Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 957

"Ahaha... I've been rewarded."

What made her feel even more uncomfortable was that this fellow in Battlefield was not ashamed but rather proud. Isn't you really good about you?

Just before she hesitated, whether she really wanted a super-electromagnetic bombardment, the door to the headquarters of the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline opened. Yuchuan, Dunzi... and a large group of other girls came out together.

"It's really amazing, the former classmate of the battlefield." The braided big tits and glasses girl who walked in the front said mildly: "It was so simple to solve the matter... Although in fact, the original classmate of the battlefield caused the matter. That’s it."

"In short, all in all, it is immoral to dismantle the lily CP like this, the former senpai of the battlefield..." Suruga Kambara was panting on the other side. The child ran for nothing, feeling a little upset.

Of course, what was even more uncomfortable was looking at the two people with tears in the early spring. In the eyes of this brainless lily poisoning patient, the two children should be rubbing against each other, not the battlefield together. Although the latter looks very good.


All in all, the next thing is a large group of girls sincerely condemning the battlefield. All kinds of Yingying and Yanyu surrounded him, twittering. Then they pushed around together like this. Some girls who are not particular about it, such as Suruga Kambara, take advantage of the chaos to take advantage of the battlefield. Seeing that the battlefield was taken advantage of by others, it seemed that Kyoko was so angry and unhappy.

Usually in this case, it is the excellent girl like Yu Chuanyi who comes to round the field. The problem is that at this moment, Yu Chuan also feels uncomfortable with the increasingly serious sex on the battlefield. So it's good not to add to the flames. At most, he just looked at a shield to prevent this guy from guiding everyone's thoughts in some bad direction.

So, it would be great to have children like Yuchuan help. The luckiest thing for Zhanchang Yuanzheng is to have a deputy like Yuchuan. Otherwise, his current life is definitely a hundred times worse.

That's it. The final result is that Zhan Tian Yuan sincerely and humbly accepted the crusades of the girls. Then there were other girls who took tears and Chuchun's hand, and told them a lot of bad things about Zhanchangyuan and how to get along with him. Although the vast majority are wrong. But Battlefield had no intention of stopping. Just smiling and watching the group of children mess around.

This may represent one thing. It is that they have accepted the two people of Leizi and Chuchun as their partners in the matter of sex on the battlefield.

Usually after this there will be a happy group sex, let all the girls on the battlefield to celebrate. But now it seems that the situation is still a bit bad.

Just after the situation stabilized, Yuchuan exchanged glances with Zhanchangyuan. The two immediately understood what they were thinking in their hearts - that is, Aleister's attack against their forces - or temptation. In this case, the first thing to do is to find out the truth and respond.

As for things like sex, it's not too late to wait until things are clear.


The two nodded to each other. Then he looked at the other girls beside him.

Although the girls are very upset, they are all very obedient and sensible children. Looking at the appearance of Zhanchangyuan and Yuchuan, they knew that something was wrong. He did not comment on this matter again.

After that, Yuchuan took most of the girls and turned to the Mansion for Discipline Committee. She is going to contact the person related to the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline—that is, Sophia Nishiki Palace. I hope she can obtain some information through the status of a director of the general council.

"But... we haven't received any news before this. Maybe this time, even if we ask, we can't ask anything." Yu Chuan didn't expect much of this decision. At best, it's just doing people's affairs and obeying fate.

On the other side, Battlefield Yuanzheng held his head down and looked embarrassed in the early spring, and on the other side was also embarrassed, but pretending to be nonchalant tears. And next to the two children, is Heizi who followed casually. And Misaka Mikoto who felt uncomfortable all over, and felt that she was a superfluous guy here.

The object they walked over was the guard unit.

The number is more than a hundred, and they are fully armed-of course, for the riot of superpowers, such a number still has the strength, in fact, it is no different from death.

Also unsurprisingly, the guy who accepted the mission close to death was Huang Quanchuan Aihui, the female teacher who had always coveted the battlefield.

"Really, there was a good fight, Wright." Looking at the messy street, Aihui teacher exclaimed: "Speaking of which, you should be the discipline committee member who maintains the urban discipline of the academy? Why take the lead? Such a thing?"

Although, in fact, the guy who "did such a thing" should have been in the early spring.

But I just had a kiss with Chuchun. This child is a real person. Then her mistake is counted on the battlefield, and it is not wrong in itself.

"Sorry, sorry." Then he said with a sincere smile without any sincerity: "I will invite you to dinner another day. Can I apologize as an apology?"

"Huh?!" Ai Sui's heart was pounding after hearing what Zhanchangyuan said.

What's this so special? !

Pie in the sky? !

Could it be that I finally turned around, so I can get rid of my virginity? !

Ahaha, ahahahahaha...

"Then, that, senior..."

Beside her, a lovely glasses lady who looked very young and weak, said to her cautiously: "Next, what should we do?"

"Next...whatever you should do. Fortunately, academy city builds houses or something faster." Looking at a messy street, Ai Sui scratched his head and said.

"The cost of repairing the streets will be fully borne by the Commission for Discipline and Discipline." Zhanchangyuan said sincerely again: "Of course, all the guards on duty this time, we will also say something."

Of course, what he said "show something" is not simply a thank you or two. It's a real thank you money. Anyway, the battlefield is now backed by the Sinicization group of the underworld, and at the same time swallowed a large number of company shares in the Kihara family, some of which are money. Don't say give these guards a sign. Even if you take Ai Sui and the cute spectacles around her, you can do it like this or that.

"Then that's it, I'm waiting for you to ask me."

After saying this, Ai Sui turned and left with a happy face. The spectacles girl beside her looked a little reluctant, turning around to look at the battlefield. It seems that he still wants to talk to him.

However, this little bit of careful thinking about the weakness of his younger generation was quickly suppressed by Huang Quanchuan's iron and blood violence.

"Go, let's go, iron suit. Hurry up." As she said, she reached out and strangled the opponent's neck and clamped her under her elbow. Then he pulled himself away forcibly.

"Wait, wait, senior, that, that—"

Although I wanted to struggle a bit, but under the strong suppression of the opponent, it was very sad that he couldn't resist. In this way, he was dragged to the side of the explosion-proof police car, and then happily thrown in. Pulled away.

"Ah, ah. I'm a little bit envious." Zhanchangyuan couldn't help thinking in his heart-when the lovely spectacle lady was caught by Huang Quanchuan just now, she rubbed directly on her chest~ that's rare. Big breasts at first sight. Really.

"Then, then the former senior on the battlefield..."

After all the dust settled and only a few of them were left, although Mikoto wanted to say something, he was directly caught by Kuroko.

"Okay, elder sister. In this case, let's give them a little personal space." Heizi whispered to her.


Mikoto was still a little unhappy. According to normal, it should be a boy and a girl, such a normal relationship-if this is the case, then she will not care too much. The problem is, the guy in Battlefield is obviously not!

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 21 In short, is this problem solved?

"So everyone has a way to choose their own happiness."

Although, Kuroko is actually one year younger than Misaka. But in many cases, Kuroko appears more mature than Mikoto.

Probably because this guy is a pervert.

"Since Chuchun and Leizi think it's okay, then we shouldn't stop them, but we should bless them silently~"

"...Eh, is that right?"

Although that was the case, Misaka was still a little uncomfortable.

Even Misaka couldn't help but want to say: "Does this also include you?" This point.

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