Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 972

Speaking of which, this little brother should be a translator, right? Spreading his hands, he doesn't look like a gangster at all. Is it really okay? This kind of guy.

Zhanchangyuan couldn't help but feel sorry for this guy. It's like a model of wrongdoing.

"Hey, you guy, really annoyed the old lady." Miss two-hand looked at the battlefield and said.

"Hmm...huh?" Zhanchangyuan spread his hands sincerely. It seems to be owed as always-in fact, the young lady just now almost couldn't help but want to wave her fist A up, and wanted to squash the face of Yuanzheng on the battlefield that looked very unrecognizable. Let him break the picture anyway. This will make you feel very happy.

However, she didn't really start.

Mostly because of fear. Well, fear. Just now, Battlefield Yuanzheng did not make any actions beyond the scope of normal people. Even those swordsmanship and physical skills were not revealed. It just used the simplest basic grappling fighting tactics. However, just in this way, she easily pressed this young lady to the ground.

In this case, I am afraid that only in this case, this young lady will have a little respect.

This kind of guy is just like that, fearful but not moral. Cut, cut cut.

Battlefield Yuanzheng smiled happily while slandering in his heart. Re-recognize: "Battlefield is sincere—oh, yes, another name is Wright Baldwin. Maybe you are more familiar with it, maybe?"

"...Lavi." The other party said his name like this: "Employee of the Black Lagoon Chamber of Commerce." Indeed, after hearing Wright Baldwin, the guy was a little surprised, as if looking at some rare animal. His eyes and movements are also much better. It was like a female wolf that became docile after seeing a wolf.

"Then the inspection ends here. It looks like you did a good job, Miss Lavie, come on. If you can train these guys well, I will give you an extra bonus."

After saying this, Zhanchangyuan sincerely disappeared suddenly.

"Then, that, Lavi?" Next to him, the little brother who claimed to be Locke looked at her with some worry.

Because of the rubbing against the ground by the original sincere press on the ground just now, this child has a little more bruises.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury." She muttered like this, and then looked viciously at the group of Chinese group members who stopped running because of the excitement—

"Run for me!"

It seems that all the losses suffered in the battlefield will be vented on these unlucky ghosts. Miss Laivi pulled out the gun and pulled the trigger bang bang: "Otherwise I will break your legs!"

As a result, the nightmare of the Sinicization group came again. After that, I watched muttering, and took out the cigarette again to break it straight-the previous cigarette was removed by the one that I just pressed on the ground, and the cigarette case was also squeezed-seeing my partner... barely Be regarded as a partner, such a guy seems to have recovered, the shirt boy said nervously: "Just now..."

"Did you ask that bastard just now?"

Staring at Locke with eyes like dead fish, she said feebly: "That's a mutant great white shark. It's a monster that doesn't know how many people is under adulthood... No, since it has super powers. It’s a mess, then it’s okay to call it a sea monster,’s..."

Speaking at the end, Lavy shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Should I say good luck? Even after encountering Fenrir's trump card, I can survive..."

"Fenrir's... trump card?"

"A whole group are monsters. The mercenary group that is quite famous in the underworld." Lai Wei said angrily: "A guy like you, the most ordinary Fenrir mercenary can also hit a hundred. If If it's Fenrir's Wolf King, it probably doesn't matter how many. That kid is such a monster."

"But, but..." Little Brother Locke seemed a little unbelievable to hear Lavie say.

"I was once fortunate to have seen a Fenrir mercenary war...well, it seems to be, horse...what's coming from-in short, there are only a dozen of them, and the opponent is the local A legion of warlords. Tanks, self-propelled artillery, gunships, and tribal soldiers who kill people without blinking."

"Knot, the result?"

"It turns out that the former won..."

Lavi sighed when he said this: "That guy, I probably, I don't have the impression at all...At that time, there was a little girl who was shivering holding the gun, hiding in the corner without breathing. Dare to look. Huh... What a shame."

"That mean...difficult, isn't it...?"

"Um, yes..." Lavi's eyes became more muddy: "That monster was the one who led the team. He was about fifteen years old? Or is he fourteen years old? Anyway, he is not big now. Haha Haha...but I didn't expect it. I haven't heard the news of that guy's killing for several years. Everyone thought that little monster was dead. Who would have thought that he would have gone ashore here for whitewashing, hehehehe... ...It's incredible..."

She said that while leaning against the wall and vomiting mist.

"Then, Lavi..."

The little brother next to him hesitated a bit, but couldn't help but ask this question: "What do you think about that...Zhanchangyuan sincere...Mr.?"

"What do you think?"

Lavi’s tone was leisurely: "We are completely different guys in the two worlds... If, at the time... Well, I would probably fall in love with that guy without hesitation."

"Love, fall in love?"

"Are you jealous?"

"No, no..."

"Hahaha... so it's impossible." Lavi spit out a smoke ring: "Ah, that's great, killing as easily as a beast, as brisk as an elf, the look of that guy is really fascinating. Now... I should say... No, it's not love, it's just desire."

Lavi quickly changed her statement: "That guy is very strong. It's so desperate. It's so good, really...just looking at his eyes will attract him. Then he will simply give He has a baby, forget it, this feeling.

Probably this is not called love, but simply reproductive desire. The mother beast chooses the strongest and strongest male beast, and then shows her throat in front of it to show tame or something...really..."

Speaking of this, Lavi spit out the last puff of cigarette fiercely, and then pressed the cigarette butt against the wall fiercely.

"I hate this feeling. Too weak. Too disgusting."

"……Is it."

It seems to be relieved, and it seems to be sighing. All in all, the little brother murmured casually as a response. He didn't talk to that guy again. The two people were there for a while, before he spoke again:

"Speaking of which, Lavi."


"Have you ever thought about it?"


"That guy, Wright Baldwin. If he can successfully go ashore, wash white, and live well... why can't you?"


After he asked this sentence, Lavi did not speak for a long time. This made Locke feel very uneasy.

When the little brother felt a little ups and downs, thinking that he had annoyed her, Lavi replied leisurely:

"No way.

He is so strong.

I am too weak. "

Author's message:

Update la la la

①③Akuya of Akuya

Chapter One The Defeated Goddess

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