Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 974

"Even so, can I get such a happy smile? Akua... Miss lost, what does it have to do with you?" Zhanchangyuan said sincerely.


It seems that Zhanchangyuan's feelings for Akua were discovered by Zhen Zi, which made Zhanchangyuan a little embarrassed, and besides that, he was a bit embarrassed. Especially when she looked at Zhen Zi’s mouth upturned, revealing a smirk like a sign:

"Of course it does matter, because I am the creditor of this child."


Speaking of this, the kid—Akuya, seemed finally unable to bear it, and began to cry: "Zhen Zi, you said it’s not good to lose like this, it will damage the majesty of the goddess, so, that’s why I— —As a result, you still lend me money every time you lose. As a result, you owe so much before you know it, haha..."

Of course the haha behind is not a smile. To be more precise, it should be Ha An, Ha An's crying breathless cry. All in all, the child started crying loudly while accusing the evil loan shark of the evil merchants and the true purple on the battlefield.

how to say. The battlefield basically understood what was going on.

Although it is true that Zhen Zi did a bad thing. But such an idiot can be fooled, and the guy who borrows usury is also a idiot-if the mother is sick and has no money for treatment, or the father is in a car accident and needs surgery, and the younger brother needs to go to university and cannot pay the tuition... For reasons similar to this, maybe even Acceptable and understand and sympathize.

But if you want to show off your newly bought handbags, cosmetics, and want to eat good things or something else, you cannot forgive it. The same goes for gambling.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter Two Sisters

That's almost it. After understanding the situation, the sympathy for this child has suddenly diminished-but think about it carefully. Maybe there is another possibility.

It means that the child's IQ is insufficient, so he was fooled. Because of my lack of IQ, I was deceived by Zhen Zi's rhetoric. This possibility is also possible.

But there is one more important thing.

"Just take it as it is." Zhanchangyuan said, "But, does this matter have anything to do with me?"

"Of course it matters~" Zhen Zi happily stretched out her hand and hugged Battlefield Hara's arm: "Because, this is my gift to Ounichan~"


"Ouni-chan, Ouni-chan~" she said, stretching her hand in a circle on Battlefield Hara’s chest: "Although she didn’t say anything at all, Ouni-chan must have thought about it in her heart--ah, if you say It would be great if I could have sex with a goddess—it was a guy like Zhen Zi, if I could press her on the ground and have sex with A Heiyan. Look how bad that guy is~"


When Zhan Tian Yuan was a little embarrassed, Zhen Zi said a but-although Zhan Yuan Yuan did think of such a thing in his heart, it was not wrong-but ah, but now there are people next to him. There is another goddess, asshole. Is it really okay to say something like this?

As for whether Zhen Zi could hear her own voice, Zhan Tian Yuan had no doubt. This guy himself is a goddess. Even if one's own strength increases, the other party should change their eavesdropping methods. There should be nothing wrong with this setting.

Zhanchangyuan sincerely interrupted this guy because of embarrassment.

"--But not."

Although I had expected it a long time ago, after this guy said something like: "You are a good person, Ernie Sauce", which can be called a refusal to confess, Zhanchangyuan's sincerity is still a bit lost.

"It's not because I don't like Ounichan-the reason is very, very complicated. Of course, one day, Ounichan will get what he wants, but it may not necessarily... Although that day may be very far away from now... Well, However, there is no problem, because there are alternatives."

As she said that, she walked behind Akua’s child, and stretched out her hand to pull the corners of her mouth upwards: "Look, look, real goddess, please take this child as my substitute. , Play with her all kinds of pleasant and intense play.

Because it's a goddess anyway, it won't be broken easily. So some extreme play, those that are not easy to use on the girl who O'Neill really loves, but the play that O'Neill can't help but want to use, can be used on this child. "

She said that while pressing on Akua's shoulder. It can be seen that Akua's body trembled visibly after she was pressed on her shoulder. It seems that this child is really afraid of Zhen Zi. Even if Zhen Zi said such excessive words, the child did not dare to refute it at all.

"Oh, in terms of safety, Ernie Chan doesn’t have to worry about it at all. Because this kid loses, she will listen to me anyway. In other words, she will never hurt Ernie Chan who is the object of my contract. .

Next, as long as I transfer her ownership to O'Neill, then it can be done. "

"Woo, woo..."

I don't know if it is because of Zhen Zi, the girl whose name is Akuya looked at Battlefield Hara also very scared. It was as if the battlefield would really be like Zhen Zi said, using all kinds of weird sex with her.

But even with this level of fear, Akua still dare not say anything. Especially when Zhen Zi said, "Akuya Akuna, why do you look unhappy? The Oni sauce I gave you to me has sex like this, don't you want it?"

Even an idiot knows that Zhen Zi is saying the opposite at this time. If she says she doesn’t want to, she still doesn’t know how to be treated, so Akua is very wise and shook her head desperately: "No, not at all— "

"Well, then, you are very happy."

"Yes, it is……"

"If you are happy, why not laugh?"

"Eh, that, laugh?"

"Yeah, smile. Akua~"

"Then, that... wait for me to adjust my emotions..." Akua's expression on the opposite side stiffened, and then she was taken aback by the really ambiguous smile. Then he grinned hard, showing an expression that was uglier than crying.

In short, I don't know what battlefield it is, but it's definitely not a smile. This can be confirmed.

"Hahaha... Forget it. Anyway, the next step, training this child is the job of Honest Ounichan~ Then, bye Ounichan. In the next world, Akua will be with you, Take advantage of her power~"

Speaking of this, Zhen Zi emphasized a little bit. Zhanchangyuan's thoughts moved, and then he didn't say anything, but his mind...

It seems that Zhen Zi set up the poor child not only to satisfy his own evil taste.

Maybe... uh...

The battlefield was thoughtful.

"At the same time, there is this—the contractor who caused Akua’s failure. Even if it’s a good addition, you don’t have to save me any face. That’s it."

In the next second, the true purple disappeared. At the same time, another spotlight turned on, shining on the other who looked like Akua, also burnt out...



I haven't seen each other for a while, this child seems to have grown a little bit. It's not fun anymore.

I don't know why, when Zhanchangyuan first saw this child, there was such a strange thought in his heart.

The name is Betty.


Children who have met in several great wars. Very cute young girl... now it's loli. At the same time, it looked like it was burnt out.

Is this kid a contractor of Akua?

The battlefield originally understood for a while, why Akua would be so simply in debt. Just because this kid is really not suitable for being a contractor. absolute.

"Ah, ah!"

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