Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 962

He happily took Yubi Danxi's hand and was brought to Aleister by her. Then, the child left with a complex expression. Let the original point of the battlefield feel lost.

Ah, ah. If you knew it, you should just ask her if she would like to change jobs to work at her own place, really.

Zhanchang Yuanzheng just shook his head a little unhappy. Aleister who looked at him couldn't help but frowned.

This, man. It's a little strange. No, it is very strange. Originally thought that this man was a man of troubled times. Lived for so many years, and then experienced so many things. It seems that which country he goes to, which country will be inexplicably war.

Prior to this, Aleister was very surprised by the combat power displayed by the original sincerity of the battlefield.

This is definitely not the strength that ordinary lv5 can have. Even the so-called lv6, I am afraid it is not as good. Those old monsters known as demon gods, Aleister didn't know for now. But if it’s me...

"So," Thinking of this, Aleister didn't want to think further.

He calmly—of course, there is no way to use the electronically synthesized voice unsteadily, and sincerely ask Battlefield Yuan: "What do you want to do here? Battlefield Yuan classmate."

This guy clearly knew what the battlefield was originally for. But pretending to ask. Makes the battlefield a little unhappy.

"So, what am I here for?"

The battlefield was sincere, as if talking to himself. It seemed that he was asking Aleister again, and asked such words.

Suddenly he had a crazy idea in his mind.

If, maybe you should test your own strength?

At the same time, it is necessary to test Aleister's strength.

At this point, the battlefield's sincere thoughts suddenly moved. Under the urging of the whole body Zhenyuan, the sleeves of the sleeves were not winded automatically, dragging him into the air——

Aleister on the opposite side saw this scene and his heart stopped beating. Then his eyes became serious and solemn. The same intrepid, powerful, and unmatched power continued to emerge around his crystal coffin-like cultivation tank.

It was too late and it was fast, but in an instant, the momentum and accumulated power of the original sincerity of the battlefield and Aleister had reached the peak. After that, the original sincere three-phase force on the battlefield blasted towards the opposite Aleister. At the same time Aleister is the same. These two forces were invisible and colorless, and immediately after the banging together, the neutralization, there was not a trace of breath and power leaked and wasted. It shows the strength of the two opponents.

That's it, these two tricks are enough to destroy the strength of the Academy City in an instant and then disappear. Although the body is fine. But the battlefield, who had suffered a back shock mentally, took two steps backwards sincerely and subconsciously, and at the same time only felt that his chest was tight. On the opposite side, Aleister looked like nothing happened. The two looked at each other for a while. Only then did Battlefield smile.

"Actually, I was idle and all right. I suddenly remembered that Chairman, you are very lonely in such a dark place. I just came to visit you."

"Thank you for that." Aleister replied calmly, "Speaking of which, you are in charge of the Discipline Committee and it is very hard to maintain the discipline of the Academy City. You need to pay attention to your body."

"Well, um. Yes. But when it comes to paying attention to your body, don't you think that the uncles who are in charge of the board need to pay more attention to your body?" Zhanchangyuan's sincere mouth turned upwards, revealing a smile.

That's almost it. Battlefield Yuanzheng finally got what he wanted. After thinking a little bit, Aleister made a decision. Allow the battlefield to clean up the council in good faith and let a certain councilor go to rest. Then he was granted a seat on the council.

Of course, it's just one.

Of course of course. Even if there is only one seat, Zhanchangyuanzheng feels more satisfied. After all, I didn't expect Aleister to be so strong.

"Ah, ah. It seems that I need to find more lovely girls and work hard with them. And cultivate the apple tree of love, to provide for my mental world to expand."

"It's really easy, Ernie Chan."

"Because I thought about it, this is the best way for me to improve my strength." Zhanchangyuan replied sincerely and relaxedly: "Improving strength like this is quick and easy, and very enjoyable. Isn't it a multitude of actions in one fell swoop?"

"But I always feel that the Oni sauce who does this is very scumbag~"

"This is your illusion." Battlefield Hara continued to reply easily.

Of course, all these conversations were completed in the heart, and were not heard by the complex-looking Dan Xi. Speaking of it, this pink-haired double ponytail hasn't seen each other for a few days, but it seems a bit clearer. Is there something wrong?

Zhanchangyuan sincerely couldn't help but ask a few words like this, but he didn't expect the other party to pretend to be cold to him and refuse to answer at all. This made Battlefield even feel that there must be something in it.

"Then, leave the fellow Aleister and come and work for me? The treatment must be favorable, so consider it carefully~"

Although he said that, but the bidder Danxi still did not answer. Instead, he heard the words of Battlefield Soliciting, his expression became very unpleasant.


Although because of all sorts of messy crossing things, the memory of Battlefield Yuan was very confused. But thinking hard, I can always remember. This is especially true for things related to girls. Looking at the result, Danxi looks like this. He immediately remembered the last time he met.

Last time, it seemed to be her and Heizi. Then there was a mess of misunderstandings. Is that right?

Speaking of which, she and Heizi are the same pink-haired double ponytails, the same space-powered person, and the same very cute girl. Thinking about it this way, there are so many similarities between these two children. It's no wonder that they look unpleasant to each other. After all, the conflict between human settings is so serious. If you say that they exist together, they will reduce each other's sense of existence.

Oh, by the way, their current similarities may have to add another "I like the same boy."

such. It's no wonder why Danxi feels complicated after seeing the battlefield, and it's no wonder that she would use complaining and unhappy words to say this to herself.

Speaking of which, he and Jiebi Danxi knew each other earlier than Heizi. But the development is not as good as Heizi. In this case, it would be understandable even if Danxi said something like "I am first, obviously I am first". Well, yes, totally understandable. After all, I am such a good man, hahaha...

Thinking of this in my heart, Zhanchangyuan's sincere mood became more and more happy.

It’s okay, um, it’s okay. Although Danxi Jiebi immediately moved shyly after saying this, and then disappeared without a trace. But there is still a chance in the future. Have a good talk with her, hug, hug, kiss and kiss. Isn't that OK?

Thinking like this in my heart, the battlefield left hummingly.

Uh, uh. It's too early to see how it is. With so many things happening today, the girls of the Committee of Discipline and Discipline have also been very tired and busy for a day. Tonight, they should be rewarded with a good ♂ good ♀~

The battlefield was sincere, and left with a song like this. Let's talk about Aleister's side.

After the battlefield had left sincerely, Aleister calmed down for a while, said nothing, and remained silent for a while. He just reopened:

"Wright Baldwin is really strong."

"Yes, unexpectedly powerful." The female voice said calmly.

"It seems that our plan needs to be executed more quickly."

"No problem?"

"Even if there is a problem, it must be speeded up." After Aleister said this, the female voice was silent, seeming to acquiesce in Aleister's statement.

In this way, a stream of bubbles appeared in Aleister's cultivation tank... and a faint bright red liquid thread.

——He was probably injured a bit more serious than the original. It just didn't show up if nothing happened.

Sure enough, the pretense is still old and spicy.

Author's message:

Update la la la, a big chapter close to five thousand words

Chapter 25 The Quadruple Date with Teacher Huang Quanchuan


A few hours later.

Watching the girls fall to the ground and say:

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