Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 298: Brother A: Return of the King!

The King Licker, who was at least ten times stronger than the Licker, rushed over when Lin Yi was most in pain.

In the end, Lin Yi stepped directly on the ground.

When it stretched out its left front paw and wanted to catch Lin Yi, Lin Yi was much faster than it, grabbed its strong left front paw with one hand, and with a slight force, it tore the left front paw away. .


The licking king roared miserably, his voice sounded like an aggrieved dog.

But it knows that no matter how bad it is, no matter how wronged it is, this person will not let it go.

So it stretched out its right front paw and grabbed the human again.


The result was the same as the left front paw, its right front paw was easily torn off by Lin Yi.


It seemed that the domineering and infinite licking king, but at this time, she looked like a wronged little wife.

Next, Lin Yi was like an extremely bloodthirsty beast, no longer caring about other things.

With his right hand, he grabbed the head of the licking king.


Shengsheng grabbed the skull that licked the king's horns through, and grabbed his brain out.

Then his right hand grabbed it again and peeled off a large piece of its skull.


Holding both hands, the licking king was like this, torn to pieces by him.

Upstairs in the classroom, everyone looked at each other when they saw this scene.

"What happened just now?"

"Why is Lin so powerful suddenly?"

"Too great, why did he suddenly become so great?"

"He seems to be a different person."


And outside the high wall, inside the tent.

The doctor looked at the picture on the computer screen and was stunned.

How could his strength suddenly be so strong?

He was really strong before, but he didn't reach such a perverted level.

He was very clear about the strength of the licking king. A king licker can kill at least ten lickers effortlessly.

If only with Lin Yi's previous strength, he would only have to escape in front of this licker.

But now Lin Yi is crushing the king, tearing the licking king to pieces. How strong should this be?

Moreover, Lin Yi was clearly in pain just now, why did he suddenly become so powerful when the licking king jumped over?

He quickly zoomed in and looked at Lin Yi in the picture carefully.

Gray jeans, black leather jacket, with red lines.

Behind is the blood red double-winged flying dragon pattern.

Wearing a hood, the hood still covers the upper half of his face.

On the lower half of his face, there was still a bloodthirsty smile at the corner of his mouth.


This face seems to be different from Lin before.

The face of Lin Yi before was slightly thin, but now this face is sharp and sharp.

Although I couldn't see Lin Yi's eyes before, I could see the blood-red light in his eyes. And now, under the hood, nothing can be seen.

Obviously, the blood red in his eyes had disappeared.

The doctor's heart moved: "Isn't it Lin Yi?"

Upon closer inspection, this person's figure looks more burly than Lin Yi.

Lin is also around 1.75 meters, but this person's height is over 1.85 meters.

"It's really not him! Who could it be?"

The doctor said in surprise.

At the same time, on the school playground, the figure slowly raised his head.

Under the lights of the playground, he could see his entire face-it was indeed not Lin Yi's face.

But this face is a bit familiar.

But she couldn't remember who it was.

It took a few more minutes before the doctor suddenly remembered, then his eyes widened, and he shook his head repeatedly: "No, it's impossible... how is it possible?"

The doctor remembered that the people he saw at this time were very similar to the protagonist Alex Mercer in a game he played a long time ago...or exactly the same.

The same figure, a few dresses, and even the face looks exactly the same.

"Alex Mercer, Brother A!" The doctor still shook his head again and again, "This is almost the protagonist in a game I played when I was a teenager, how could he really come to the world?"

But only if he really is A brother, all of this can be explained.

Only Brother A has the power to easily kill the licking king.

You know, in the original game, even the nuclear bomb failed to explode Brother A. A licking king is not an opponent of Brother A at all.

At the same time, on the school playground, Brother A easily tore the licking king to pieces, and was finally somewhat satisfied.

He opened his arms and bent his legs, then leaped up into the sky.


He jumped more than five hundred meters high like a spring under his feet.

As for the place where he stood before, because of his accumulating power, a pit with a diameter of more than 50 meters and a depth of two meters appeared directly.

Even at the moment he took off, the shock wave spread to the surroundings, rushing out the surrounding zombies.

Then he spread his arms and glide toward the tallest 33-story building in Raccoon City ~ ~ He glides at a speed several times faster than Lin.

After a few seconds, he landed on the building.

He stood on the top of the building, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and lowered his head to corrode the chaotic and zombies streets of Raccoon City.

Blood, killing, chaos, zombies, infection, monsters...

All this is the world he is familiar with.

He is like a returning king, looking down on his world and his people.

After a while, the corners of his mouth with a creepy smile moved slightly, and a very plain but cold word came from his mouth:


Brother A, finally appeared again!

So the question is: What about Lin Yi?

It turned out that at this time, Lin Yi's body had been transformed into his body by Brother A using biological energy.

And Lin Yi's consciousness came to Brother A's brain.

Or put it this way: The body is still Lin Yi's body, but it is temporarily controlled by Brother A.

In the brain of this body, Lin Yi's consciousness is still very clear.

At this time, his head no longer hurts, and he is even more relaxed, as comfortable as never before.

It's just that his consciousness can't control his body.

"System, what's going on?"

Lin Yi asked quickly.

This time, the system did not answer, but Brother A spoke: "Your body is just right for me."

Lin Yi was shocked, remembering many plots in the fantasy, and said in shock: "Is it a seizure?"

A cold smile appeared at the corner of Brother A's mouth, and said, "You think too much. I just share a body with you."


[A brother! Brother A! ! Brother A! ! ! 】

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