"Kowtow quickly, you won't want to regret what you say yourself, right?" Suddenly, the melon-eating masses saw the excitement and shouted one by one.

On weekdays, the Dan Emperors who are high up one by one, did not expect that today they would also kneel down to kowtow to others, and they felt that they had something to look at when they thought about it.

Liu Ye and the others' faces are extremely ugly, if you want to regret it, the reputation they have accumulated in Philadelphia over the years will be destroyed, and it will be difficult to mix even in the Dange in the future.

But if they kowtow, they are the Dan Emperor, the honorable status, if this really kowtows, wouldn't it be a loss of dignity?

So for a while, the three fell into hesitation!

However, Jiang Ling and the melon-eating masses did not intend to let them go!

"I said you three hurry up, I will accompany my aunt to go shopping later!"

"Reputation and dignity, you have to choose one to lose!"

"Little brother, is there any other way to replace it, such as if we compensate you with gold coins or some precious materials for alchemy, let this matter pass!"

The three Dan Emperors also lowered their heads, wanting to preserve their dignity and reputation, but Jiang Ling naturally disdained them.

"Gold? Curiosities? I tell you, I lack everything, but I don't lack gold coins and curiosities, so kowtow! Jiang Ling also smiled, what did these three old guys think?

I have unlimited gold coins and treasures, you can take anything directly from it, and there is no limit to the quantity, you want to buy me through this, it's really funny.

"Boy, don't lie too much." Liu Ye gritted his teeth.

"Too much deception? Guys, he says I'm cheating too much? You said those things yourself, not what I forced you to say, right? Why can't I find an excuse to regret it now, just say that I deceive people too much.

So, the melon-eating masses below scolded one after another.

"What, what you say doesn't count, I think you guys should go as liars!"

"That's it, get out of Philadelphia, we don't welcome you liars in Philadelphia!"

The three Dan Emperors originally thought that their honorable status, the masses would favor them, but they didn't expect that if they scolded, they wouldn't give a trace of face!

In desperation, the three had to walk in front of Jiang Ling, kneel down, and kowtow!

"Boom..." The three of them slammed together, causing the floor to shake.

"It seems that the Dan Emperor kowtow still has weight, and this floor has shaken." Jiang Ling did not forget to mock.

When the three of them each kowtow a hundred heads, the following is the time for the people of the Dan Pavilion to swear with the Heavenly Dao Oath and declare their allegiance to the Second Uncle, and the reason why they swear with the Heavenly Dao Oath, Jiang Ling is to make them absolutely obey their second uncle.

Heaven's Dao oath, once violated, will be killed by Heaven's Dao Thunder Tribulation, which is undoubtedly a wonderful means of controlling people.

However, these oaths are nothing for those who are in the Dan Pavilion, anyway, it is allegiance, allegiance to everyone is the same, now loyal to the new pavilion lord can also receive the emperor-level elixir benefits, and there will be such benefits every year in the future.

If you don't give allegiance, wouldn't you be a fool?

"I'll come first, I, Lu Ren, falsely declare my allegiance to the Holy Heavenly Pavilion Lord from now on, absolute loyalty, if there is falsehood, five thunders will hit the top!"

After making the Heavenly Dao Oath, Lu Renjia ran to Jiang Ling, received a Enlightenment God Pill and a Life Renewal Pill, and then stood behind Jiang Shengtian in a tumultuous manner.

After the fifty thousand people of the Dan Pavilion declared their allegiance, Jiang Ling took out another storage ring and handed it to Jiang Shengtian.

"Second uncle, there are one million Enlightenment God Pills and one million Life Renewal Pills respectively, which is enough for the distribution of the next twenty years, give it to you first, and then find me again if it is not enough."

Jiang Shengtian had tears in his eyes: "If you weren't for my nephew, I can't wait to kneel down and knock you off right now!" "

He is an alchemy maniac, in addition to alchemy, he also has a dream of serving as a pavilion master in the Dan Pavilion, but even after so many years, he just thinks about it.

But now he didn't expect that his nephew helped him achieve his wish, and, with a surprise move, every future pavilion master will be his own.

"Okay, second uncle, you have just become the pavilion master, there are still many things to do, I won't bother, my aunt is still waiting for me below!"

"Lingqing is also here? She's here for the auction! "

Well, I'll go first Second Uncle."

With Jiang Ling's departure, the election turmoil of the Dange was also over, and the scene of the banknote capacity election also quickly spread in Philadelphia.

"Hey, did you guys hear that? Our current Dan Pavilion Master in Philadelphia is said to have been smashed out with money.


"It is said that at the time of the election, as long as you vote for him, you will get 100 million gold coins."

"No, I heard that it's 100 million gold coins plus two emperor-grade pills."

"With such a big deal, what is the origin of this new pavilion master?"

"I don't know, it's rich anyway."

"I heard that it was his nephew who was rich in the world, and his nephew has endless gold coins and countless emperor-grade elixirs, which is very terrifying!"

It is becoming more and more widespread, and Jiang Ling, the nephew of the rich world, is also a god, and in the end, he is directly said to be the god of wealth.

But all this, Jiang Ling naturally did not care, but accompanied his aunt to Philadelphia with peace of mind, and waited for the auction to open by the way.


Goddess Jewelry Store, is famous in the southern region, even the entire continent of jewelry shops, known as the highest consumption place, at this moment, Ji Lingqing pulled Jiang Ling to the headquarters of Goddess Jewelry Store in Philadelphia.

Before, when he was in the Northern Regions, Ji Lingqing had visited the branch of the Goddess Jewelry Company, and at that time, he dreamed of visiting the Philadelphia headquarters, and this time he finally came here, naturally he couldn't miss it.

At first, Ji Lingqing was worried that the money she brought was not enough, but since Jiang Ling bought a pavilion master, she completely let go of her hands and feet to buy it, and her nephew was not poor in money!

"Hello, distinguished guest, it is a pleasure to serve you." As soon as the two entered the door, a beautiful young lady immediately stepped forward to say hello.

The waiters of the Goddess Jewelry Store are all specially trained, and their service attitude can be said to be the best service attitude in the entire continent.

Ji Lingqing as a woman, plus the appearance and figure are very good, naturally also attach great importance to the decoration of jewelry, after all, people rely on clothing, there are beautiful jewelry, it must be more charming.

The headquarters of Shennu Jewelry Company is very large, covering an area of tens of thousands of square kilometers alone.

"Excuse me, what price do you two need to buy jewelry?" Generally speaking, the goddess jewelry store is also divided into many price areas, in order to better serve customers of different grades.

"Take us directly to the area with the highest consumption." Jiang Ling ordered, this place is really too big, if the aunt keeps shopping endlessly, her legs will be broken.

Simply select a target area!

"The most expensive area is in the center, please follow me!"

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