Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 681

When I really arrived at the scene, I saw a mess——

In addition to the latest explosion-proof police vehicles equipped by the guards, there are also many ambulances from the hospital area.

They provide medical services to the unfortunate ones who were injured in the previous storm.

"Then I'll go first, you pay attention."

After arriving at the place, Xiao Jing had to leave and return to the team.

She gave a sincere look with a worried look, then turned and left. And after getting out of the car sincerely, in the early spring with an anxious look, Flanda, a blond young girl with a nonchalant look, also ran over.

"Really, sincere classmate—ah, no, sir, sir, that—"

"——Yu Chuan, why is she not there?" He sincerely interrupted Chuchun’s stuttering words, and then asked—it stands to reason that, as the de facto executive vice chairman of the Commissioner of Discipline, it should be Yu Chuan who came out to introduce himself now. The situation.

"Still on the way, haven't you come?"

In fact, on the road, sincere has already called once, but failed to get through.

"Yes, we also contacted Yu Chuan, but we don't know why we can't get in touch-Heizi is looking for her now."

"Well, so..."

Nodded sincerely, and while moving forward, walked towards the door of the abandoned factory surrounded by more than a dozen explosion-proof police cars, and said, "I want to introduce you."


In early spring, I still can't say it out——

"After the forcible attack was ineffective, the security officer was prepared to negotiate with them... but it was not successful-their number was between fifty and seventy, with sufficient ammunition. There were about twenty hostages."

On the other side, the blond girl with a nonchalant face answered the sincere questions well.

"What are they trying to do and why on earth?"

After asking the next question sincerely, a woman wearing a full-cover explosion-proof police uniform appeared on the other side—this was the teacher Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui who had not seen each other for a while.

She looked a little tired, and a little helpless: "The other party claims to be a desperate sect, and their purpose is to make Academy City hand over their leader..."


"……you know?"

Looking at the battlefield that blurted out, Teacher Huang Quanchuan's eyes became a little strange.

"Well, I know a little bit."

Denial at this time is not a good idea. Sincerely, he proactively admitted: "That guy's brain is not normal." He clicked on his temple: "But... the shield guy has become an idiot now. It's no use for them."

"Who knows." Teacher Huang Quanchuan shook his head: "The other party is like a fanatic who believes in a cult. It is completely impossible to communicate with words."

At the same time, it was like verifying the words of Teacher Huang Quanchuan. There was a sudden noise of automatic weapons from the factory opposite. Then there is a voice that sounds abnormal:

"Ah! Ah! Lord Shield! Where is Lord Shield?! Where did you hide Lord Shield?! Hurry up and call her out!"

"——Your shield-sama is now receiving treatment in the best hospital in Academy City! She is doing well, much better than you!!"

Teacher Huang Quanchuan yelled at them a little angrily—then there was a shot—the other party shot in the direction of Teacher Huang Quanchuan without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom—"

Most of the shots were hit on police cars equipped with explosion-proof steel plates. A small part of the shots were bounced off with sincere thoughts - of course, even if they did not bounce off, they probably would not be able to break through the riot shield raised by Teacher Huang Quanchuan and the explosion-proof suit on her.

"You talk nonsense!!!" On the other side was the voice that sounded completely neurotic: "Master Dunzi is a god! It's Kami! How could it be in such a place! Hand over Master Dunzi! Ah ah ah ah Ah!!! Otherwise—"

On the opposite side, the guy who seemed to have a distorted face grabbed a hostage and pointed it at her with a still-hot muzzle: "Otherwise, I will kill them all! Kill them all!!!!!! "

"Really..." Teacher Huang Quanchuan looked even more helpless.

Although I really want to continue to spit, and hurt that idiot. But in order not to irritate him, to prevent him from hurting the hostages. So she didn't say anything this time.

"That's the situation now." She looked sincere, and then said: "Of course we can't give him classmate Dunzi...but...we have nothing to"

She looked at Zhanchangyuan with some expectation, but her tone became even more helpless: "I also know that it is a very bad behavior to give this kind of responsibility to a child. But... sincerely, you have a way, right? "


Battlefield was thinking sincerely.

Except for "The bastard of Shield, he is still lingering in this field..." In addition to such complaints, Zhan Tian Yuan is still thinking quickly--

In this case, the best tactic is naturally a person with spatial ability-with a person with great ability like Heizi as the assault soldier, directly sticking to the face when the opponent has no time to react-

The problem is, Kuroko is not here now... I said I went to find Yuchuan, but where is Yuchuan? If Yuchuan can come, she will probably have an idea, right?

It is different from Saya Gooseong, who simply has a strong ability to do things and average problem-solving skills. Yu Chuan is simply an omnipotent person. The issue is……

"Sure enough, let's attack." Answered sincerely and calmly.

"Eh, but, that—"

Before Teacher Huang Quanchuan wanted to say something, sincere had already turned and left.

"Well, I know a plan can solve everything in an instant~"

By sincerely, the blond girl said triumphantly.

"Then talk about it."

Although I don’t think the young girl can say anything, but sincerely asks like this——

"Hmm...If my suggestion is adopted, will I be awarded a bonus?"

"Usually they are given the title of advanced worker and—"

"I mean bonus, bonus."

"There is also a chance to have lunch with me."


The sincere words made the blond young girl stunned for a while, and then fell into a battle between heaven and man——

"But I still want the bonus-that is, we can use a lot of explosives. Then'boom' ~ all of a sudden -"

"——The opinion is rejected."

"Eh eh eh eh eh?!"

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