Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 966

All in all, that's it. The flower street of Yoshihara. Zhanchangyuan was sincerely and happily having sex with another girl who must know these things, the same surname is Yueyong.

"That said, there are still such things."

"Yes. When it comes to getting lost with people, the first thing I think of is Yoshihara. Under the rule of Wang Fengxian, there should be a lot of kidnappers here, right?" While rubbing the other's elastic buttock , While asking.

"Yes. Of course, those guys have been dealt with by Baihua recently."

"You don't need to report this kind of thing to me," said Zhanchangyuan. "You can make your own decisions."


Hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Yueyong felt a little at ease. At least Zhanchangyuan does not intend to take back the autonomy of Yoshihara Flower Street. This is also one of the reasons why she can have sex with the battlefield with peace of mind.

"I will try my best to help."

"Well... Although it would be nice if you can help. But after all, it's been so long." Zhanchangyuan said to her while patted Yueyong's fat buttocks and snapped there. : "Anyway, you just have to do your best, and do everything to your destiny. Check it out as much as possible. The child's name is Yueyong Xiaoguai."

"...What are you talking about?!" (Some detailed descriptions of slaps are omitted here.)

(A few more omitted here): "Yueyong, little boy...wait..."

Zhanchangyuan suddenly thought of something--she had never asked Yue Yong's full name before she said it. Since this child claims to be Yueyong, the battlefield has always called her Yueyong happily-that is to say-to hear this child so surprised-then...

"Could it be that..." (omitted here), Zhan Tian Yuan asked sincerely, and didn't stop snapping Yueyong.


Yueyong Xiaokai...?

Thinking of this name, Battlefield couldn't help but want to laugh.

The name of this cute line does not match her at all.

(Omitted) "Really, really, don't laugh!" Hearing that Zhanchangyuan couldn't help but laughed out, Yue Yong's face turned redder. Hmm, or can you call her a little boy in the future?

"Although it was an accidental meeting with my sister by accident. It should be a very touching thing... but... sorry, I still can't help it-hahahahahaha..."

Zhanchangyuan laughed hahaha, while feeding Yueyong Xiaoguai some of his own essence. Makes the other person very shy and uncomfortable... It's almost like this.

"OK OK."

While Zhanchangyuan happily began to dress, he said to her like this: "In short, leave this to me. Well, the sisters meeting must be very touching."

Speaking of this, Zhanchangyuan couldn't help but start thinking about the big adventures of sisters Yu and sisters. It will also be very pleasant. Uhhhhh.

"That one……"

But unexpectedly, after Zhanchangyuan said this, the sister Yueyong next to her was a little shy and hesitant: "I... can I really meet my sister now?"

Just now Battlefield said that Xiaomeng is one of his teachers. But now Xiaoguai is a gangster. Although the underworld in Japan can be legalized, it still feels inappropriate to think about it. Little boy, feel a little inferior.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 28: It's okay to Fifeida!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all." Yue Yong was worried about what he was thinking, and the battlefield was very clear: "Don't you think I'm good? I don't think I have any inferiority at all."

"..." Yueyong, this name is really too huh. Sure enough, I would just use the moon to chant.

After Zhanchangyuan said such words sincerely and happily, Yue Yong looked at him with contempt and contempt.

Although it is true, the mistress of the gang boss really shouldn't look at the gang boss with such a look. But, well, it doesn't matter such a thing. Anyway, Battlefield genuinely believed that he was not the kind of real unfeeling and unyielding murderer.

In fact, Zhanchangyuan sincerely felt that he was very good, and he was a very, very good person. It's as if it is now. If Yueyong and Teacher Xiaomeng are not because of him, can sisters recognize each other? Can sisters have fun together? No way. right?

"So, Teacher Xiaomeng is a very good person, and besides that, she misses you very much."

Having said that, the former general of the battlefield, Teacher Xiaomeng, wanted to go to the streets to pick up beautiful girls and go home to raise them.

"Speaking of which, this hobby is very good. But it is very questionable-Teacher Xiaomeng is almost 30 years old for whatever reason, and she is still like a girl—"

When she said this, Yueyong's eyes turned sharp when she looked at Battlefield Hara. It's almost like watching a pervert. Of course, the original sincerity of the battlefield can be guaranteed by his own personality, which is not the case in fact. complete. So Yueyong is pitting herself.

Therefore, the battlefield continued to calmly and calmly said: "Think about it, a young girl wandering around without a problem, but also to find the homeless. Isn't this dangerous? Very dangerous? Is it dangerous?

Have I told you, when was the first time I met Teacher Xiaomeng? Well, I didn’t tell you, right? "

Looking at Yue Yong: "Even if I said I really heard you say it, you will definitely find the opportunity to say it again. In this case, I will just say nothing and do whatever you want." The expression, The original sincerity of the battlefield completely ignored. Then said happily:

"In fact, this is the case. At the very beginning, I saw a young girl and wanted to strike up a conversation with her. Then I walked over and found a woman who was dyed blonde and wearing a green shirt with sunglasses. It was nothing at first sight. The nice guy wanted to talk to the young girl.

That guy was very opposed to me talking up with Teacher Xiaomeng, and he even said something terrible, and even wanted to attack me, so I started to beat him up first. After that, I took Teacher Xiaomeng home very happily.

So, a cute girl like Teacher Xiaomeng still wanders around in idleness. It's easy to encounter evil lolicon and the like. Although I will take care of her, and I have also taken care of the commissioner to take care of her. But sure enough. If Yueyong is also concerned about Teacher Xiaomeng, the teacher will definitely be very happy and very moved, don't you? "

Zhanchangyuan looked at Yue Yong sincerely and sincerely, waiting for her answer. But I didn’t expect Yue Yong to say something like this: "What you said just now is that two lolicons think that each other is an idiot. Or they know that each other is just lolicon. But because of their attributes, they insist on giving each other. Pinning the hat, it turned out to be a cannibalistic thing, right?"

"..." Zhanchangyuan paused sincerely.

"Ahaha, ahaha, ahahaha...what are you saying, Yueyong~ I don't understand at all~"

"..." Yue Yong was silent for a while, then sighed: "Forget it, I know, I will find a time to meet with my sister... But don't tell her during this time."

"Why didn't you tell her?" The battlefield was a bit strange, and then suddenly realized: "Yueyong, don't you think that the so-called meeting is when you quietly glanced at a place where the other party is invisible, and then come back and tell me 'We have already met.' Can this be over?"

Although Yue Yong didn't speak, she could tell by looking at her expression of "Eh, how did you know?! Does it mean that swordsmen have the ability to read minds?", she actually thinks so. This made Battlefield Hara couldn't help sighing.

"Next time, I'll be with you when I have time. No complaints, and no talk about temporary problems. Obedient!"

Hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, Yue Yong was a little unhappy, but at the same time he nodded helplessly. Other than that, I was relieved. Can't help but want to show a happy smile.

Seeing her like this, the battlefield knew that, in fact, Yue Yong still wanted to meet her sister Xiaomeng. It's just one less absolute reason.

As for now, Zhanchangyuan's order has found a good reason for her, and she will not refuse it again.

"Okay, then there is another thing next. Hmm...Flanda, this kid is really bad~"

"Speaking of it, although she is a little younger. But this kid's combat effectiveness is indeed very good." Yue Yong said calmly: "Baihua also took a lot of effort to catch her...but..."

Speaking of this, Yue Yong was sluggish: "If the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline took the initiative, then it should be easier to capture Flanda. As long as you have prepared beforehand, if it is sudden enough...why use 100 What does Hua do?"

"Hmm~" Zhanchangyuan smiled happily. Just when Yue Yong thought he would not answer his own question, Zhan Tian Yuan spoke sincerely:

"Naturally because Baihua is better to use it~ it would be easier if the Commissioner of Discipline and Discipline starts to catch it. But then, what kind of extreme play I want to use — I mean, I want to get some important information from her mouth It’s very difficult to use extraordinary means. Well, yes."

"Ah, ah..." Yue Yong sighed helplessly: "Sure enough, I knew that you guy can't do anything good..."

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