Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 952

Although he said that, Kuroko didn't look happy at all: "In the early spring, did you use Fantasy Mita?"

"Well, yeah, although I also know that this is not good, but there is really no way. I have no other solution besides Fantasy Mitsu."

"Yes, but, but..."

"Do you know, Heizi, every time I look at you and the sincere elders so close, I can't help feeling uncomfortable in my heart.

Although I also know that this is wrong, but sure enough, I still can't control my emotions-ah, why, the battlefield is sincere, why are you sincere? "

"All in all, you should calm down in early spring!" Heizi shouted so loudly. At the same time, I madly complained about Battlefield Yuan in my heart-sure enough, is this kind of bastard thing because of that bastard boss? !

Although in fact, Kuroko doesn't know, or can't imagine how the battlefield should deal with Chuchun under such circumstances-is it okay to say that it's okay to fuck her off? But this did not prevent her from spitting out in her heart.

"Calm? I'm obviously very calm, Shirai-san." Chuchun Shili opened his eyes wide, Mengmenda looked very innocent. Then said to her like this: "My admiration for the former senior in the battlefield is the result of calm consideration."

As the early spring played Lee's words, the temperature around her suddenly dropped, and the cold air forced Shirai Kuroko to take a step back...

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 16 The Rageous Ice and Fire Witch

"The appearance of the original predecessor on the battlefield, the voice of the original predecessor on the battlefield, the gentle care of the original predecessor on the battlefield, ah~"

This time the temperature rose suddenly. The frost that had already condensed was "swiped and pulled" in an instant and turned into boiling water vapor——

In the early spring, Li's blushing cute face rose in the air: "It's you, Shirai-san."

"Uh, huh?"

Seeing Chuchun looking at herself very seriously, Shirai Kuroko looked a little embarrassed.

It does not make sense. What does this matter have to do with me?

"What is the relationship between you and the former senior in the battlefield?!" Chuchun couldn't help asking.

"That, that..."

"Are you dating? But the state between you and the former senior on the battlefield does not look like you are dating at all."

"No, you know, there are deep problems in there..."

"In other words, are you two completely unrelated?"

"It seems to be a bit..."

——In order to get the love of Misaka Mikoto's sister, and the battlefield disguised as a lover, the love died alive and then was thrown away. The super depressed Kuroko threw herself down in the arms of Misaka Mikoto who comforted her, rubbing it and finishing the lily by the way Papa papa strategy, happyend-I don't want to tell Chuchun about this kind of thing anyway.

To make matters worse, I am afraid that even if she said it, she would not believe it in the early spring. Heizi has been well-informed among the Commissioners of Discipline these years. Of course, she knows that she has seen a lot of messy things. This scientific name is called Runaway, uncontrollable, and the brain short-circuited and destroyed everything very happily—yes, that's it. Nowadays, the early spring decoration is no longer the good-behaved dog, but the runaway Tyrannosaurus!

"Damn it, what should I do with this?! Boss bastard, teased this and teased that. Even the early spring!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Heizi was subconsciously forced to take a step back by the alternating heat and cold of the ice and fire in the early spring.

"So, why step back?

Are we not friends?

Why are you so far away from me? "

Three questions were asked in a row in early spring. Then there was a feeling of sickness all over the body. The look in Kuroko's eyes also became very unkind: "Sure enough, it's because of the former senior on the battlefield, right? Because the former senior on the battlefield, so you can completely ignore the friendship with me and start with the senior on his own initiative, right, Shirai-san ?"

"This, this, you calm down in early spring..."

"So, I'm very calm." In an instant, the surrounding temperature dropped another level, and the ice cooling in Chuchun's eyes dropped more than one level, coldly looking at the sunspot on the opposite side.

"So, sure enough, Shirai-san, I want to teach you a little bit—"

After speaking, a sudden wave of heat blasted towards Baijing Heizi-fortunately, Heizi was ready before, and then he passed the move in an instant, and then he heard a "boom". The big tree behind him was burned to ashes almost instantly. "

"This doesn't make sense with a little lesson." Heizi muttered to himself at the bottom. Then it moved instantaneously again, and flashed by a cold wind that froze half the street from the early spring.

"Don't run! Shirai-san!"

"Nonsense, if I don't run, I'll die!" Bai Jing Heizi yelled angrily. Then he thought about it, but he still failed to attack Chuchun cruelly.

"In terms of speed, Chuchun is no better than me." Heizi thought like this--but--

"What are you thinking, Shirai-san?"

In an instant, Chuchun rose into the air, and flew past at an extremely fast speed——

Using hot and cold cyclones as power, Chuchun Shili can fly in mid-air very easily, and control the air pressure to a certain extent to reduce drag, so the flight speed is not slow—

In this case, Shirai Kuroko, who was caught off guard, was almost hit. Her heart beat fiercely, and then she moved several times in a row, which allowed the early spring to play Li.

"Ahahahaha...Student Shirai, the so-called lv4 is nothing more than this." The Chuchun opposite said so happily.

"In that case, Chuchun, I'm sorry..." After gritting his teeth, Shirai Kuroko felt that it would be better to control Chuchun first. Immediately, he wiped the thighs on both sides, and several alloy steel cones were already in his hands.

This is Baijing Kuroko's favorite weapon. It can nail people to the ground or wall to achieve a control effect. It couldn't be more suitable for the Commissioner of Discipline...

Of course, occasionally, sometimes, when facing some vicious enemies, Shirai Heizi also used this kind of weapon to kill and wound - of course, he had never killed anyone.

As for this VS Chuchun, Kuroko naturally also used the lightest weight. Just nail Chuchun to the ground—however—

Things were not as simple as Heizi imagined. These flying cones did appear suddenly beside Chuchun, but they were immediately affected by the hot breath of Chuchun and turned into molten iron in an instant.

"This, this is..."

"Because of the increase in computing power, the reaction speed has also increased, Shirai-san~" Chuchun smiled: "Ah, is this what Shirai-san dropped? Then, give it back to Shirai-san here~"

In her hands, the dozen or so molten flying cones melted together, and then quickly cooled and shaped, and turned into a short spear. Then, under the action of the hot and cold cyclone in early spring, it moved to Shirai at a very fast speed. Heizi shot past--

When controlling one's flight, Chuchun also has to consider whether his body can bear it, but when controlling projectiles, he doesn't need to be so careful. The speed of this short spear is extremely fast, far surpassing many air-to-air missiles. Even Shirai Kuroko almost failed to react and was stabbed by a spear.

"Damn it, it won't be easy to handle it like this." Heizi thought in his heart, and at the same time kept avoiding Chuchun Shili's attack——

After just accidentally researching that trick, and seeing the effect was good, Chuchun used this as her main attack method——

It is too easy to find metal products in the city.

The surrounding steel bars, telephone poles, iron fences, and even the security robots that came after hearing the news were instantly melted in the early spring, and then transformed into a javelin and shot at the sunspot.

The child even used a lot of knowledge of physical engineering and aerodynamics to condense the javelin, which greatly increased the lethality of these weapons-of course, as the child's control over his physical ability increased, the child The combat effectiveness of the army has become stronger and stronger, and the number of javelins that can be manipulated at the same time has also increased.

In this case, it is very difficult for Sunspot to dodge, let alone fight back.

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