Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 888

"It's okay to want anything, just tell me, I'll buy you~"

"……May I?"

The young girl does not seem to be as recorded in some books. Because she is the emperor, she has no concepts of currency and business transactions.

After all, it is a modern society now, and it is a modern society anyway. So the white-haired girl still understands a little bit----

For example, money is a good thing, and it is difficult to move without money. Ordinary people, no, it should be said that most people see money very seriously. So many people will do some very bad things for money.

Therefore, when Zhanyuanyuan sincerely smiled and nodded without hesitation, and said: "Yes, no problem~", the young girl was very excited, happy, and even somewhat moved. At the same time, it also showed the talent of girls.

That means shopping desire.

Although on the surface they are only young girls, the performance of the white-haired young girls is by no means inferior to the average women in this regard-soon, Battlefield Yuanzheng hangs a lot of various packaging bags on his body. Clothes, candies, snacks and all kinds of toys—

"Speaking of which, where are these things going to...?"

However, after shopping like this, the white-haired girl began to hesitate again.

Although she looks like a young girl, she is actually twelve years old. So have enough IQ to think--

First of all, it is absolutely impossible to return to the palace. In this way, someone will find that she ran out to play. It will be very troublesome then.

"Just send it to the embassy first~" said with a sincere smile, "then I will give it to you in the name of a gift, so it will be fine~"

"Ah? Huh!" The beautiful girl smiled happily when she heard that sincerely said: "Wright, you are so smart~" She said this, showing sincerity in admiration.

Sure enough, no matter when it is, the young girl will make people feel happy to say such words——

In this way, after the shopping activity is over, they sincerely pack all these shopping products and send them to the embassy——

After receiving a call from General Wright Baldwin, the embassy staff was a little surprised and strange.

The battlefield originally said, what is the gift to the emperor in purchasing? Do this at night? Is the brain broken?

Of course, even if you think so, you can't say it. Your Excellency has an order, but they can't ask too much. As a result, the things were sent back, and the battlefield was sincere and relieved——

Although physical strength is not bad. However, with so many things, hanging like a Christmas tree, it still feels a lot of pressure.

"Then, next..."

The young girl was very excited and wanted to do something more. However, it was not too early to see the sky, and he rejected her.

"No, it's late now."


"If you don't sleep anymore, you won't be able to get up tomorrow."

"Even so..."

"It's okay, I will take you out to play tomorrow night, it's okay~"

After receiving such a sincere promise, the young girl showed a very happy smile: "Hmm~" she agreed, and she was sincerely hugged by the princess, and she passed various buildings at a super fast speed. Sent back to Zhu Forbidden City.

"Wright, are you leaving?"

The young girl looked a little bit reluctant.

"It's okay, I can see you tomorrow."


That said, but the young girl was still a little depressed-until she bent down sincerely, and under her somewhat surprised gaze, she gently kissed her forehead.

Generally speaking, such a kiss can only be regarded as a dear kiss from the elder to the younger. However, the young girl blushed very shyly.

"Then, see you tomorrow."

After saying this, the battlefield turned around and left--


"Uh, are you out again?"

After returning to the embassy, what the battlefield saw sincerely was Schneizer's somewhat tired face.

In a sense, it really embarrassed this guy. On the one hand, it is necessary to negotiate and fight for benefits with those bastards—that is, the eunuchs and so on—in fact, it is not only the eunuchs. Because the Chinese Federation has a lot of government officials, after a period of time, he is likely to fly to the various quarters to negotiate with them.

Among these feudal envoys, perhaps some are inclined to cooperate with the empire, but more tend to be enemies of the empire.

Although with Schneizer's identity, coupled with the gentleness of modern diplomacy, the safety of this guy's life can basically be guaranteed. But suffering or something, I can't say I have to eat some.

In addition, this guy has to pay for his previous decision-that is to bring the battlefield here, and then happily watch him soak up a young girl who absolutely can't soak. So torment the spirit.

"Yes, if there is no problem, I will go to bed, Schnezer~"

The sincere mood is very good, so I didn't mean to care too much with Schneizel. After saying hello, he turned around and was ready to go to bed.

Looking at the back of the battlefield, Schneizel sighed again-this time not only to review his own decision this time, but also to review his entire strategy: "Like a guy like the battlefield sincere, who does his own way. Is it really suitable to be the prime minister of the empire?

Although talent, experience, experience and prestige are enough, but this guy's own way of doing things, will he put the empire into an awkward abyss? "

Thinking of this, Schneizer felt very disturbed. At the same time, he decided to postpone his next plan.

He needs to continue to observe the battlefield, continue to observe the behavior of this guy. Then decide whether to recommend him to be the next prime minister of the empire.

"Don't let me down, Wright."

Looking at the back of Battlefield Hara, Schneizer muttered to himself like this.

then. Next. There was also someone like Schneizel, who felt disheartened by what Battlefield had done sincerely-that is, Li Xingke, that shirtless brother.

After singled out with Zhanchangyuan sincerely-or after being sincerely beaten by Zhanchangyuan, because Zhanchangyuan's "hands are merciless", this guy did not die.

Also because of the cruelty of Battlefield Hara, there was something wrong with this guy's "that" aspect. All in all, just don't lift it.

No idea. Sincerity is also very helpless-although sincerity is sure to make the young girl fall in love with herself, and then happily forget that there is a guy named Li Xingke or something. However, the combat effectiveness of the young girl is slightly lower. If once in a while, Li Xingke had a beastly animal, wouldn't he be green?

Battlefield Yuan, who has a lot of NTR experience, naturally had to plan ahead. He had already beaten Li Xingke's waist earlier, and was happy and relieved—presumably, those eunuchs would also be happy to welcome the newcomers.

Well, well, that's it.

The battlefield is sincere, and I really feel happy thinking about it.


There are various bandages on his body-there are also on his head, and then there is a cotton bag on his face. Although I don't know, but soon I can go to the little brother Li Xingke, who has been in love with the eunuchs, and is the first after his reinstatement This happened in the day.

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