Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 959

"Don't do it?"


In such a sigh, Battlefield held back and patiently ordered Yuchuan.


"Also, Chuchun..." He looked towards Chuchun, who nodded to him, expressing his understanding. Then he turned and left.

There is a place to measure superpower level in the headquarters building of the Commissioner of Discipline. Of course I know where it is in early spring. Similarly, she also desperately wants to know what her current superpower level is.

After leaving in the early spring, the girls thought the much-anticipated group sex would begin. Several shameless girls like Suruga Kamahara who have not had sex with the battlefield, are also very happy to stay here. I want to take this opportunity to further my relationship with Battlefield Hara.

Anyway, this guy has sex with so many girls. It’s impossible to remember all of them, who has sex with who hasn’t, right?

However, he did not expect that the next command issued by the battlefield was: "Disband in place."

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 22 The Instigator of Fantasy Mitsu


"Why is this?"

"Don't you?"

After Zhanchangyuan issued such an order, the girls naturally complained and complained. Upon seeing this scene, Yu Chuan once again looked at Zhanchangyuan with the same eyes as a puppy who had done something wrong. It's as if it is his responsibility to ruin the atmosphere of girls.

——Did you not leave just now? !

Although Zhanchangyuan wanted to say such a thing to Yuchuan, he was afraid that Yuchuan would become albino with anger after hearing it, and then came to his own trouble. For example, a slight illness or something. Then throw all the affairs of the Commissioner of Discipline to himself.

It's a pitiful day, this is the most terrifying penalty known to Battlefield.

However, fortunately, it was just a click. After a while, Yu Chuan explained to the girls one way or another. Using her powerful prestige among the girls, let the girls who looked back at the battlefield three steps to leave and go to work in their respective duties.

Zhanchangyuan was sincerely relieved.

Ok. Without Yuchuan, I don't know how bad my life will be. This is the first time I don't know how many times I have such thoughts.

Then, it was a very pleasant sex activity... well, this one didn't.

In fact, Zhanchangyuan very much hopes that. What a tiring job. Where is it so fun to have sex with girls?

The problem is no, no. The battlefield must work hard and sincerely. You have to work hard to do this well in order to have sex with the girls in peace.

In other words, some things can't just pretend not to see them.

It's like this time.

Seeing the girls who turned their heads one step at a time, one or two returned to work and began to work hard. Battlefield couldn't help sighing.

what. what. It really is.

The matter was settled early.

He thought so in his heart, and then took the elevator to the underground scientific research institution. Here, there are already a thousand Misaka sisters living happily.

Think about it a little bit aggrieved. These girls can only face a perverted aunt who is always weak in speaking and will take off her clothes if she doesn't agree with the sky. They really feel uncomfortable.

In other words, a scientific researcher named Mushan Chunsheng. She looked helpless, discussing the next course with her sisters.

Although there is a system capable of perfusion. But the sisters were not infused with too much scientific knowledge. Mushan Chunsheng felt that girls at this age shouldn’t be idle, discussing how to hold their bosses down and take turns holding hands, but should learn cultural postures.

Of course she can't educate a thousand sisters alone. Fortunately, the sisters have a whole brain networking system. It is equivalent to teaching someone else and it will do. So, what they are discussing now is which of the unlucky ghosts are going to listen to the culture class of Mushan Chunsheng Education, and who is responsible for seduce the boss when they come to inspect the battlefield.

——Of course, in addition to Mu Shan Chunsheng, there is actually another young lady from the research institute — this will not be mentioned for the time being.

This guy didn't seem to notice a series of messy things that happened above. Or even if you notice it, you don't care at all.

In this situation, the battlefield came sincerely.

"Dr. Mushan Harusheng." Battlefield Hara coughed slightly, letting the decadent stripper free from the infinite sister hell: "I have something to ask you."

"Ah, uh."

Mushan Chunsheng stood up, his whole body looked relaxed: "Let's talk, what's the matter?"

"Brother Zhanchangyuan~"

I can feel the tension between the original sincerity of the battlefield and Haruno Kiyama. The younger sisters wanted to come around to act like a baby and divert their attention or something. However, he was immediately seen through by Battlefield.

"Your questions will be discussed later. You can stay here, or find a place to play. Don't make trouble." Zhanchangyuan directly blocked their words.

"Brother Zhanchangyuan~~~~"

It's just a pity that the sisters didn't seem to be discouraged for this reason. Instead, they worked harder to get close to Sincere, dangling around with his arms, rubbing against their undeveloped chest. At the same time some younger sisters murmured, "Ah, it's so hot today." Then they began to undress.

Seeing this scene, the battlefield regretted giving them to Mu Shan Chunsheng for education.

To be honest, it is really not a good habit to take off your clothes when the weather is hot. The resulting vacuum packaging + exhibitionism that only wears a coat and nothing inside, or only wears cute umbilical suits and uniform shorts, are all evil!

Girls in this grade should work hard to be cute, instead of dressing up like bitch-well, we can discuss this matter later. The most important issue now is Mu Shan Chunsheng.

"That's why--" Zhanchangyuan understood that if this continues, there will be no way to solve the problem of Mushan Chunsheng. He can only end up being dragged happily by these sisters to the corner next to him, stripped naked and then take turns holding hands. So Zhanchangyuan tried very hard to say something. But the sisters seem to have completely turned into a slut, and have no intention of listening to the original words of the battlefield.

Just when Battlefield was sincere and didn't know what to do, Kiyama Harubo sighed, then stood up: "Okay, Misaka. Let go of Battlefield first."


Misaka sisters looked around like this. But it still didn't let go.

"In short, things that should come will definitely come. Things that should happen must also happen. I know this is a bad result." She continued to look at the battlefield with a calm look: "Speak, you want to How am I?"

"Don't justify yourself? Even say, we haven't made the matter clear yet."

"No need. It's been so long. What I've done is so close to those people's things. You are not a fool, Zhanchangyuan. I believe that before, you just pretended not to know anything. Right?"

"..." Zhanchang Yuanzheng shook his head helplessly: "Well, since it's about this. Then it's useless to say anything else. Why do you do that? Why do you want to invent level up? Does it mean that having such a strong side effect will adjust the frequency of one's brain waves to the same level of fantasy mistress?

what is your purpose? "


Mu Shan Chunsheng hesitated for a moment, and then said, "It might be ridiculous..."

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