Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 334: Raikage VS Avril Lavigne

Snow is always exciting.

Especially in such a snowy night, sneak up the city wall. Shouted and screamed on the uninhabited city wall, running indulged.

It is even more exciting to admire the neon lights and snow scenes of Chang'an.

Lin Yi also sighed while looking at the backs of the five girls.

How long have you been in the mood like today?

And the voice of the system came at the right time: "It's nice to be young. Tsk, I really want to be younger again. Well, if you take all these five girls into the harem, tusk, it would be even better. Especially that screen name. The name Qianjiang Hanyue, although occasionally a bit of pornography, is actually quite considerate. If you accept her as the lord of the harem and let her be the world, you can still consider it."


Lin Ye is really speechless about the system.

I don't think about women all the time, and really suspect that I have encountered a fake system.

Just when everyone was immersed in the excitement of Xueye, they didn't know that, just a few kilometers away from them, a few figures were rushing towards them.

When this person entered Lin Yi's one kilometer range, Lin Yi's biological tracking was finally detected.

At the same time, Avril, who seemed to have been jumping around like a little girl, also had a slight meal.

But it was just a meal, and then she continued to play with her snow. I had a snowball fight with those little girls, and from time to time I threw an extra-large snowball at Lin Yi.

After just a few seconds, I saw a figure, which seemed to appear out of thin air, and suddenly appeared on the city wall in front of them.

This person was wearing dark purple clothes with a hood on his clothes. He was wearing a hood and his face could not be seen. On his clothes, there are bright white lightning lines.

Lin also hadn't seen this person, but with this person's speed of less than 3 seconds, he knew that this person was very strong. And depending on his clothes, it is very likely that Raiking is one of the three special envoys of the Shadowmoon group.

Sure enough, before he could finish his words, another person appeared behind them. He saw this person in black clothes and black trousers. He was wearing sunglasses in the evening.

He is no one else, but Yan Ying, one of the three special envoys of the Shadowmoon Group.

The appearance of Yan Ying made Lin Yi even more certain that the person in purple clothes was Lei Ying.

Lin also didn't expect that they would move Lei Ying out.

In the memory of the eight leaders he swallowed, this Raikage was like a **** of war.

The three envoys are good at different fields, Yanying is best at tracking; Raiking is best at fighting. The people who fell in front of him can be said to be two to three hundred instead of four or five hundred.

One can imagine how strong he is.

He seemed to be born to fight.

Especially his attribute, that is the rarest lightning attribute, the damage caused by the explosion is far greater than the fire attribute.

Therefore, the leapfrog challenge is also very simple for him.

At this time, judging from the biological pulse reflected by Lin Yi's biological tracking, the Raikage had reached level 15. This is the strongest existence among the three envoys. It is also what Lin Yi currently knows, the highest level person in the world.

And not only were the two of them, Lin also detected three others not far away.

These three people were all wearing the same green clothes and green cloaks. Lin also speculated that these three people should be Lei Ying's followers or something.

At this moment, Lei Ying didn't look at Lin Yi at all, but fell on Avril Lavigne.

"I heard that you are strong?"

Raiying's voice appeared dry and loud, as dry and loud as a thunder.

Avril Lavigne chuckled and said, "It's already very strong."


Lei Ying said in a dry and loud voice: "Just so, I like to challenge the strongest person."

Before the words fell, a purple light appeared on his right hand.

The purple light turned into a purple lightning, crackling, leaping back and forth around his right hand.

Lin Yi couldn't even do Yan Ying, this Lei Ying naturally couldn't do even more.

Especially this Raikage is also the most explosive and destructive Thunder attribute evolutionary.

And this Raikage was obviously coming for Avril, so it could only be handed to Avril.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi said to Avril Lavigne: "He is Raikage, one of the three envoys, a level 15 evolutionary, you have to be careful."

Avril Lavigne smiled and looked at Lei Ying: "Your name is Lei Ying?"

Lei Ying was still very satisfied with his name. He looked at the crackling and rattling lightning in his hand, and replied in a dry and loud voice: "Yes."

Avril Lavigne waved her hand again and again, with a serious expression on that lovely face, and said: "Wrong, wrong, thunder is used to express sound. But your hand is clearly lightning. In my opinion, you should be called a movie. That's right."


It should have been a tense atmosphere, but when Avril said that, she was abruptly embarrassed.

Raikage looked at the lightning in his hand, and then at Avril.

This little girl's film is obviously fooling around, but she can't refute it.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it!"

Lei Ying shouted in that dry and loud lavigne smiled and said to Lin Yi: "If you want to watch a movie in the future, you don't need to go to the cinema, just watch him. But... His movie seems to be nothing good."

Lei Ying had started with a girl like Avril, but he didn't want to do it first.

But this little girl's film was so troubled that it spoiled the atmosphere. If you are a dignified killer yourself, you can simply do it, whether he is a man or a woman, old or young.

So he jumped and leaped towards Avril.

His figure looked like a bolt of lightning.

He was originally a level 15 evolutionary, and his speed has completely reached the speed of sound.

With the addition of lightning attributes, his speed has the potential to break through the speed of sound.

And around his fist, there are also a few electric lights lingering.


Punched at Avril Lavigne.

However, Avril Lavigne is faster than him.

When he hit Avril with this punch, he found that it was the afterimage left by Avril's escape.

And his fist pierced through the afterimage and banged on the wall behind the afterimage.


There was a gap in the wall above the city wall. Moreover, these fragmented city bricks were scattered around.

In other words, when his fist blasted out, it actually had a burst effect.

He didn't succeed with a blow, and didn't even look at it. On the right elbow, the electric light flickered and hit the side.

And Avril didn't hide this time, her pink-looking fist blasted against Raikage's elbow.


There was a muffled sound.

Then there was silence.

I saw Avril retracted her hand and stood there quietly.

Lei Ying also retracted his hand and looked at Avril Lavigne.

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