Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 936

When Zhanchangyuan stood up and turned and wanted to leave, Xiao Jing suddenly reacted.

Something seems to be wrong? I seem to have been inexplicably quilted--

"and many more--"

Just before Xiaojing wanted to stop Zhanchangyuan, Zhanchangyuan had already turned around and smiled: "What is it, teacher Xiaojing~"

"Ah,, nothing..."

"Well, then..."

Turn around sincerely, take two steps, and then turn around again: "Oh, yes~ Remember what you said before, Teacher Xiaojing, there is an extracurricular activity?"

"Well, extracurricular activities..."

"I promised, I will spare time to accompany you then."


It's almost like this, both soft and hard, fooling and deceiving. The battlefield finally stabilized Xiao Jing. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, leaving Xiao Jing, who smirked, turned and left alone.

Ah, ah. I can't stand it.

Although it is a good thing to be liked by a cute girl, it is tiring to be liked by a girl like Xiaojing.

But in short, I will make everyone happy... right?


In short, I will work hard.

Only artificial workshop. This matter was originally recorded on the battlefield. Let's take a look at today's process arrangement... It seems that I am going to the Sinicization Group in a while, and Yue Yong has to report to myself about some things. Of course, in addition to this, Kihara's family also has plans. Said it is the plan of an absolute capable person who can promote himself to lv6.

Although the battlefield had something to do with absolute abilities, in fact, it was not very cold. But anyhow the other party is also his own partner. My own consortium swallows so much money from Kihara's house every year. I have to give an explanation anyway.

"Then, go to Kihara's house first." After thinking about it sincerely, he made such a decision.

"Absolutely capable...Although it's not a big deal in this world of the dance of gods and demons, it has some merits anyway. Perhaps it can be used as a reference." In his mind, the battlefield disappeared in place, and the next moment has come. When I arrived at the research institute affiliated with the Kihara family, I had booked a meeting place.

The ability is really convenient. Although that is not good. However, the feeling of regaining his strength is really great.

Looking at the opposite side, the man with strange tattoos on his face had a dull expression, and the corners of Zhanchang Yuanzhen's mouth turned up, revealing a happy smile.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 3 If it never appeared

"So, this is one of the abilities of the so-called sword system ability...?" The man facing sincerely asked with interest.

His name is Kihara Shutou, a typical Kihara man who uses all means to achieve his goals, has a passion for enterprising and research desire. There is no moral concept, as long as it is something you are curious about, even if it is explicitly forbidden, you will not care, and will unscrupulously research some forbidden technology.

It seems that Xiangyouxinsheng is completely right. This Kihara is a typical representative. He has a face that does nothing but can scare a child by just looking at it calmly, and even gets strange tattoos-of course, according to the impression of this kind of scientific madman by Battlefield. Most of these tattoos do not play a decorative role, but have some special effects.

In a sense, it is a bad thing to be an enemy of such a guy. Of course, this does not mean that being an ally with such a guy is a good decision.

"I think that studying my ability is not within the scope of the agreement." Zhanchangyuan's relaxed life: "Besides, don't pretend to be garlic, you guy. You should have some research skills about my ability or something. Right?"

"This is also for our plan." The opposite Kihara said lightly: "Of course I have to understand the capabilities of my partners, right?"

"It's not so much a partner. It's a guinea pig for your research, right?" Zhanchang Yuanzheng thought secretly in his heart. Although this guy is the actual operator of the Kihara family's external communication, he should be very good at communicating with people. However, this guy still couldn't help showing that expression.

It made people feel uncomfortable, the look of wanting a punch on his annoying face.

So, at least Terestina was sent out, although that big sister made people feel a little sad. But somehow she was also a big sister. It's always better than a fierce-looking man.

"So, stop talking nonsense." Zhanchangyuan waved his hand wearily: "I have heard enough of those useless words. Tell me, what do I need to do?"

"It's very simple." Kihara said: "It is enough to kill 20,000 people."


On the battlefield, the other party quickly explained: "Are you kidding me?"

"According to the tree designer's calculation, when the battlefield sincerely defeated 16 super-electromagnetic guns, the accumulated experience will be enough for him to upgrade to the level of LV6."

"..." Battlefield looked at each other with an idiotic expression. Are you kidding me, defeating 16 opponents at the level of Bilibili can raise the level to lv6? There are more Misaka Mikoto-level opponents he has defeated, and he has no intention to advance.

"It's killing." It seems that he understands what Zhanyuanyuan is sincerely thinking, so the other party repeats what he said before: "Yes, kill, throw yourself into the battle with all your heart, and then kill the other party. Only this The way to become lv6.

"However, there are no 16 super-electromagnetic guns in the world." Zhanchangyuan was a little surprised when he heard Mikoto's name in this situation, but he still said so calmly on the surface.

"Yes, so we tried to use cloning technology."

"If I remember correctly, cloning technology should be prohibited by law." Zhanchangyuan looked at him sincerely, and said so. Then I got an almost the same answer:

"Yes, the law does prohibit it, but do you really think we need to abide by the law? Mr. Battlefield Hara. Or, the new generation of Night King?"


The other party revealed another identity of the original sincere battlefield. It is currently the boss of the largest criminal organization in Academy City.

Perhaps it was to show off the excellence of his intelligence system, or to threaten the battlefield that Hara Cheng had his handle. Of course it is possible to have both. All in all, this guy looks even more annoying than before.

"Go on."

Battlefield said this sincerely and blankly, and at the same time sentenced the Kihara to death in his heart.

"That is to say, we cloned a batch of super-electromagnetic guns. We found that their performance is far worse than the original super-electromagnetic guns. Although this also brings some benefits, such as absolute obedience to orders, and the ability to use The special learning device allows them to learn something interesting..."


"They only have lv2 power generation capability, but they have accepted a full set of special forces tutorials."

"Um...In this case, maybe an army can be quickly formed." Zhanchangyuan was sincere and thoughtful: "What is the cost?"

"Mass production is 180,000 pieces." Kihara said: "Are you interested? If you are willing, we are willing to use parity -"

"——Let’s talk about it for now." Zhanchangyuan sincerely stopped this guy: "Since the copy is not as good as the finished product, what use is it? Can this plan be abolished?"

"We used the tree designer again to calculate. We came to the conclusion that if you kill 20,000 clones, you can win." The corners of his mouth were upturned, revealing a happy smile: "It's fair, right? , No, I should say "easy, right?" For you, it couldn't be easier?"

"Twenty thousand people... even 200,000 people are okay... but are you sure this works?" Zhanchangyuan frowned sincerely: "It doesn't sound very reliable no matter how you hear it."

"The tree designer can never go wrong!"

After Zhanchangyuan made such complaints, the other party looked very excited and said loudly: "That is the crystallization of science! It is the essence of modern society! The most powerful supercomputer in the world. Nothing can go wrong anyway!!!"

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