Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 669

The time between the last mission world and the source world was not very long. So sincerely, there is not much time to spoil her.

The little angel of Seven Seas still...

It's only been snapped four times.

This is the time of rape and passion. Of course, it's more enjoyable.

"--So it's decided, then--"

After making a sincere decision, preparing to move to Qi Hai Qianqiu's room, playing games with her for a while, playing games for a while or something—before—the sound of the phone rang.

"Hey..." Sincerity seemed a little impatient. At the same time, I was thinking that if it was a harassing phone call from a housing agency this time, then their company must go bankrupt next.

Then there is.

"Battlefield is sincere, right?"

A voice that sounded hoarse came over.

Although it is unscientific to judge a person's good or bad whether by appearance or by sound. However, this voice still made the battlefield feel very uncomfortable.

If calculated by level, even if the owner of the voice is not the boss behind the scenes, the final boss level is at least a relatively powerful mid-boss.

"Speaking of which, some time ago, there was something wrong with my family. You have experienced some bad things. I apologize for that. For the time being."

The attitude of the other party was vaguely arrogant.

Although it is "sorry for the time being", but sincere, it means nothing to be sorry.

"The Kihara family? It's really lingering."

Sincerely paused, and then said with some dissatisfaction: "So, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean...? It's just the most ordinary cooperation. Our Kihara family is quite sincere." The other party's voice still sounded unkind. Sincerely couldn't help thinking that this guy was provoking.

So, the last time I sent a big sister who was barely a beautiful woman to talk and talk, she was frightened back by a sincere meal.

This one came back, a guy who didn't sound like a good person, yin and yang said this and that strangely... everyone in the Kihara family has problems with their heads, right?

Thinking of this, Battlefield Yuanzheng was already a little impatient.


"——5% of all business shares of our Kihara family."


After that, what the other party said made Battlefield Yuanzheng unable to react for a while.

"what did you say?"

"Yes, our Kihara family, all enterprises and industries, whether it is the traditional real economy, finance, or science and technology industry in the school city. We will give you 5% of the shares." The voice of the other party It still means the evil villain boss. However, this time, listening to this sincerely didn't feel bad or uncomfortable.

"You are joking?"

"I never make a joke." The other party continued to say calmly: "As long as you agree to cooperate with us in the research. Then no matter what the final research results are, we will give you 5% of the shares-as long as you agree, then we will first Two percent will be paid. Three percent will be given after the matter is completed. The Kihara family will form an alliance with the Kinnomiya family and the Committee of Discipline. How about, what are the conditions?"

"Indeed, very good. It's even amazing."

After a brief astonishment, the battlefield genuinely calmed down: "The question is, is what you said is true? Can you be the master?"

"Of course." The other party said confidently: "Don't look at me like this, but I still have a bit of status in Kihara. This kind of thing can be done for granted."

"Is that so?" Zhanchangyuan was sincere and noncommittal. Then he didn't speak any more.

"So, what is your choice, former classmate on the battlefield." The other party's tone became a little impatient.

"Choose...? Huh...Since you have paid such a high price. Then, I am not unacceptable-but I have one condition."

"Conditions? What conditions?"

"I need the researchers who belong to me to join the research all the time." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely and calmly.

Author's message:

Update! The last day! ! Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

Chapter 23: Am I raising you for sex?

Shut down.

Of course.

The guy named Kihara Shuduo agreed to his sincere request.

"Although he is a bad personality, unpleasant guy. But his attitude is good. More importantly, this guy is willing to bet." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart sincerely.

"However, there is probably one more thing besides that. For the lunatics of the Kihara family, money is something outside of them—"

Although I have heard of it more than once before. But this is the first time I have experienced it personally.

The Kihara family. It should be said that it is a strange family with mental illness in the whole clan. These guys don't care about worldliness, morals, enjoyment, money status or anything.

It can be said to be a pure scientific researcher.

They want to satisfy their endless curiosity and satisfy their endless desire for scientific research-this is also the reason why these guys did not hesitate to come over after the establishment of the Academy City.

"In other words, in their eyes, my research value is so strong?"

Being sincere is a little surprised. At the same time, he was a little wary.

Although the source world is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, all kinds of terrifying bosses who destroy the world are not without... However. My own strength, it seems, maybe, maybe... also has the ability to destroy the world?

Although the specifications of various ghost animals like Destroy Source World are not good for the outside world. But if it is an ordinary world without mysterious power, it shouldn't be too difficult for the current self.

what. what. Each takes what it needs, each takes what it needs. Then there is no problem-no, there is still a problem. The problem is that the guy who is studying himself together--

If there is no one of my own watching, who knows what dangerous scientific research lunatics will do to their bodies.

Therefore, you must have someone you trust to participate in the research.

And the person's technical level must be excellent.

In other words.

"Oh, you want me to cooperate with the Kihara family... right?"

Standing in front of the original sincere battlefield is the only scientific researcher who can be regarded as his own.

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