Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 950

If it is another child, it is also calculated. But after hearing this familiar voice, Zhanyuanyuan could not ignore it.

That is Zuotian Leizi.

And it sounds like the kid is in trouble.

Zhanchangyuan hurried two steps, walked to the front of the alley, and saw tears surrounded by the wall by a few guys who were not good at first glance. Next to him was a poor guy who fell to the ground holding his stomach.

Let me talk about what I heard from the tears. What happened on the battlefield can basically be determined:

The child saw that a bad boy was bullying the weak, and went out to take care of his affairs completely regardless of the fact that he was actually a weak, and then he was just like that.

If it weren't for the battlefield just to be nearby, it would be hard to imagine what would happen next.

"So, academy city is a place where the weak and the strong eat the weak! Just shut up for a guy like you who has no power! Get aside!" The scum on the opposite side said that usually only scums can do it the words said.

"So, do you who believe in this theory have the consciousness of being beaten as the weak?"

The battlefield said sincerely and calmly.


Because of Battlefield Hara's skill, there was no sound when he moved subconsciously, so no one noticed him just now. They only noticed it now, and then they looked over with annoyance.

"Another nosy fellow."

"Sincere seniors?"

Seeing Zhanchangyuan, Zuo Tian Leizi finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was all right.

But then I felt ashamed. Counting the last time she was rescued by Battlefield Yuan at the gym, this is the second time she was rescued by Battlefield Yuan. It's really embarrassing.

Perhaps in the future, this embarrassment will turn into disappointment, self-blame, self-defeating and so on. This is also no alternative.

The vast majority of the little rascals in Academy City belonged to the group of guys who were suppressed by the original commissioner of discipline on the battlefield because of their weak abilities, or even inability. That's why I was willing to degenerate.

Of course, that might be a one size fits all. But how much judgment do you expect a group of minors to have?

Of course, this kind of thing doesn't need to be concerned about the battlefield.

All he needs to know is that there is a super cute girl in front of her who has been bullied by a hideous evil. I have to go up and beat them up, so that the hero saves the United States-without the group sex of the sisters, it increases the favorability of the tears, and then it seems pretty good to snap the tears off.

Thinking like this in his heart, Wright squeezed his fists, squeezed the joints, and then walked forward easily.

To deal with this level of gangsters, without any ability, one punch can be ok.

"My ability is--"

Although shouting like this, the guy was beaten by Battlefield Hara and fell to the ground in an instant.

"It seems to be the ability to distort the light around the body. It may have some effect on ordinary weak chickens. But for a master like me, it is completely meaningless, you guy." Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely shook his fingers, and then Say so.

With the voice and breath of the opponent, the battlefield could easily determine the correct position of the opponent, so that it would not be overthrown by the opponent's little tricks.

"Are you okay, tears?"

After happily taking care of this group of gangsters, Zhan Tian Yuan turned around with a sincere smile, looked at the blushing tears that seemed shy, and asked.

"Ah, uh..."

In this way, the tears were happily taken away by the battlefield, and he went to open the room and have a good time-well this did not. It's just a normal place to find a place to drink something to suppress the shock.

At this time, Battlefield knew that Leizi hadn't called the police at all—it wasn't that she didn't want to, but that at this time, her mobile phone was dead.

"Really, in this case, don't be aggressive." Zhanchangyuan couldn't help but complain.

"...Yes, I thought about running away at the very beginning. After all, I am not a discipline committee member, nor as good as Shirai-san and Misaka-senpai. In fact, not long ago, I was only a primary school student. But , It's..."

At this point, Leizi's tone fell a lot: "Sure enough, there is still no way to just look at it like this."


Zhanchangyuan didn't say anything about her this time, just sighed, and then reached out and rubbed her head.

"Then, senior,"

This time, Leizi did not reject the seemingly too intimate move of Battlefield Yuan. Instead, he asked: "Senior, what do you think of ability?"

"If you can, of course you should be a capable person." Sincerely said: "But the ability is not only superpower, right, tears. If you want to become stronger, I can teach you swordsmanship, or It’s not impossible to teach you all kinds of fighting techniques and teach you to use any firearm. But is that kind of thing you really want?"

Zuo Tian Leizi opened his mouth, and just wanted to say "yes", but after thinking about it, it didn't feel right, so he didn't speak any more.

"You actually feel inferior because you are incapable, don't you? It seems that you lack some feeling than others?" Zhanchangyuan continued to ask.

"..." Zuo Tian Leizi still did not speak.

"Academy City is really a terrible place. Even if it is the most technologically advanced place in the world, it lacks too much in terms of people's hearts." Battlefield Hara couldn't help sighing: "Ability is not all, tears . Just like what I told you just now, you saw me fighting those gangsters. I didn’t use any abilities at all, but I still defeated them.”

"Yes, but..."

"I assure you that even if I am not an lv5, but an incompetent person like you, I can still become the chairperson of the school city, do you believe it?"

"But, I'm not as strong as the former senior in the battlefield..."

"The powerful is the mind, the way of thinking. Tears. Don't listen to the words of those researchers, and don't listen to those who are affected by them, thinking that ability is everything. This is not right. Think about your life. Is it learning Does the life in Garden City only make you feel depressed and unwilling?"


Zuo Tian Leizi was silent for a while, and then smiled brightly: "I see, sincerely senior, thank you."

"Nothing. The main thing is to tear your own credit." Smiling sincerely and saying to her: "You are a optimistic and cheerful child. That's why you can adjust yourself so easily."

"Really, the sincere senior said as if I were a stupid girl."

"I didn't say that, don't get me wrong, tears."

"But, anyway, thanks to you this time, sincerely senior."

Having said this, Leizi blushed a bit and thanked Zhanchangyuan again. Then, on the battlefield, I wanted to say a few more words that I don’t need to be like this, and to improve the child’s affection for him, but he saw the tears blushing in a small step running over, and then he bent over and touched his face. Go and kiss.

"This, this is a thankful kiss, don't get me wrong, sincerely senior!"

After saying this, Leizi blushed and ran away. Looks very shy. It seemed like the so-called "kiss thankfully" or something, even she herself did not believe it.

In fact, this kid just plucked up the courage to take advantage of the battlefield, and there is nothing else to say.

"However, this is not annoying. Heheheh, Leizi is also quite cute." Zhanchangyuan thought in his heart.

Perhaps because it was too pleasant, Zhanchangyuan didn't notice at all. In the bushes not far away, there was a girl with floral ornaments ambushing, looking at himself with quite, quite angrily.

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