Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 337: Purple wings

Shadowmoon 3 special envoys teamed up, even if they were 17th, 18th, or even 19th-level evolutionaries, they didn't dare to stun their edge easily.

Avril Lavigne was trapped in the water polo and couldn't get out or move. And the body was constantly being shocked, and the temperature rose sharply because of the flames.

Her breathing became difficult, and her body began to stiffen.

Lin Yi has already sensed all this in the rental house.

He knew he was invincible, and could not sit and watch Avril being killed by these people.

He jumped out of the rental house and said coldly: "Don't you just want me? Let her go and I will go with you."

Anyway, Avril is also his tablemate, and with his current understanding of Avril, Avril is just a playful girl, and his heart is not bad. How could he watch Avril Lavigne being killed by these people.

Then Lei Ying turned his head to look at Lin Yi, and sneered: "Huh, are you willing to come out now? It's late, you two, don't bother to leave today."

Having said that, he nodded to Miaoying.

The three of Miao Ying condensed another water polo and waved them towards Lin Yi.

This kind of water polo would burst instantly, turning into countless water molecules spreading around, Lin also didn't know where they were.

In addition, his speed was far less than Avril Lavigne, and soon, he saw countless water vapors around him quickly gather to form another water ball, which wrapped him inside.

The water ball is solid and he can't breathe.

He can wave his hands and kick his feet like water, but he is always soft and weak.

Even Avril's strength cannot break free from the water polo, let alone him.

Not only did the system not help Lin Yi at this time, he also sang a cool song in his mind: "I love bathing turtles and falling, oh oh oh, beware of fleas and so many bubbles..."

"When is this, the system Nima is about to find a way."

Lin Yi scolded.

The system chuckled and said, "Ah, don't panic the donor. Appy. You just sit in this bubble and watch the show. It won't be long before you watch the show."

Lin Yi's heart moved: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

The system gave a dispensable answer.

The guy in the system, even though he seems to be very angry, he is still unambiguous in business.

So Lin Yi believed this guy for the time being and looked at Avril Lavigne on the other side.

When the four girls saw that Lin Yi and Avril were trapped, they felt that something was not good.

"How to do?"

"Or... call the police."

"Do you think the police will believe this kind of thing?"

"Then what should I do? You can't just watch the boss being taken away by them."

The four girls are all Liushen Wuzhu.

Qianjiang Hanyue is still a little more courageous. Although she is also scared, she still gritted her teeth and said to the special envoy of Yingyue III: "You will let go of our boss soon, otherwise we...we...we will get angry."

She really couldn't think of any words that could threaten this Shadowmoon Third Special Envoy.

The special envoy of Shadowmoon III ignored these four girls at all, and continued to trap Avril with water polo, shock Avril with lightning, and torment Avril with flame.

Lin Yi couldn't bear it, but he couldn't do anything at this time.

After all, the opponent's level is too high, this is still playing a snake.

At this moment, Lin Yi's biological tracking suddenly detected that the corner of Avril's mouth in the water polo suddenly twitched.

The expression seemed to say: This is interesting.

The next moment, I saw Avril Lavigne, suddenly a burst of purple energy emerged.

This purple energy is different from the lightning purple of Raikage, but an amethyst-like purple.

This purple energy quickly enveloped Avril Lavigne, and the next moment, the purple energy burst out suddenly.


Under the impact of the purple energy, the water polo really looked like a water polo, and it was easily blasted into water vapor.

After the purple energy spread out to a radius of ten meters, it was recovered at an extremely rapid speed, condensed on Avril's back.

Avril Lavigne was shrouded in purple light, it looked so dreamy, but in the dream, it seemed to have a trace of evil.

The three special envoys of Shadowmoon never expected that their three special envoys joined forces and they couldn't seal a little girl.

And this time the explosion, because Yan Ying and Lei Ying were the closest to the explosion point, they had already suffered varying degrees of injury.

Only Miaoying and the three were not injured because they were more than 20 meters away from the water polo.

At this time, the dreamy and evil purple light began to slowly shrink, and everyone could gradually see Avril.

When everyone saw Avril Lavigne clearly, their faces all showed shock. Even Lin is no exception.

I saw Avril Lavigne at this moment, hovering in the air.

A faint purple light was shrouded in the outline of the whole person. Behind her, purple energy condenses a pair of purple wings up to five meters wide. There was also a faint purple light on the Yi's eyes widened.

Energy can condense wings?

This was the first time he saw it.

The Special Envoys of the Shadow Moon III also saw a big eye: they were the special envoys of the Shadow Moon III, they were very knowledgeable, but this was the first time they saw someone who could use energy to condense wings.

At this time, Avril Lavigne, the wide purple wings flapping slowly behind her.

A faint purple light was shrouded in her body.

Under the background of the heavy snow, it looks so dreamy and so mysterious.

The girls were optimistic again.

"Ba La La Old Demon Fairy has transformed!"

"It's obviously an angel."

"But how can angels have purple wings?"

When Lei Ying saw Avril Lavigne at this time, he could obviously feel that the aura on Avril Lavigne had become much stronger.

He immediately stepped back 50 meters with Yan Ying, and stood with Miao Ying.

Afterwards, these five people all gathered energy in their hands.

There are fiery red, purple, and transparent.

The energy in the hands of the five of them quickly condensed together to form a transparent energy ball with a fiery red flame and purple lightning that did not flash. The diameter reached more than three meters.

This is the ability of the Shadowmoon Third Special Envoy to hold the bottom of the box.

When all the energies of the Shadowmoon III Special Envoy were combined, the destructive power and control power formed were absolutely unprecedented.

I saw the energy ball flying towards Avril at a very fast speed.

Avril Lavigne didn't panic, and a smile hung over her mouth again: "This is interesting."

She said that between the flapping of her wings, a purple energy was in front of her, and a purple energy ball was also condensed.

Then she slapped her wings, and the energy ball met the energy ball of Shadowmoon III's envoy at a very fast speed.

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