degenerate incompetent and the incompetent, they have no value to themselves. No need to worry about those guys. It doesn't matter, just let them fend for themselves.

It doesn't matter what their parents want to question. With the connections, channels and strength of these people in the Academy City Council. It's a bit too much to say that it's a hand covering the sky, but it's definitely feasible to call the wind and rain.

In this case, suppressing some noise is easy.

Under such high-pressure policies, under the calm waters of the academy city, the dregs are constantly accumulating, accumulating and increasing. The increasing crime rate is a matter of course.

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