Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 671

Although smiling. It didn't mean to laugh at all.

Besides, unexpectedly refused to be sincere--

This surprised sincerity.

"This, this is still the early spring of hard work and no complaints?!" Zhanchang Yuanzheng opened his eyes wide, and then took two steps backwards!

Really-you are really depraved, early spring as Lee! Obviously you can do whatever I told you to do! Obviously, even if there is no overtime pay, you can work overtime until two o'clock in the morning. Obviously, in order to save money, you can reduce the salary of a technician, and you can work part-time for two people. Obviously everyone is on holiday and the building is empty. Only you will be the only one who will work hard. Obviously, obviously--

"Ah, ah. The early spring before it was so cute, so obedient, so sensible..."

Zhanchangyuan was sincere. Looking at the garland headdress who was smiling at him, the level of horror in his heart remained high, no less than seeing the girl Bilibili changing her safety pants. Or Sunspot's thinking becomes sound and serious.

That's it. Seeing the sincere and surprised appearance of Zhanyuan Yuan, Chuchun Shili felt a sense of revenge at first.

But then, this kind-hearted child began to feel uneasy again--

what. Sincerely, seniors won't really have anything to do with me?

I'm so self-willed, will I delay the senior's work?

Will this leave a bad impression on seniors?

That's it, considerate-or can be called timid. Zhanchang Yuanzheng didn't say anything, but Chuchun convinced himself.

She gave up the next sentence that was even more exaggerated as quickly as possible: "Doesn't the sincere seniors trust Heizi very much? Just leave this task to Heizi!"

Then prepare to serve soft——

"What will the sincere senior do...Huh?"

But before that, she looked left and right, only to find that sincerity had disappeared.

——Difficult, is it because you can't stand the attitude of Chuchun, so you left angrily? !

Thinking of this, Chuchun Shili couldn't help but drop Orz.

"Sincere senior... must be very unhappy now... if you are unhappy... must have gone to classmate Heizi?

Then said this to Heizi. Then in the early spring, I would be hated by classmates Heizi, and then sincere seniors resonated with Heizi. Then the relationship heats up, and then holds both hands together, then kisses, and then snaps-ah ah ah ah..."

The good boy turned red when he thought of this in early spring. Then, Orz fell to the ground again, unable to get up.

"Sure enough... I am not the opponent of classmate Heizi now." She clenched her fist tightly: "Strength! I need strength to speak! The power to defeat classmate Heizi!!!"

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 24 The Blond Girl

All in all, things are not as they thought in the early spring. In fact, the opposite was true-sincerity did not feel she hated it. But began to reflect.

"Am I doing too much?" He muttered sincerely as if asking and answering.

Is it too much to abuse Chuchun's human resources in this way and make the child angry?


"It's really too much, my master speaks."

The one who answered sincerely was another blonde girl. Hara Shinobu is raised here as a pet sincerely.

I don't know why-it's probably because of satisfying the original and evil taste of the battlefield. This child has always maintained the posture of a young girl, and disappeared back then, when she was a beautiful princess, the demeanor of all beings that was upside down——

Of course, even if Kise Xiute becomes the battlefield Haranin and the beautiful princess becomes a young girl, it is still very attractive.

"Ah. Ah."

The young girl spoke in a young girl’s voice that did not look like the young girl: "I often see it. In the dead of night, the early spring sister is still working overtime. And more than once. Because the master you gave her a cup of coffee or something, it is very Excited, very hard.

I am really scared. If that sister Chuchun died suddenly, I would find it very troublesome. "

"...Why do you find it bothersome?" asked sincerely and somewhat strangely.

"Because I will take a little bit of her blood when she is not paying attention." Shinobu said of course, "Of course this is no way. Because usually when I wake up, most of my sisters will respond. Home, only Chuchun sister is still here. Who else can I drink without her?


"——You said just now that she is very pitiful!"

"I think she is pitiful, is there any contradiction with me secretly drinking her blood?" Xiao Renzheng said: "So speaking of mouth, besides drinking too much and making it easy to sleep, this sister Chuchun's blood is quite good to me Your appetite."

While rubbing her head sincerely, she said like this: "So, my main fang~ I want to be fat and white from the early spring sister. Otherwise, I won't find my rations."

"Ah. Ah ...... ah." Casually responded with sincere, but somewhat disagree.

Raised white and fat...

At home, it should be the responsibility of parents. It should be her boyfriend's responsibility to be outside. No matter which item it is, it has nothing to do with me.

"Speaking of which. I thought Master you already knew about this."

Xiao Ren was happily rubbing his hair while eating the donuts he bought sincerely. Say so.

"...?" Sincerely, I didn't understand.

"Because that early spring sister is still a virgin."

Shinobu continued to say plausibly: "A weak, lovely girl who asks and asks for you from the master... Until now, she is still a virgin... Isn't it just for me to drink?"

Shinobu feels very good about herself: "But then again, Master, you don't need to be too accommodating to me. I don't have to drink the blood of a virgin like those vampires with abnormal nerves. I'm not a unicorn...except Besides, I still prefer your master’s blood to the blood of my sister Chuchun~ the taste~ ah~"

Just thinking about it, Xiao Ren showed an expression close to Ah Heiyan. Not even my favorite doughnut.

Well. But this is also normal. For Xiao Ren, the current blood of the original sincere battlefield is simply the best aphrodisiac-the true essence and magic power contained in it, and a little bit can make the saint, or the monk of LV6 level, show a black face. Not to mention Shinobu, a vampire who is very sensitive to blood.

"Hehe, hehehehehe~"

After delusion for a while, Xiao Ren let out a silly laughter, and then kept leaning in his sincere arms, rubbing and rubbing. It looks like "I want I want~".

As a result, sincerity knocked his head.

"Don't think about these messy things." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely——

For Xiao Ren, his blood is not only the best aphrodisiac, but also a great tonic. If it is taken for a long time, it can improve Xiao Ren's aptitude and strength.

However, if you drink too much at a time, you may die from dehydration and cramps.

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