Infinite Gentleman

Infinite Gentleman Chapter 982

When Wright complained, Akua blushed a little bit, but he passed by with his head held high.

"I'm the high priest, the high priest speaks loudly! A super powerful professional high priest, any team will be rushing for the outstanding players. So Wright, a genius like me, don't worry about finding teammates. ."

"Recruitment... only for higher-level occupations...?...Um...In this case, just add a few conditions."

"Hey-don't scribble on posters that people have worked so hard to make!"

After Akua’s loud protest, Zhanchangyuan wrote on the poster: "Only beautiful girls, ps, young girls and mistresses first."

"Hey hey hey, ghost animal Wright! No matter how good I am, I can't be recruited after you write something like this — hey! What are you doing?!"

Also in the loud complaints of Akua, Battlefield happily crossed out such things as "the powerful Akhusian high priest", and then wrote next to him: "Excellent, handsome, and full of wisdom." "Big Brother Super Demon Swordsman" is a slogan that tempts crime.

"Well, you can post now."

"—Absolutely not! Change it back for me! Obviously this team is my most important thing, you fool, Wright!"

As Wright stood up and wanted to go to the information board to post a notice, Akua reached out to grab it. Then the battlefield stretched out his hand and pushed his head out:

"——According to your propaganda, it is completely a fraud, a crime, do you know that."

"No, I'm telling the truth-it's you Wright-an excellent and handsome big brother?! Where is it? I only saw the disgusting former Cowboy!"

"It's me who is good and handsome, so I say—"

"—That, that—"

As Zhanchangyuan and Akua wrestled with each other, such a voice came from around. Turning his head and looking over, he saw a young girl...No, it should be Lori.

The appearance is very good and cute, although the figure is seriously degraded by the washboard. He has short brown-black hair, strange red pupils, wearing a mage robe with a red bottom and black face and a mage-like wide-brimmed hat, holding a wand with a long handle in his hand. The other is the blindfold and the bandage on the leg...

Is the child seriously injured? Are you here for treatment? Battlefield couldn't help but think so in his heart.

"You guys, are you recruiting team members?"

"Well, that's right, but it's only limited to the upper class—"

While Akuya said this, the expired loli on the opposite side poses a rather shameful pose:

"——My name is Huihui! The great magician from the Crimson Demons!"


It's a little bit... people don't know what to say...

"That, anyway..."

"Hey, hello, Lightlet!" Before the battlefield wanted to perfuse the incident, Akua pulled the sleeve of Lalett's dress.

"The Red Devil Race, it's the Red Devil Race."

"Well, I've heard this name that makes people feel like a breathtaking form of Secondary Two."

"No. I mean, the Red Devil race is recognized as a race of great magicians in the world, and it can even be said that the whole clan is a great magician! Although this child looks young, since he belongs to the Red Devil race ——"

"——This is my adventurer card."

The opposite Lolita showed the card. This thing can never be damaged or forged. Of course, what will happen if you lose it, the battlefield doesn't know yet. The above also clearly shows that the child is not lying.

"In that case—"


When Wright was about to accept the child into his harem, I mean team, the child suddenly fell to the ground.

"Then, that... Can you give me something to eat first? I haven't eaten for three days."

The Crimson Demon Clan Megumi, who fell on the ground, said such words in a very shameful tone.

I'm sorry, but no, because we can't find a meal too-we can't say it anyway.



After half an hour.

"By the way, are we here for a picnic?"

Seeing the battlefield said: "Take you to dinner, kid~" and then happily brought the child here. Under Akua’s contemptuous gaze, the child Huihui who claimed to be the Great Mage also noticed something Something is wrong.

"Tell the truth." Then Zhanchangyuan said: "In fact, we are also the more miserable kind among adventurers. There is currently no money to eat."

"Hey, Wright—"

Hearing what Wright said, Akua hurriedly lowered her voice to hold onto the battlefield: "What are you doing?! What about this?!"

"--Huh, it's a good match for my team."

Immediately afterwards, as expected from the original battlefield, that loli said something like this-so what the original battlefield did is correct. They can't eat, anyhow they still have money from the young girl to drink, but this guy hasn't eaten for three days. so--

"As long as you can defeat those frogs, you can get the crusade bounty of 10,000 Eris!"

Wright pointed to the carefree elders jumping around in the field, and said:

"There will be money to eat at that time! No problem if you want to eat anything!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Should we say that children are just cheating? After hearing what Zhanchangyuan said, the Lori named Huihui stood up abruptly and raised her cloak: "Okay! Here let you see the power of the great magician from the Crimson Demon clan-Than Dusk Something darker, something brighter than blood..."

"Hey, this spell sounds very familiar to me—"

"—Idiot Wright, don't make any noise—"


In an instant, a strange magic circle appeared at Lori's feet. At the same time, terrifying power gathered, almost like a railgun, and blasted towards the elders—with a loud noise. There were large burnt marks on the ground, and at the same time several giant frogs fell on the ground, fluttering on the street.

"This, this is the highest level of burst magic?! There is such a power?! It's really amazing!"

Akuya next to her couldn't help saying this-although this guy is an idiot, the battlefield thought that this guy should be fine this time-but-at the same time, the expired loli fell to the ground.

"Hey, hey, are you hungry again? Hold on, two more frogs rushed over."

"No, it's not that I'm hungry, it's that I'm out of strength..." Lori replied.

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