Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 313: Fish in troubled waters

The Shadowmoon Group's last underground laboratory in the western suburbs of Chang'an City has almost set up a sky and earth net, just waiting for Lin Yi to cast it.

But Lin Yi hasn't taken much action these days.

He stayed at home all day long, and even if he went out occasionally, he would go out pretending to be someone else. Therefore, although the Shadowmoon Group sent a large number of people to investigate him, it was unable to find any famous ones.

This made the intelligence group in the Shadowmoon group feel very frustrated.

Because the Shadowmoon Group is so powerful, their intelligence group has infiltrated almost every department and organization across the country.

What they want to check is simply easy.

No matter how difficult it is to find people, it will be a lot of trouble for them at most.

But now they couldn't find out that Lin Yi.

They went from Lin Yi's university to high school, but the clue was broken.

Because according to the system, there is no such individual in the Tongcheng No. 1 Middle School where Lin Yi is located.

It seems that the kid's information in high school is fake.


On the seventh day, Lin Yi saw that the weather was clear today, it was a good day for hands-on work, and he planned to go to the last laboratory.

The last laboratory was in the western suburbs. Early that morning, he came to the western suburbs, and then slowly swayed towards that laboratory.

Of course, he didn't go there as himself, but as a mercenary swallowed in the previous laboratory.

This last laboratory is disguised as a dairy factory.

A hundred meters away from the gate of the dairy cow factory, I smelled the stench of milk steak.

Lin Yi endured the stench and came to the gate.

There is an ultraviolet disinfection room at the gate of the dairy cow factory. Anyone who wants to enter the dairy factory must first be disinfected.

But for Lin Yi, none of this exists.

He first used biological tracking to explore the surrounding area. Now, behind the filling room in the dairy cow factory, there is a small room. There are four or five people guarding the room here. Their strengths are all level 6 or even Level 7 evolutionary.

Detecting the strength of these people, Lin Yi has already affirmed that this must be the Shadowmoon Group blending in.

Because as far as Lin Yi understood, in the land of China now, there are only the Shadowmoon group that can gather four or five level 6 or even level 7 evolutionists at the same time.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Yingyue does not come in person, the rest will not be rubbed in Lin Yi's eyes.

The doorkeeper was an old man, and he asked Lin Yi what he did.

Lin Yi replied that he came in and planned to order milk for all the children in the kindergarten he was in.

The old man said: "I need Manager Zhang to order milk, the second office downstairs to the west."

"Thank you, uncle."

Lin Yi said, and walked towards Manager Zhang's room.

But when he came outside Manager Zhang's room, he quickly swept towards the filling room behind the building.

Half a minute later, he came to the door of the room next to the filling room.

The perceptions of the 6th and 7th level evolutionists in the room are also very keen.

Before Lin Yi knocked, the door opened.

The five people inside all looked at Lin Yi warily.

A 7th-level evolutionary asked coldly: "What did you do?"

At the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, a sneer hung up, and said, "It's killing you."

Speaking, put the **** together in the right hand and point towards these people.


With five fingers pointing out, the heads of those five people were exploded into plasma.

The floor and walls of the entire room were stained blood red.

With Lin Yi's current combat power, these 6th and 7th level evolvers are simply not enough.

Then he was covered by the fiery red energy and swallowed all these 6th and 7th level evolvers.

Even the blood stains on the walls and the ground inside the house were swallowed up.

A 6th-level evolutionary has 1oo evolution points, and a 7th-level evolutionary has 5oo evolution points.

After swallowing these people, he got 13oo evolution points, and the total evolution point has reached 77oo points.

At this point, the 7th-level evolutionary of the Shadowmoon Group has been swallowed by him. As for the level 6 evolution, only two people in the base were left.

It can be said that in addition to Shadowmoon himself and the 8th-level evolutionary, the powerful evolutionary of the Shadowmoon group has been wiped out by him.

In the eyes of others, the Shadowmoon Group was unattainable and unfathomable, but it was so easily made by Lin Yi. It is really emotional to think about it.

After swallowing these people, Lin Yi looked up at the roof.

It turns out that their roof is very high, six or seven meters high. The roof is actually a big electromagnet, as long as the switch is activated, the electromagnet will be activated.

This is a coup developed by the Shadowmoon Group to deal with his mecha.

It's a pity that Lin Yi's last mecha has been destroyed.

Not only this, but Lin Yi also learned from the memories of these people that in the laboratory below, many special measures have been arranged to deal with himself.

After all, traps, iron cages, anesthesia needles, and even a special zombie array composed of mutant zombies.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, these people really took great pains to deal with themselves.

If you don't know this, you might be caught in their tricks.

But now that these conditions are known, the people below are waiting to be killed!

And he also knew that in the laboratory below, the level 8 evolution was inside.

Think about it, the 8th-level evolutionary is really looking forward to it.

After all, this is the first time that he has really fought against an 8th-level evolutionary.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi came to the file cabinet next to him and opened the cabinet door. The files inside were automatically separated to the two sides, and a face recognition system and a password keyboard appeared.

Lin Yi is now disguised as a 7th-level evolutionary, and the face recognition system naturally passed easily.

Then he entered the code, the door inside opened, and a passage extending downward appeared.

Lin Yi walked into this passage, and soon he saw it, and soon came to the elevator entrance below.

According to his memory just now, he knew that the elevator didn't need to press buttons, but was controlled by voice recognition. If an outsider arrives and presses the button without knowing it, just wait and die.

Lin Yi said with the voice of a Level 7 evolutionary who had swallowed it before: "Open the elevator door opens automatically, and he took the elevator to the 7th floor underground.

When the elevator door opened, his biological tracking skills quickly probed the entire underground laboratory, and then found the location of the 8th-level evolutionary.

Then he stepped out of the elevator, planning to find the 8th-level evolutionary.

However, he had just taken a step, suddenly empty under his feet, and fell down.

He was shocked, but he was still hit? ! ...


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