Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 944

Zhanchangyuan is sincere, and I am in a very good mood today-eh, that girl over there is very nice-

Just when he wanted to run away from the teleportation, Zhanchangyuan saw a beautiful girl who occasionally passed by the roadside.

It seems that there is still childishness in his appearance, most of which are high school students, and it is possible that it is a junior high school student.

In addition, it is very important, completely in line with the original sincere aesthetics of the battlefield.

Two white knee stockings.

White gloves, and long golden hair, highlight the aristocratic temperament.

The others around her were just like her, the girls in the Tokiwadai Girls’ School costumes, surrounded her like a star Gongyue.

Although there is no shortage of beautiful girls with good looks among these children, they are completely green leaves that set off the flowers by her side.

Even wearing Tokiwadai's school uniform, you can still look like a princess. In contrast, Bilibili kind of guys are just yellow-haired girls who haven't grown up.

The most important thing is a big chest.


Big chest!

Zhanchangyuan sincerely made up his mind immediately-this is the kid!

This kid looks promising!

Pull her into the ethics committee!

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 9 Two beautiful blonde girls and triple the number of tail lines

Thinking like this in his heart, Zhanchang Yuancheng took out the mirror and took a little bit of it.



I am still so handsome today. Hum hum hum.

Thinking like this in my heart, I walked towards the beautiful girl sincerely and happily-perhaps because that beautiful girl’s appearance was so attractive, Zhanchangyuan didn’t notice at all in an inconspicuous corner. A beautiful girl with the same blonde hair but with completely different attributes...

Or a beautiful young girl?

Looking at him furiously.

"What's the matter?! People obviously dressed up and prepared to come here to catch the gangsters, why are people robbing me!? Don't you know the social gangster resources are scarce? Bastard bastard bastard bastard bastard..."

If this child has the strength of Xiao Jing's finger, then the corner of her hiding place must have been cracked. Fortunately, this is not the case.

Of course, this beautiful blonde girl, whose name is Flanda.

Just made a decision to play a dangerous love game with Battlefield Hara, and if he is not careful, he will lose himself too, just for the poor little girl who has a little bonus.

Is it almost like this? probably?

"By the way, that guy isn't a serious person at first sight, right? In addition to dyeing his hair, he also wears cosmetic contact lenses. Why would the boss look at such a woman?!" At the thought of this, the blond beautiful young girl gritted her teeth with anger.

Although it is a spy, but after a long time in the Committee of Discipline, Flanda also subconsciously calls the battlefield the boss——

of course. Perhaps it was because of observing the battlefield and the beautiful girl with big tits, blonde and white silk too intently, so Flanda did not notice at all. Not far behind her, someone used her finger to finish what she hadn’t finished. thing.

"Damn it, so is busy talking up with other beautiful girls? Is my jewel yellow? The cute guy who used to be so cute is going to live in my house, now I turn my face and deny it?

So men are all beasts. I used to be too accommodating to him. The best thing I should do now is to knock him unconscious and take him away, and then imprison the play and finally get married, otherwise it is absolutely impossible! "

Speaking of such insanity, and happily tore the wall of Kabbah where he was hiding, it was of course Xiao Jing.

Although I was sincerely fed during the daytime, I said that I would go out to extracurricular activities soon. But as expected, Xiao Jing still couldn't change the last line. This guy was happy for a while and couldn't help it, and followed up again...

Of course, perhaps it was because she was observing Flanda who was tailing Wright too intently, and the battlefield of the big tits and beautiful girl who was being followed by Flanda, who was struggling with her, so Xiaojing didn't notice it at all. Someone actually followed her behind.

"That's why I said it, the boss guy just didn't learn well, did you see it?"

It was Shiraiko who was holding a telescope and happily seeing everything from a safe distance. Shirai Kuroko, who said such words, looked confidently like Columbus who discovered the New World, which made people unable to help but complain.

"I remember, you are dating the sincere guy? Your boyfriend cheated on the beautiful girl. You are proud to say that you have foresight. Is this really a problem?"

By the side of Kuroko, Misaka Mikoto Sakuriko and Chuharu Shiriyoshi, the other three of the so-called normal group of four, couldn't help but have such questions in their hearts.

"Sure enough, this fellow Heizi is not good at learning, and it's just casual talking with the sincere fellow, right?"


Suddenly, Heizi suddenly remembered the previous setting——

In other words, I pretended to be interacting with the battlefield. The love of heaven died secretly, and was finally abandoned by the battlefield, and then she cried secretly.

As a representative of kindness and simplicity, Misaka Mikoto naturally wants to follow this routine. And after such a routine, Misaka Mikoto, who felt very sorry for Kuroko, would comfort Kuroko for granted. Then Kuroko is like this and like this - then just a little bit smarter will be able to push her down and reach the ending of Lily Raiders or something -

It was originally true. But I don’t know why Heizi has forgotten this setting (actually, I forgot to have this after too long ah~)! Now suddenly remembering, Kuroko stiffened immediately, and then tried hard to get it back.

"——Yang, of course! Heizi is very angry and upset because of boyfriend cheating or something!" So Heizi immediately started to remedy: "It's just because I already knew the true face of the sincere guy, so I said there is I was mentally prepared, so I didn’t feel too upset. In fact, Sunsoo was so sad that he almost cried!"


"Really! It is absolutely true!"

Heizi nodded desperately like this-and then I felt really-really uncomfortable in my heart-as if he was about to cry-just saw Zhanchangyuan and the fascinating blonde and big tits beautiful girl Qing Qing, mine, mine Time—Although I had seen too much before, this time, perhaps because of Misaka Mikoto’s reminder. All in all, Heizi really felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"It's because of the observer effect-um, yes, the observer effect!" The sunspot who felt sad was shocked, and then found a reason for himself: "I pretended to be a lover with that guy, and then I said that I was sad. I really feel sad-this is just emotional jokes with humans! I actually don't care about that guy!

That's right, that guy is idle every day, likes to transfer work to subordinates, and then the relationship between men and women is so chaotic. Obviously, there are already I don’t know how many girls like him, and they have to go to the street to hook up three and four. It’s too bad, this kind of guy...

Heizi, Heizi won't be shaken by this kind of guy..."

——Heizi's subconscious is an idea.

Heizi's "inner thought" is another kind of thought.

And when Mikoto asked her:


Heizi's answer is the third.

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