Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 229: Promoted to Level 7

Swallowed the giant spirit bird, the problem came.

You know, the giant spirit bird is an important prop for this mission.

In Avatar, Jack had two adventures in total, one was to get the body of the Avatar; the other was to surrender the giant spirit bird.

Now that the body of Avatar has been missed, and the giant spirit bird has been swallowed by Lin Yi again, how can he complete the task?

The voice of the system came: "duang... devour the giant spirit bird, Jack lost the chance of adventure and the mission failed."

But Lin Yi couldn't take care of this at all.

If the mission fails, it will fail. The giant spirit bird dares to hurt the divine eagle, and will kill it anyway.

Lin Yi has such a character. If you dare to hurt my friends and relatives, then no matter what the price is, you must die!

He quickly climbed down the cliff. It took him about twenty minutes, and he was more than fifty meters away from the ground below. He let go and jumped down.

More than fifty meters away, a huge rock smashed the ground into a hole.

Lin Yi hurriedly came to the side of the pit and saw only the tail of the **** sculpture under the stone.

The blood had already soaked the ground into blood red.

Lin Yi was heartbroken.

The divine eagle who accompanied him for half a year ended up so miserably.

The more he watched, the more angry he grew, and he roared: "Ah——————"

The fist slammed towards the 20-ton boulder.

In an instant, dozens of cracks appeared on the boulder.

In the cracks, there was a fiery red light.

The next moment, boom——

The boulder burst open.

All the boulder fragments showed a fiery red color like magma.

In the flame state, his power doubled, coupled with the flame energy, smashed the 20-ton boulder with one punch.

But Lin also didn't notice this at all. He knelt down and looked at the body of the **** carving.

I saw that the wings of the **** sculpture had been broken, the spine of the back was also broken, and the eyes were bleeding out.

Lin Yi held Shen Diao's head in pain, and shook his head in sorrow: "Brother Diao, I killed you... I killed you..."

After staying in this way for half an hour, Lin Yi slowly recovered and planned to bury the **** sculpture.

However, at this moment, Shen Diao's mouth opened suddenly and imperceptibly.

Lin Yi was taken aback, and quickly looked at the divine carving carefully.

But the divine carving's mouth didn't move at all, which made Lin Yi somewhat wonder if he had read it wrong.

After another five minutes, Shen Diao's mouth opened again.

This time, Lin Yi saw it really.

"Brother Diao, you are not dead!"

Lin Yi exclaimed in surprise.

The divine eagle opened his mouth again with difficulty.

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

The physique of the **** sculpture is too strong. From a height of more than a thousand meters, it was smashed down by a 20-ton boulder, and it was still alive.

Think about it, too, the inner strength of Shendiao, that is many times stronger than Yang Guo. In the world of divine sculptures, even if Yang Guo eventually developed extremely deep internal strength in the ocean tide, it would still be less than one-tenth of that of divine sculptures.

With such a strong internal body protection, it is reasonable for the **** sculpture to be immortal.

As long as the divine sculpture does not die, and with its physique, Lin is sure to be able to save it.

He immediately used a sharp claw to draw a **** mouth with his left hand, separated the mouth of the **** carving, and dripped blood into the mouth of the **** carving.

At this time, because he was still in a state of flame, his blood was all red and steaming hot.

He dripped into the mouth of the **** carving for five minutes.

Until his wound healed on its own.

At the beginning, the **** carving got snake gall for him to eat, which greatly increased his strength.

Now that he feeds blood to the divine eagle, it can be regarded as repaying the divine eagle.

After more than half an hour, the **** carving fell asleep, and Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

He remembered the failure of the mission and asked the system: "System, the mission failed, why am I still in the Avatar plane?"

The system replied: "Because the mission failed, Jack couldn't get the adventure, and he couldn't lead the Naami to resist the RDA invaders. So you must take over Jack's task and lead the Naami to resist the RDA aggression."

"Just like this?"

Lin also didn't believe that the mission failure system would only give him such a small amount of punishment, which was not even a punishment.

The system said: "Of course it's more than that. If the mission fails, the penalty for you is: first, after you are promoted to level 7, all the remaining evolution points are cleared; second, after you are promoted to level 7, although you will get gliding skills, this The skill is in a disabled state. You must obtain 5000 evolution points to unlock it, and you must unlock the gliding skill to continue to gain evolution points; third, the evolution point required to advance to level 8 is increased by one-half (originally only 10,000 is required) You can advance to level 8 by evolving points, and now you need 15,000 points.) Fourth, if the mission fails, you will be extremely weak in reality for a month."

This punishment is very heavy.

Calculate, after being promoted to level 7, there are more than 1,000 evolution points left;

Unlocking gliding skills requires 5000, evolution points;

Promoting to level 8 spends an extra 5000 evolution points.

Counting it all down, it will cost more than 11,000 more evolution points.

Now the evolution point is so difficult to get, the death beast does not come out, the giant spirit bird is extremely rare, and the spirit bird has too few evolution points.

When will it get 11,000 evolution points?

And in reality, I was extremely weak for a month, which is very In this month, what if I encounter another evolutionary?

But Lin also didn't regret it at all.

Anyone or creature who dares to hurt his friends and relatives must die!

Regardless of other things, you will be promoted to level 7.

Lin Yi said to the system in his mind: "Strengthen the body and advance to level 7."

The voice of the system came: "This enhancement will consume 5000 evolution points. It is strengthening..."

Lin also felt that something was happening in his body.

All cells seem to be expanded, and the strength of the body is rapidly increasing during the expansion of cells.

The capacity of cells for energy is also rapidly increasing.

About twenty minutes later, a system prompt sounded in my mind: "Successfully strengthened, promoted to level 7 evolution, and 1020 evolution points remain."

Lin Yi was overjoyed and finally succeeded!

The system voice continued: "After being promoted to level 7, the strength is 4000 kg, the speed is 70 meters per second. And gliding skills, brackets, disabled state; need 5000 evolution points to unlock. Only unlock the gliding skills, you can get evolution points again. Brackets Finish. At the same time, the remaining 1020 evolution points are cleared."

Lin Yi knew this a long time ago and didn't care.

He said to the divine carving: "Brother Diao, take a rest first, and I will kill a few spirit birds for you to eat."

Said to climb up the mountain again.


[Well, I was thinking about being promoted to level 7 after a while, but I couldn't stop at all, so I was promoted again by accident. Does everyone feel cool? If it's cool, give a reward to those who have the ability. If there is none, forget it. (Vicious author Jun, **** him)]

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