Dong Xiaoyu was a big lady before his death, and he read the most love books.

After death, he is a lonely soul and wild ghost, tasting all the loneliness, how can he know that the prefecture is so terrifying?

At most, I thought that the prefecture was like a prison in the sun.

As everyone knows, hell is divided into eighteen layers, corresponding to eighteen types of torture, and the pain on each layer is multiplied, and the speed of time flow is not equal.

If you do evil in life, you will go to hell and be punished after death, and only after the prison is completed can you be reincarnated, and so on.

The first level of tongue pulling hell.

Those who are alive sow discord, slander and harm others, slip their tongues, speak cleverly, lie and deceive others. After death, he was beaten into the hell of tongue pulling, and the imp broke open the mouth of the person, clamped the tongue with iron tongs, and pulled it out alive, not at once, but elongated, slowly dragged ... After entering Scissors Hell, Iron Tree Hell.

Second layer scissors hell.

In the sun, if a woman's husband unfortunately dies prematurely, she will be widowed, and if you instigate her to remarry, or connect her, then you will be sent to scissor hell when you die, cutting off ten of your fingers.

The third layer of Iron Tree Hell.

Whoever separates flesh and blood while alive, and instigates discord between father and son, brothers, sisters, and husband and wife, will be sent to the hell of the iron tree after death. The trees are all sharply bladed, and the back of the person is picked up under the skin and hung on the iron tree. After this, he will also enter the hell of the mirror of sin and the hell of the steamer.

The fourth layer of the mirror hell.

If a crime is committed in the Yang world, even if he does not vomit his true feelings, or walks through the door, up and down to hide the sky and the sea, even if he escapes punishment (if he does not escape, it is good) and there are still criminals who are on the run, and there will be a day of death in their lives, right? Report to the prefecture, enter the hell of the mirror of sin, and show the guilt according to this mirror. Then go to different hells and suffer.

Fifth layer steamer hell.

There is a kind of person who is short in his parents on weekdays, and he uses false rumors, frames, slander, and abuse. When such a person dies, he is sent to the steamer hell and thrown into the steamer. Not only that, after steaming, the cold wind blows, reshaping the human body and bringing it into the hell of tongue pulling.

Sixth layer copper pillar hell.

Those who deliberately set fire to or destroy the evidence of guilt, take revenge, set fire to their lives, and after death, they are sent to the copper pillar hell. The imps stripped you naked and made you hold naked a copper pillar one meter in diameter and two meters high. The charcoal fire was burned in the cylinder, and the fan was blowing non-stop, and soon the copper column cylinder turned red.

The seventh layer of Dao Mountain Hell.

For sheep, it doesn't matter if you don't like sheep, but you can't scold him, kill people, don't mention killing, just say that you killed cows, horses, cats, dogs before your death, because they are also life, maybe their previous life was also a human or maybe yours... Because the Yin Division is different from the Yang Realm, there is no distinction between high and low, and cattle, horses, cats, dogs, and people are all collectively called living beings. Those who commit one of the above two crimes are sent to the hell of Dao Mountain after death, stripped naked, and made to climb Dao Mountain naked... Depending on the seriousness of his sin, he may "reside" on the mountain of knives.

The eighth layer of iceberg hell.

All evil women who murder their husbands, commit adultery, and maliciously abort will be sent to iceberg hell after death. Cause them to strip naked and go naked to the iceberg. In addition, there are gambling habits, unfilial piety, and unjust people, so that they are naked and put on icebergs.

Ninth layer of oil pan hell.


in oil pots, robbery by thieves, bullying and bullying, false accusations and slander, eating animal flesh, plotting to occupy other people's property, people in the wife's room, after death, they are sent to the oil pot hell, stripped naked and put into the hot oil pan to fry, pop, snap! According to the seriousness of the case, the sentence is repeated many times... Sometimes people with great sins have just come out of the iceberg hell, and are escorted by imps to the oil pot hell to warm up....

This is the upper ninth layer, that is, the eastern hell, which shows how many hells there are, and it is not Dong's mistake. The lower nine layers of the Western Hell in "The Complete Map of Land and Water" are even more cruel...

The number of eighteen layers of hell that people usually call is correct, but it is not necessarily understood in the sense. The difference between these eighteen layers mentioned in the Eighteen Clay Plough Sutra is not mainly in the upper and lower space, but in the difference in time and criminal law, especially in time.

Tenth Tier Bullpit Hell.

This is a hell for livestock. Whoever is alive abuses livestock at will, basing your happiness on their suffering. So good, after death, go to the bull pit hell. Thrown into the pit, countless cows attacked, the horns were topped, the hooves were trampled, the body of the ox was burned, and it burned into ashes when touched. It is also recorded that on the contrary, there is also a "knife ship hell", which is not included in this eighteen-story hell, which will be added later.

The eleventh floor of stone pressed hell.

If a living person gives birth to a child, for whatever reason, such as the baby being born stupid and disabled; Or drown the baby and abandon it. Such people die and go to the stone hell. It is a large square stone pool (trough), on which a boulder of the same size is hoisted with a rope, and the person is placed in the pool, and the rope is cut with an axe....

The twelfth level of hell.

This prison is quite strange, that is, when you are alive, if you waste food and trample on grains, such as throwing away leftover banquets, or throwing away what you don't like to eat in two bites. After death, they will be beaten into the hell of the chōng mortar and put into the mortar to be killed. The strange thing is that if you talk while eating, especially swearing, profanity, scolding the street, cursing, and pinching people after death, you will also go to hell and suffer.

The thirteenth layer of blood pool hell.

Whoever does not respect others, does not honor his parents, does not have integrity, and has a crooked way will be sent to the hell of the pool of blood after death and thrown into the pool of blood to suffer.

The fourteenth floor is hell in vain.

You know, it is very difficult to come to this world as a human being, and it is the opportunity that Yan Wang Ye gave you. If you don't cherish it, go to suicide, such as cutting your pulse to death, taking poison, hanging people, etc., angering Yan Wangye, and going to death after death. Just don't think about being human anymore.

Those who dig graves in the fifteenth layer of the Punishment Hell

will be sent to the Punishment Hell after death and punished by Lingchi.

The sixteenth layer of volcanic hell.

This layer is relatively extensive, harming public and private interests, bribery, stealing chickens and dogs, robbing money, and setting fires, and people who will be sent to volcanic hell after death. Driven into a volcano and burned alive without dying. There are also monks who break the vows, Taoist priests. Also driven into the volcano.

The seventeenth layer of stone grinding hell.

Those who trample on grain, thieves, thieves, corrupt officials, and oppress the people will be sent to a stone grinding hell after death. Ground into a bolognese. After reshaping the body and grinding again! There are also monks who eat meat, as do Taoist priests.

The eighteenth layer of knife saw hell.

Those who cut corners, deceive and buy and sell unfairly will be sent to knife and saw hell after death. The visitor stripped naked, tied it in a "large" shape to four wooden stakes, started from the crotch to the head, and sawed to death.

Hearing Bai Lang tell about the hell recorded in the Eighteen Clay Plough Sutra, the brilliance in Dong Xiaoyu's eyes became more and more prosperous.

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