Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 942

At the beginning, it was because Yuchuan-senpai had something, so the sincere senior temporarily replaced it. "

"Yi Chuan Tsubasa, it is said that she is a very powerful character. Some people even say that she is the real head of the Committee of Discipline." On the other side, Misaka Mikoto said.

"Such a great fellow." On the other side, Zuo Tian Leizi sighed a little - although he had seen Yu Chuanyi several times, he had a very good impression of that braided glasses lady class leader. But Saten Leizi still couldn't imagine.

"Yes, generally speaking, everyone thinks that the combat effectiveness of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline is the most sincere senior. But the first one in handling affairs is definitely Yukawa-senpai.

As a result, everyone discovered by accident. This time, Senior Sincere’s ability to handle affairs was even better than Yuchuan-senpai. "

"That is to say, in addition, the performance of the bad juvenile probation center, and the recent reorganization of the ethics committee, the acquisition of more law enforcement powers, etc.... That guy has recently become more and more capable. what."

"Isn't this great?" Said Zuotian Leizi on the other side: "A mature and reliable former senior in the battlefield. Isn't it great?"

"Perhaps great for outsiders, right? But it's different for our group of discipline committees who are used to laziness and unreliable bosses."

"Could it be that the guy crossed it?"

"Huh?" ×3.

"In other words, isn't that kind of stuff often popular these days?" Misaka Mikoto said, "No matter whether it's anime or a novel, it's all going through and then becoming another person or something."

"It's impossible, it's impossible, sister, don't think about it, okay." Heizi "touched" the incident and said with a little excitement: "Although that guy has changed a lot, the core is still familiar to me. That boss! Absolutely unchanged! It is absolutely impossible to become another person!"

"I see, Kuroko, don't be so excited, OK." Misaka couldn't bear it a little. I was thinking in my heart while rounding the field like this. Sure enough, Heizi likes Wright, right?

It would be great if this guy can end Lily's bad hobby.

But soon, Misaka Mikoto understood that this was a luxury.

"Ah~Sister-sama’s love♀’s electric shock~" Shirai Kuroko, who was pressed to the ground by Misaka Mikoto, is also a specialty of Academy City.

Next to him, Zuo Tian Lei Zi and Chu Chun Shi Li looked at each other, and then sighed in unison.


"However, at least it's a bit good." Chuchun is like this, and I don't know whether to comfort myself or to comfort others: "At least this way, the level up matter will be resolved quickly..."

"Is that matter still not resolved... By the way, I heard that the scientific research institutes under the Commission for Discipline and Discipline are also studying the appearance of the ability-enhancing device?" Misaka Mikoto asked Shirai Kuroko while trying to push Shirai Kuroko aside.

"That's right." Chuchun said cleverly: "It's just that there has been no progress on this project. The former senior on the battlefield is still very upset because of this."

"If I were a sincere senior, I wouldn't be happy." Leizi said, "Obviously my scientific research institution is sufficient in terms of strength and funds, but it is preempted by enemies who do not know where it came from.

More importantly, if you use the level up of unknown origin, you will be unconscious after a while. In this way, even if a levelup with no side effects is successfully developed later, it will be dragged down. "

"Say so..."

Just beeped by Sister Cannon, Bai Jingheizi got up from the ground, and said, "But, I always feel that something is wrong with this matter... Is there anything between the two? What about contact? Besides, that guy named Mushan Chunsheng is also..."

"Here it comes again. Heizi, you are really. Every girl who walks too close to the sincere predecessor is suspicious." Mikoto couldn't help but tease.

"Heizi is very serious-and, elder sister is jealous? Don't worry at all~ Heizi is loyal to her elder sister~"

"——Don't rush over!"

That's almost it. Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko started today's daily routine.

At the same time, Battlefield Hara appeared sincerely in the dark streets of Yoshihara. In Yueyong's office.

"Come here, boss." Like most people who have been familiar with the battlefield, the blonde ninja in the popular fishnet stockings was not surprised at him when he suddenly appeared, but instead greeted him like this.

"Yeah." Nodding sincerely: "What's the interesting thing you said?"

Warfield Yuanzheng, who has already had a very rich life experience, couldn't help frowning here. Because he could feel that the girl opposite was different from usual.

Although this guy usually wears a very hot suit-of course, according to Yue Yong's own statement, it is a very convenient attire for activities and battles. But today, sincerity feels more than usual.

This guy's dressing is enough to make him angry, but he didn't expect it to be even more addictive at this moment.

Sincerely, I can keenly notice that the skirt of this child is half an inch shorter and the slit is half an inch lower. In addition to making it easier to see the tender meat on the chest, he can also easily see the face and face. There is also light makeup on.

Sexy panties with black lace trim. This kid is prepared, bastard.

Of course, the original sincere battlefield is a very professional person. Not because she is a gangster, and Yueyong is a coquettish soft girl next to the gangster, so she thinks about having any relationship with her. It's the same even if the other party tempts himself in this way.

"Is such that."

Looking at the original face of the battlefield with no expression, as if he didn't care about his clothes, the opposite of Yueyong looked a little disappointed.

However, as said before, Yueyong is also a very ambitious girl, and she will not think that she should have any sex with the battlefield just because she is a coquettish soft girl next to the gangster. It's the same even if you tempted the other party.

"I remember that among the newly recruited discipline committee members, there was a guy named Flanda?"

"Well, yes, what's the matter?" Battlefield Hara immediately recalled the legal young girl with this name.

Although it should be considered a high school student in fact, the body type is the grade of elementary school students. In addition, she is cute and cute, so sincerely she has been placed on the list of harem preparations.

So life is such inequality. Some people can't get something with their hard work, and some people get it without even having to pursue it.

It's a very sad thing.

"That person is a spy." She said, "Although it was discovered accidentally, the situation should be okay. Look at this."

After speaking, Yueyong turned the laptop on the desk to aim at the battlefield. Then click the mouse twice to call out the file:

Above, it was indeed the child of Flanda, who looked sneaky in a small alley with another guy who was also dressed and behaved in a sneaky manner, and seemed to be making some sneaky deals.

"So, have you got any valuable information?"

"Isn't all the information I got sent out recently?"

"Information of that level is of no value at all! It can be obtained even if you don't need to send someone to sneak in and be an undercover agent, Flanda!"

"Even if you say that...I am just an ordinary commissioner of discipline. How could it be possible for those high-level personnel to get the core information so easily?"

"Then think of something. Take the initiative, perform well, get promoted, get mixed into the leadership... Well, it seems a bit difficult."

Without waiting for Flanda’s answer, the guy who met her on the opposite side voluntarily gave up the plan: “No, it’s too slow. The current ethics committee is already large enough to give newcomers a high position like before. , Unless you make a greater feat, otherwise...but it’s too difficult with your abilities."

Hearing what this guy said, the legal young girl on the opposite side looked like she didn't want to talk to her more, but she didn't protest much, but said dissatisfiedly: "Then tell me, what should I do? ?"

"What should I do...?" The other's eyes became very interesting.

"—Well, it’s over here—"

At the same time, seeing the fascinating battlefield, I heard Yueyong next to him say this, and at the same time, the female ninja dressed up and wanted to do it stretched out her hand to turn off the video-this sincerity of course can't do it:

"They just talked about the key point, what are you doing--"

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