Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 208: Hammerhead Thunder Beast (Part 1)

Lin Yi continued to walk into the deep forest ahead.

As long as he encounters a few more powerful beasts, he can be promoted to level 6.

"System, how fast is the speed after being promoted to level 6? How strong is the power?"

Originally in such a sinister dense forest, most people dare not be distracted at all.

But because Lin also possesses biological tracking skills, he can easily detect all movements within a radius of 100 meters, so there is no need to worry about sudden attacks.

The casual voice of the system replied: "After being promoted to level 6, the speed can reach 60 meters per second, and the force can reach 2000 kg. How about it, awesome?"

Lin Yi listened and couldn't help being overjoyed.

Now his speed is 50 meters per second and his power is 1000 kg.

After being promoted to level 6, there is nothing to see the speed increase, but the power increase is terrible.

Directly doubled!

What is the concept of a force of two thousand kilograms?

With a punch, even a stone can be broken.

It's no wonder that the power gap between the 5th-level evolutionary and the 6th-level evolutionary is so big, it turns out that the difference between the two is twice as strong.

Lin Yi asked again: "So what kind of skills will you have after you reach level 6?"

The system chuckled and replied: "You will know this after reaching level 6."

"Nima, you know that you are hanging on your appetite. Can't you spoil it in advance?"

Lin Yi scolded dissatisfiedly.

The system still chuckled and sang in a humble manner: "I won't tell you, I won't tell you, I won't tell you...You hit me."

Lin Yi took the system, this **** really had no choice, think about it, let it go, anyway, there are more than 300 evolution points to be promoted, and he is not in a hurry.

He continued to walk forward, looking for a slightly stronger creature.

After all, more powerful creatures can gain more evolution points.

In the original work, there is a heavy armored hammerhead thunder beast, impenetrable with swords and spears, and extremely powerful, but it runs extremely fast.

And the most important thing is that this hammerhead thunder beast is a social animal.

As long as you find a group of hammerhead thunder beasts, you should be able to advance to a level 6 rhythm in minutes.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi carefully explored the surroundings with his biological tracking skills, and continued to move forward.

What disappointed him, however, was that throughout the following night, he never encountered an animal that could swallow an evolution point.

"Didn't it mean that Pandora's virgin forest is terrible, terrifying? Where are all those terrible beasts?"

Lin Yi grumbled dissatisfiedly.

Until dawn, he had not been able to find any hammerhead thunder beast.

At this time, the wound on his shoulder had healed long ago, and it looked as if he had never been injured.

After walking all night, he was sleepy. He planned to find a place to rest first.

He found a tree over a hundred meters high and climbed to the top of the tree. Then I chose a denser branch to reveal my rental house.

One of the biggest advantages of having a rental house is that even in the desert or in the primeval forest, you can sleep peacefully on the bed, not afraid of wind or rain.

"Babble Rabbit, open the door."

Lin Yi sang, and the door opened with a creak.

It looked like a performance by a mental patient, but there was no way. Lin also couldn't change the opening spell set by the system.

This system seems to have a preference for the white rabbit.

This is the sixth time I have entered the film and television plane, and the other door opening spells have not been repeated, only the white rabbit.

With the urine of the system, Lin also naturally knows why he prefers white rabbits so much.

Enter the rental house, take out some food and water from the refrigerator, and simply eat and drink.

Then he lay on the bed.

I have been busy all night, and now I am free, thinking of Gongsun Lue again in my heart.

I don't know when I will see Gongsun Lue again.

This time on the Avatar plane, we must save more evolution points. Next time we enter the film and television plane, we will draw a few more prizes. In any case, we must draw Gongsun Lue.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi was going to fall asleep in a daze.

But at this moment, rumbling--

There was a rumbling outside suddenly, like the sound of hundreds of heads running by.

Lin Yi woke up, hearing this sound, he was overjoyed: "Hammerhead Thunder Beast!"

He jumped directly off the bed and quickly activated the creature tracking skills.

Then he went out, went down to a branch not far from the ground, and probed down.

Lin Yi was a little disappointed after such a probe.

It was not a hammerhead thunder beast.

I saw a creature with a height of more than three meters and a length of nearly four meters, and its outline looked like a horse.

It's just that this creature doesn't have hair, and it's covered in heavy armor. There are six legs, six cheek holes on both sides of the front legs.

Two tentacles grow on both sides of its head.

When he saw this, Lin also knew that this was a horse with heavy armor.

It is not aggressive, and its biggest feature is running.

The Nami regard this horse as a war horse.

As the rumble approached, more than twenty heavy armored horses ran under the tree.

These heavy armor horses don't want to evolve much.

Lin Yi originally thought that no matter how small a mosquito was, it was meat, and he was going to devour these heavy armored horses.

But there is a Namei on the tree watching and he still wants to gain the trust of the Nameis, so that he can contact them in the future. So think about it and forget it, anyway, there is not much evolution point.

Continue to go back to the tree, sang the opening spell of the second, entered the house and lay on the bed.

The Namei watched for another half an hour. Seeing that Lin did not come out again, he quietly turned around and ran in one direction quickly.

At the same time, in the base of RDA company, Jack Sally also started his first link.

Scientists used his brother's DNA and Nami's DNA to cultivate a creature that looks similar to Nami.

Through the link of the instrument, his consciousness can enter the body of this creature, thereby controlling this creature.

Those scientists called this creature Avatar, which means "incarnation" when translated into Chinese.

Lin Yi slept in the tree for seven hours.

There are more than thirty hours in a day on Pandora.

So after Lin Yi woke up, it was just noon.

He casually found something to eat, intending to continue searching for the hammerhead thunder beast.

But don't know why, he searched for several days without finding the hammerhead thunder beast.

Even the Viper Wolf that had just appeared did not appear anymore.

This inevitably made Lin Yi a little worried.

After another four or five days, Lin Yi's hammerhead thunder beast did not appear.

And he was vague about the situation in this forest, and he didn't know where there were beasts and where was the safe zone.

In the end he decided to go back to the base.

Because Jack Sally has been training for a while now, I think it should be the first time he went to the forest.

According to the plot of the movie, the first time he went to the wild, he would encounter a hammerhead thunder beast.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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