Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 274: Laser channel? Ha ha

The laser in this passage was obviously closed, and the door had been opened, but now it was closed again.

Lin didn't even need to think about what he would face next.

In the small computer room, Alice lay on the window of the door, watching Lin Yi stay alone in the passage where the dead corpses were scattered and the meat scattered. She quickly said to Cape Town, "Cape Town, close it, close it!"

The sweat on Capeton's forehead was raining, his hands continued to operate, and his mouth said: "It's obviously closed, how can it suddenly open?"

At this time, in the channel, a red laser was cast, and then a holographic projection was formed.

This is a girl who looks only eleven or twelve years old, with a ponytail, and looks very cute.

Alice leaned on the window and saw this weird situation, and said quickly: "Capeton, look, what is this?"

Capeton didn't even look at it, and said directly: "She is a holographic image of the Red Queen."

Lin also naturally knew that this holographic image was the image of the Red Queen.

As soon as the little red girl appeared, she answered the question that Capeton had just asked: "It has been detected that you have been heavily infected with the virus, so I will not let you go away alive."

Alice and Capeton looked at each other, and they both thought of Lin Yi's red arm before.

Obviously, he is indeed infected with a virus.

Lin Yi saw the holographic image, just smiled indifferently, and said: "Will not let me leave alive? Do you have that ability?"

"You have seen the fate of those people just now. You will be like them."

Said the little girl.

Lin Yi still just smiled indifferently, ignored him, and walked straight forward.


Accompanied by a soft sound, a blue-and-white laser swiftly moved towards Lin Yi.

The speed at which the laser moved towards him was more than twice as fast as the speed at which it moved towards the special forces.

Lin Yi watched the moving laser hit him all the time, he jumped forward abruptly, passing under the laser instantly.

That laser didn't turn into two lasers until behind Lin Yi's back, and they were all combined.

The Red Queen saw Lin Yi's speed so fast, she was a little surprised: "It seems that the virus has affected your cell structure, allowing you to have a speed beyond ordinary people. But it doesn't matter, no matter how fast you are, it is impossible to hide. Through the laser net."

With that, it was directly a fine laser net that quickly struck towards Lin Yi.

In the small computer room, Alice saw the laser net and shouted: "Quick, Cape Town, quickly!"

"I'm working hard, I'm working hard..."

Cape Town was sweating again.

However, it was too late.

That laser net is much faster than the previous one.

Even if Capeton used the speed of being single for more than 20 years, it would not have time to close the laser network.

Alice is in a hurry

Parker next to her sneered secretly.

At this moment, the laser had reached Lin Yi.

In a hurry, Lin Yi's hands suddenly turned into sharp claws.

Then instead of backing up, he flew forward directly.

His body passed through the laser net instantly.

Alice has closed her eyes;

Parker's eyes widened, his eyes full of hideous meaning.


A thumping sound.

Alice quickly opened her eyes.

Looking at it this way, she suddenly opened her eyes like Parker.

The expressions on the faces of the two interpret these four words unbelievably vividly.

I saw that laser net passed through Lin Yi's body, but did not harm Lin Yi in the slightest.

But in the iron door of the main engine room in front of the Red Queen, a big hole had already appeared.

Lin Yi was standing at the entrance of the cave, looking coldly at the red queen in the passage.

Even the Red Queen was shocked at this time.

"how is this possible?"

The little girl with the holographic projection of the Red Queen said in shock: "My laser can easily cut off even the strongest metal. Are you okay?!"

Lin Yi sneered and said: "After the Red Queen, if I want to spread the virus, you can't stop it."

The Red Hind paused for half a minute without speaking.

This is really hard to understand for a super artificial intelligence.

After all, she is a supercomputer, which relies solely on data analysis to make judgments and reactions; now based on Lin Yi's body data, that laser can easily cut his body.

But why at that moment, his body slammed into the laser net without any damage?

The system said in a foreign voice: "The Red Queen, are you stupid? Everyone quickly take pictures, go home and educate your son, son, look, this is just stupid, a face is stupid."

The Red Queen was first confused by Lin Yi's behavior beyond the scope of data, and now again by the sudden sound of Lin Yi's body.

She asked suspiciously: "What is dumbfounded?"

Lin Yi sneered, ignored him, and shouted to Alice on the opposite side: "Sure."

Only then did Alice react. Together with Capeton, he carried a circuit breaker that he had taken out of the small computer room, and passed through the passage. When they passed through the passage, the two of them were still a little frightened and afraid. The laser net appeared again.

But fortunately, the laser net seemed to be closed at the moment Lin Yi forcibly broke the door, and this time it was really closed, even if it was Red Queen, it was impossible to open it.

Alice came to Lin Yi, looked Lin Yi up and down, and said, "Are you okay."

Lin Yi shook his head.

Then the two quickly turned on the host of the Red Queen.

Na Honghou said: "I beg you not to close me."

Capeton said to Alice: "Don't believe her, she will always try to seduce us, don't believe her."

When Capeton plugged the circuit breaker into the main unit, the cute face of the Red Queen suddenly turned into a child expression in a horror movie, and his voice became deep and terrifying: "If you turn off Drop me and you will all die."

Capeton listened and gave a meal under his hand.

Lin Yi sneered, reaching out and pressing on the circuit breaker, and the circuit breaker slowly entered the main engine.

Then, with the release of a powerful electric current, the surroundings suddenly plunged into darkness.

The whole is plunged into darkness.

Because the power supply was stopped, the doors in the hive that had been closed before opened one after another.

Lin also knew that when these doors opened, more than 500 zombies would appear.

However, he was waiting for them.


[Hospital code, unable to focus. I often run around to find a doctor to find a nurse, and the code is intermittent and very hard. Fortunately, Qianjiang Hanyue helped to check for typos. Let me save some time. I would like to express my deep gratitude to her. Thousands of rivers and cold moon, immortal. Oh yeah! 】

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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