Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 939

"It's not wrong... But, Misaka 00003 has a question. In this case, is the experiment completed or not? Misaka 00003 hopes that it will be completed, but does not know the result."

"Misaka thinks it should be done."

"No, Misaka doesn't think so."

"Misaka still has a question. Goal, what did Battlefield truly bring Misaka here?"

"Our intelligence is that the original sincerity of the battlefield is a perverted lust with personality and exuberance. In other words, his purpose for bringing Misaka here is probably for sex..."

"very scary."

"Yes, Misaka's bodies are still immature girls."

"In terms of age, Misaka is only 0 years old."

"And it's a copyist."


"A total of 100 are exactly the same."

I don't know why, but Misaka's mood has become a lot depressed.

"But the target, the battlefield is sincerely a perverted lust. Perhaps it is precisely because Misakas have such unique elements that the target is interested in Misaka. Misaka 00024, said this in a vaguely excited tone."

"Misaka 00100, agree."

"Misaka 00034, seconded."

"Misaka 00057, seconded."

"Misaka has another question. So, should Misaka agree to let the target and the battlefield do whatever they want?"



That's almost it. At the beginning, Misaka No. 00001 seemed to be speaking for the battlefield... But soon, the direction of Misaka's discussion quickly moved in an indescribable direction.

Said three women in one drama, or three women top 200 ducks. From Misaka 00001 to Misaka 00100, a total of 100 Misaka sisters are almost a poultry farm.

They talked about all kinds of shameless issues in a calm, non-tone voice, but the last suffix, "How and how to tone Misaka", very honestly expressed their true emotions.

Most of them are excited, eager to try, and then pretend to be reluctant, worried about something.

To be honest, watching this scene makes people feel a sense of inexplicable fear. It's very scary. These Misaka will suddenly become idiots. Several of them will hold the hands and feet of Battlefield Hara, and then one by one will go up and take turns holding hands with Battlefield Hara.

At that time, should it be better to resist or not to resist?

So, in order to alleviate the embarrassing atmosphere, I coughed a little sincerely, and then let go of Mu Shan Chunsheng:

"Ah, um. In this way, you should understand that I am innocent?"

"...Is this still important now?"

What made sincere feel even more embarrassing was that Mu Shan Chunsheng looked at him like a scum.

"All in all, if I don't participate in this experiment, the lunatics of the Kihara family will definitely find other LV5s. Both the second and the third are terrible egoists. They will absolutely be merciless. Killed 20,000 innocent Misaka sisters.

So, in order to protect these innocent Misaka sisters, I came forward-so, what is your look? "

Just when Zhanchangyuan himself was almost moved by himself, he realized that Mushan Chunsheng still looked at him with a scumbag expression. In fact, this child has no imagination at all and lives in a mentally impoverished real society. It's too bad this guy.

"In short, this is the case. Next, I will continue to participate in this plan of the Kihara family, and then rescue all the Misaka sisters. As for after this..."

Sincerely turned his head to look at the group of sisters.

Perhaps they felt the sincere gaze, so the sisters paused the conversation with the lower and lower bottom line, and looked at the battlefield together.

This time, it was Misaka 00001 who came out to talk on behalf of the sisters.

"Misaka don't know.

Misakas were produced just to participate in this experiment.

Misakas were never told anything other than the experiment.

In a sense, the Misakas were produced because of the original sincerity of the battlefield.

Therefore, Misaka believes that their future can be determined by the original sincerity of the battlefield. It doesn't matter if it is too much. Misaka can accept it. Misaka 00001 said in an enlightened tone. He also believes that even if Misaka collectively becomes a sincere hot weapon on the battlefield, it is not unacceptable. "

"So, what's your answer, boss?" Next to him, Mu Shan Chunsheng continued to look at Zhan Tian Yuan with a scumbag look, and then asked.


"Okay, okay." Battlefield held his forehead with his hand, then reached out and pressed Misaka 00001's shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't leave you alone."

"Misaka feels very happy-Misaka 00001 resists the shame of being touched unreasonably by the opposite sex and pretends to be very happy."


"——You just smiled, right?"


"No, you did laugh just now, right?"

"Not at all." Mu Shan Chunsheng pretended to say, "I don't know what you are talking about," and he refused to admit it.

"Well, it doesn't matter whether you laugh or not-then, here, I will give you a task, Mr. Harusheng Mushan."


Mushan Chunsheng's instinct feels something is wrong--

"You will take care of these children."


"I remember you have a teacher's certificate, right? So say—"

"--No." Mushan Chunsheng protested loudly without any surprise: "My words--"

"——You want to take them to conduct brain experiments, right? You want to verify your brainwave networking theory, right? In this case, do you better understand what is wrong?" Battlefield Principle said boldly, "Except for this. Besides, look at these children, do you have the heart to abandon them?"

Having said that, she sincerely winked at Misaka's sisters.

Although the expressions and feelings are missing or something, it does not mean that Misaka's sisters have low IQs. They quickly understood what the battlefield meant. Then pretending to be crying, one by one approached her.

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