Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 890

In this way, Bretania does not have to worry. When fighting the EU, the Chinese Federation will stabbed a knife in the back.

Thinking of the hard work of the past few years, the fruit finally came to fruition, and Schneizel finally showed a gratified smile. The dissatisfaction and worries caused by the original mess on the battlefield were also offset a lot at this moment.

Then it is. Thinking of the end of this matter, the battlefield would say goodbye to him sincerely, and Schneider was somewhat reluctant. Of course, I breathed a sigh of relief more: "This bastard is finally gone. Phew, I will be able to relax a bit in the future, hahahahahahahahaha..."

Even in a city like Schnezer, after understanding this, he still couldn't help but want to laugh.

Then it is. When the battlefield knew this matter sincerely.

"Oh, it's almost time to negotiate terms with the eunuchs, and then you can go back happily...Is that so?" Zhanchangyuan said sincerely.

"Well, yes, how?"


Whatever it is, of course it is a bit regretful and uncomfortable—according to the original strategy of the battlefield, it is clear that a few more times, the white-haired young girl can be happily taken to the Express Hotel to teach her some adult games. But I didn't expect such a thing to happen, it was just ha ha da.

"Okay, okay. I know this matter is a little uncomfortable. But you should also be considerate of our difficulties." Schneizer looked at such a battlefield, and could only persuade with all his heart: "Anyway, the other party They are all the emperor of the Chinese Federation. If anything is done, it is an incredible diplomatic event, Wright."

"Okay, okay, I'm not really ignorant of this kind of thing." Zhanchangyuan sincerely waved his hand casually: "In fact, I'm already prepared.

Seeing such a pleasant battlefield, Schneizer couldn't help frowning. He instinctively felt that the battlefield was sincerely prepared to do something-but he didn't know exactly what he was going to do. To make matters worse, this guy didn't know what to do to stop the battlefield.

"All in all, you can do it yourself..."

He just opened his mouth like this, and in the end he didn't say anything. Said with a sigh. Of course, such a sigh or something, completely unable to attract the attention of the battlefield, and completely unable to cause even a little regret and guilt.

That's it. In the evening, Battlefield Yuancheng once again brought the young girl out to play. And finally told the young girl that he was about to leave.


The young girl was surprised when he heard this from Battlefield, but she soon recovered and looked very lonely: "Yes... Wright is not from the Chinese Federation, indeed, she will leave..."

"Yeah." Nodding sincerely.

"Obviously, I thought..." Although understandable, the young girl still felt very sad and couldn't help crying.

"..." Sincerely, he stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms: "I don't want to leave either, but... I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay..." The young girl said sensibly: "It's not Wright's fault." She smiled and said, "Also, with the energy Wright has been with me these days, I'm very satisfied... Just, just..."

Having said that, she couldn't help crying again.

"I'm very sorry, I don't know why, I just can't help it..."

Looking at the crying young girl holding her sleeves tightly, Zhanchangyuan sighed sincerely, and then said to her: "Since this is the case, we will make another promise, Lihua."


"One day, I will set you free." Zhanchangyuan said to her vowedly: "One day, I will want you to be completely free-not so sneaky, but when do you want , Freedom to go anywhere."

"But-then, Wright, will you be by my side?"

"Well, I will be by your side." Zhanchangyuan nodded seriously: "At that time, I will always be with you."

"I believe you, Wright."

"So, are we talking?"

"Well, that's it."

This time, the young girl didn't choose to touch the battlefield. Instead, he blushed and closed his eyes, and then kissed the past - of course, Zhanchang Yuanzheng would not refuse - and kissed the young girl like this.

"Don't worry, wait patiently, Lihua. Then..."

"Well, I will wait patiently. Wright."

After this, the battlefield once again sincerely left by the moonlight. Only the young girl with white hair is left alone. Looking at the window of sincere departure there, for a long, long time...

Of course, she didn't notice one thing.

That is, a shirtless brother who occasionally feels something is wrong is at the door of her room. Of course, I heard the dialogue between Zhanchang Yuanzheng and the white-haired girl.

As long as she opens the door. You can see this guy named Li Xingke, who seems to have made some promises with her before, fell to the ground in an orz pose, looking like a defeated dog——

Of course, did they really agree on anything?

The young girl can't remember.

Author's message:

Update la la la la.

Tweeting book: "My fgo can't have a gudazi", when I crossed into the world of FGO, I thought that with the infinite spell, I could open a big harem, until I found that there was one in this world After the mysterious creature named Gudazi...

My secondary illness will be cured!

Chapter Thirty Chapter 11 Chaos

"Ah, ah. Good mood, happy mood." Zhanchangyuan was in a sincere mood very happy. Although it is said that I did not have sex with the young girl in the end, this basically means that the strategy is successful. There is only a little time left.

As for how to abduct the emperor of the Chinese Federation, and what will happen after the emperor of the Chinese Federation is abducted, these are not within the scope of the original consideration.

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. In short, there must be a solution, right?

um, yes. It must be like this.

Zhanchangyuan was sincere and happily attending the attendance meeting where the agreement of friendship was signed with Schneizel. Then happily said goodbye to Schneizel.

This guy is about to go to the southern part of the ambassador to coordinate some interests and things with those guys. On the other hand, the battlefield was sincere and wanted to return to the African Military Region to continue the plan of siege.

At the time of parting, Battlefield Yuanzheng was a little bit reluctant.

Even though this guy always has a mild bitter face, and like an old aunt, he always talks about this or not by Zhanchang Yuancheng. To make matters worse, this guy is still gay, but...well. Thinking about it this way, this guy seems to be nothing good. If you separate, just separate. You don't need to care too much. Uh yes, that's it—

however. Aside from this guy Schneizer, before the battlefield wanted to go back to report on his duties, another incident came.

There was another accident in District 11.

That name is the Black Knights, and the rebel organization that brazenly claimed to be a partner of justice once again did something shocking--

Ok. In fact, in the recent period, the Black Knights have done a lot of messy things.

Needless to say, the various regular troops that defeated the empire in guerrilla warfare can be regarded as commonplace. Occasionally attacks on important military installations or energy facilities, etc., also appear in military reports in various places.

But compared to what this group of guys did this time, the things they said before are nothing.

This group of guys attacked the acting governor General Batlle and almost killed him. What surprised Zhanchang Yuanzheng a little is that this time the opponent did not get the help of Skaha. At least on the surface, this time is a good thing the terrorists did themselves. There is not much to do with Skaha.

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