Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 979

All in all, today Wright also went for a drink with Akua.


The third day.

"Master Akua, salary!"

"Wright, go for a drink?"

"go with!"


The fourth day.

Five days.

Six seven eight ninety days...

Today, Wright and Akuya are still living a life for nothing, supported by a young girl, spending the money earned by the girl's hard work on frothy wine.

"——Is this wrong?!"

"Huh? What's wrong? Don't wake Betty."

While Wright Baldwin suddenly straightened up from the grass and spit out loudly, Akua next to him rubbed his eyes and said: "She is going to work tomorrow and then earning money back. If she doesn't make money back, we won’t Money drank...

Anyway, do you want me to accompany you to the toilet? "

"You have lost your qualifications as a heroine who said this-of course, this is not the point, I mean, what's wrong with our current life?!" Wright looked at Akua very seriously, and then Say so.

"...What you said so..."

Akuya thought about it seriously: "It seems...this way you get something for nothing, you have to rely on the hard-earned money of a young girl to live, and the days of buying wine and drinking are really not good..."

"—No, no, no, I didn't mean this." Wright shook his finger. As the former Cowboy, he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with drinking with a woman’s hard-earned money: “I’m talking about another one. Although Akuya, it’s ugly to vomit when you drink, it’s said that you guys even foamed Alcohol can get drunk? Obviously, he is a guy who likes to drink. The amount of alcohol is surprisingly small.

——Also, when you actually vomit, you have already lost your qualifications as a heroine——"

"——Why?!" Akua protested loudly, but was ignored by Battlefield once again.

"I'm talking about, what is our goal?"

"Down with the devil."

"——So you still know this!"

"——Didn’t you say Wright?! You have a huge plan. As long as you can implement this plan, you can happily succeed. What kind of devil? If it’s a male, then it’s done. It’s a female and looks good. Just slap slaps-you are really a ghost. You even said such things in front of the pure goddess. Sure enough, you need to be purified, Wright."

"--That kind of thing doesn't matter at all. In short." Of course, Wright would not say, he has been desperately researching his adventurer card recently, his head is filled with all kinds of messy and even a little incomprehensible things, and the result is IQ has dropped drastically, almost to the point of being despised by this idiot——If he really said it, then this guy will definitely laugh at himself—

So just to say, this guy named Akuya, completely, completely, has no consciousness of being a heroine. Although the appearance and figure are first-class, but the character is too bad, completely, completely, completely without a little femininity.

Speaking of which, Zhen Zi is playing tricks on him, right? What about giving Akuya as a gift to myself, as Rinpoche or something. But in fact, after Battlefield knew the true character of this guy Akua, he couldn't even mention any sexual interest in this guy.

Yes, that's it.

"All in all, I think we have to do something that meets the identity of adventurers recently." Zhanchangyuan said.

"...Things of adventurer status?" The other party tilted his head naturally, as if he didn't know what was going on.

"Anyway, let's go out and take a risk." The battlefield originally held his forehead with his hands, and then said: "Beat monsters, gain experience points, learn skills, and then continue to analyze this rule."

"Analysis rules?"

"It's nothing, please forget this sentence, Akua."

"If you call me Master Akua—"

"——Please forget this sentence, Master Akua."

" fellow..."

The blue hair zz named Akuya looked up and down the battlefield: "The morality is unexpected, it is lower than I thought..."

Wright: "—whatever you say. I'm a pragmatist."

Akua: "So..."

Wright: "Wait."

Akua: "?"

Wright: "The guild does not open until the day, right?"

Akua: "Yes."

Wright: "I can't do anything even if I go now, right?"

Akua: "Yes."

Wright: "So."

Akua: "So...?"

Wright: "Go to the bar, Akuya."

Akuya: "Hmm! Drink!"

So, on this day, Wright and Akuya continued the despicable life of buying drunk with the hard-earned money of a young girl.

By the way, Akua vomited again that night.

Author's message:

Update la la la

Chapter 6 Elders? ! Is it you, elder? !

the next day.

"Ah... my head hurts, Wright, do you really want to come out for activities?"


Behind Wright was Akua who was slowly moving his steps while leaning on the wall.

Not waking up from yesterday's hangover at all, this fool looked dizzy with all kinds of bad things. If you don’t pay attention, it will fall to the ground.

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