Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 898

Thinking of this, Mi Lei could hardly help but want to really do this--

Of course, just almost.

In other words, it didn't really do it.

In other words, even though he was disobedient in some things and liked to fool around, but the fundamental matter, Mire Ashford can still figure out. Offended a governor and brought disaster to his family, just because of a little dissatisfaction of his own. Thinking about this kind of thing feels terrible.

"So, Nina, have you ever thought about what would happen to you if you have to do something that makes you very uncomfortable?"

"Eh? Eh, that, that..." Of course, the spectacle girl with a very powerful surname and green hair did not know how to answer this question.

"Ah... Forget it. It's difficult for me to be strong." But immediately, Mi Lei showed a gentle smile and didn't force this guy to continue to answer. This relieved her.

"All in all, let's take one step at a time..."

Thinking of this, Mi Lei showed a smile full of vitality like before.


the next day.

Of course, she went to receive Wright Baldwin and Her Royal Highness Princess Euphemia-of course, as "not knowing these two people"-

"It's just that you just brought sunglasses and then dressed in casual clothes, so you can achieve the effect of disguising?! What a joke, bastard..."

She said, "Welcome to Ashford College~Two, as a visitor to the college, please allow me to lead the way for you~"

In the same way, Wright Baldwin desperately complained in his heart: "What's this special? My order is to provide convenience for us without a trace. Is there a problem with this girl's brain?! If this is the case, even if it's especially true Fei will also see that there is a problem, right?"


So Wright turned his head and looked over with some worry.

"Ah, um, I will trouble you~" Euphemia said with a smile.


"I didn't see the flaw at all?!"

In a sense, this is also a kind of talent?

In any case, Wright was finally relieved.

It's fine without revealing anything.

For today's "pleasant temporary tour" or something, it may be just a pleasant episode for Euphemia. Leaving the restraint of the family and being yourself, it is like a happy behavior like a Roman holiday.

But for Wright Baldwin it is not at all. Prior to this, the various internal affairs departments happily used this as an experimental base. I can't wait to dig out every inch of Ashford College. And besides that, there are still a large number of guys lurking in Ashford College today who pretend to be tourists——

In order to welcome a certain princess, Ashford College temporarily held an open house event. It's like it's being held now-and 90% of the tourists are actually happily disguised by the internal affairs department.

It's almost like this. The battlefield sincerely believes that the current Ashford College is very safe-very, very safe. I am afraid there is no safer place in the world than Ashford College.

"Well, it's time to work."

Zhanchangyuan also showed a gentle smile to the eldest daughter of the Ashford family: "My girlfriend and I are very curious about this place."

"Oh, is that so? It's an honor." Mi Lei tried to hide her unhappiness. Then he smiled and said.

After putting aside some unhappy negative feelings, there was more mutual appreciation between Zhanchangyuan and Mire Ashford.

As I said before, the world's number one Zhengtai will grow up to be the number one beautiful boy in the world. That is Wright Baldwin... Although he is seventeen years old this year. It's a little bit past the expiration date, but if you try a little bit, it shouldn't be a problem to pretend that you are a teenager or something.

The most beautiful boy in the world smiled at her. Even if Miley Ashford is a girl who doesn't care about such things. In fact, compared with the girls in the academy who secretly used the original photos of the battlefield as screen protectors, or put them on the bedside and put them in the middle of the tits, and watched him with a yd smile every day, Mi Lei’s Reservation has broken through the horizon.

Just blushing a bit, and embarrassed--

As for Zhanchangyuan, when faced with such a young and healthy girl with a nice figure and beautiful face, and more importantly, a girl with big tits that makes people unbearable, she can't help but feel a little like she wants sex.

Ok. Ok. So it's good to say that Europeans and Americans are good. Body and breasts are of the level of ghosts and animals. People can't help showing a pleasant smile.

"So, this is the Ashford College we are proud of~"

Seeing that the other party didn't bring Bar, and the tits would sway happily after one step, Wright couldn't help but smile-of course, this must be guaranteed not to be noticed by Euphemia next to him. Well, yes, this is very important-it would be difficult to handle if Yuphy noticed.

If Yuffi knew that she always stared at the tits of other girls when she was dating her, it would be very difficult to trick her into bed tonight, rubbing her tits and having sex. .

So, although the cup is to lead the way, Mi Lei, who is the guide, is larger, but let's look less.

"Or find an opportunity to ask her out alone...well, in what name?" Wright thought about the question in his heart, and then unconsciously began to think-that is, at the same time, in the teaching building Next to the fourth-story window sill, looking down from above. Someone with blue hair was forced to see this scene.

"President...with a man?!"

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 37 I can’t bear to expose my nature, you

He quickly remembered the words of another friend who also belonged to the student union--

"President, it seems to be annoying about things..."

Last night, Nina Einstein, the woman with glasses and green hair, said to him.

As a normal adolescent boy who admired the president’s chest, this boy named Lival easily associated the direction of association with "love"-and then saw Wright-and I saw Wright and Mi Lei walking together.

Then, of course, the two things are linked together-that is to say.

"In other words, that guy is the chairman's boyfriend?!"

"President's boyfriend?" After hearing his voice, the guy who should be considered his friend asked a bit strangely.

"Oh, that's right." After thinking for a while, this guy with a better brain than ordinary people nodded: "Speaking of which, the president did say that he would have a blind date or something."

"Blind date?! Why didn't you tell me earlier, Lelouch?!" The young man named Lival yelled furiously. Then he pushed back because of Lelouch's words:

"You will cry if you tell you?" He said to Livar.

"Hmph, I really underestimated me, let me show you a smile."

Although he said that, the expression that this guy squeezed out didn't look like a smile.

"So..." Lelouch took two steps forward, letting him mutter: "That guy is so handsome, he is not a good person at first glance. It must be the kind of scum who specializes in deceiving girls—ah, President, you must be sure, don't be fooled!" The adolescent boy, went to the window and watched.


In an instant, I saw a princess and a governor.

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