Facts have proved that Lin Yi still thought wrong.

After the old beggar sold out the 40 barrels of instant noodles, he didn't look for Lin Yi again.

This made Lin also a little puzzled. With this old beggar's business acumen, it was impossible to stop looking for himself.

Gongsun Lüe explained Lin Yi's doubts: "Maybe this old beggar doesn't want to make money at all. The little rich is safe. As long as he has a little money, he will be satisfied."

Lin also thinks about it.

So in the next few days, Lin Yi and Gongsun Lu'e wandered around with the old beggar, looking for the movie's protagonist A Xing.

At the same time, Lin Yi also looked through the three Kung Fu secrets he bought.

Yiyang Zhi, which is very different from what he understood, is a lie to the child;

The Six Pulse Excalibur does not look like Kung Fu, but is drawn like a boxing game;

The palm of the Tathagata God only simply drew a few moves, and marked each move with the name.

Judging from these pictures, this is obviously a little man's book, where is it like a Kung Fu secret?

However, in the movie, A Xing relied on these simple actions to literally become a masterpiece of the Tathagata Palm, just like Ouyang Feng can also practice the Nine Yin Scriptures in reverse. There are no martial arts wizards.

Lin is also ashamed.

After the old beggar made a small profit, he began to trick the children.

There are so many secrets in his place, and there are all kinds of secrets, even such evil skills as the Sunflower Book.

Although he cheated ten times, he may not succeed once, but he seems to enjoy it.

On this day, the old beggar finally came to an alley again, and his eyes lit up when he saw a teenage boy who was well dressed.

And Lin Yi's biological tracking also detected this boy, exactly the same as A Xing in the movie when he was a child, and he was also happy.

Finally found Ah Xing.

After seeing Ah Xing, the old beggar chased and said, "Little brother, little brother, wait."

Ah Xing turned around and looked at the beggar suspiciously.

The old beggar saw Ah Xing's face and exclaimed: "Wow, that's amazing. You have a light from the sky, and you have a muscle and bones that can be practiced at a young age. It is a martial arts practice that is impossible in any case. Wizards. The task of guarding evil and punishing crimes and maintaining world peace is up to you."

Ah Xing is only in his ten years old, and unlike the children of the 21st century, all of them are villains. He is still very honest.

Hearing what the old beggar said, he nodded his head suddenly: "Hmm!"

The old beggar took out a book and said, "I was so fond of chatting with you, and I sold you the Tathagata Palm for 10 yuan."

Ah Xing listened and nodded again and again: "I'll go back to get the money, wait for me!"

Lin Yi saw this, but took a breath.

This beggar even has a "Tathagata Palm"!

Fortunately, Ah Xing went back to get the money, otherwise, if he paid the money in person, wouldn't his mission be about to fail?

Lin Yi quickly took Gongsun Lue, turned the corner, and shouted from a distance: "Uncle..."

The old beggar saw Lin Yi and asked in confusion: "Are you looking for me?"

Lin Yi and Gongsun Lue came to the old beggar, Lin Yi said: "Uncle, I have been looking for you for a few days, and I have something to discuss with you."

"I'm an old beggar, what do you want to discuss with me?"

Lin Yi said: "This matter is a long story. I invite you to the restaurant over there and we will talk while eating."

The old beggar's eyes lit up, and there was a grunt in his throat: "It's good to dare, and I haven't eaten in a restaurant for a long time. I'm all greedy. But I have an appointment."

"Uncle, don't you feel ashamed of deceiving children?"

Lin Yi said.

"Well, how can it be called a deception? One is willing to slaughter, the other is willing to suffer, and the two sides are willing. And slaughtering a child, there is so much fun, how can you be ashamed?"

Lin Yi was sweating in his heart.

"Uncle, if you want to slaughter the child, I won't stop you. But let's forget it today, we will talk about it after eating."

The old beggar looked a little embarrassed, it seemed that he didn't want to let go of the meal, and he didn't want to let the kid go.

Lin Yi had to increase his bargaining chip and said, "Uncle, then, go to the restaurant with me, and after the matter is over, I will give you five barrels of Supreme Invincible Overlord Noodles, how about?"

When the old beggar heard this, he took a sip of water and said, "Okay, this is good, go for a walk."

I couldn't wait to move forward.

After the three came to the restaurant, they quickly found a seat.

The old beggar is not welcome, he will order food when he comes up.

Lin Yi said, "Ms. Gongsun is a girl. Ladies first. Let her order."

Gongsun Lue didn't understand what Lin Yi meant, and said, "Let the uncle order it."

Lin Yi looked at Gongsun Lüe and said, "Girl Gongsun, it's better for you to come, I'll go to the toilet."

If you ask the old beggar to come, I don’t know how much to make. He didn't have much money.

Gongsun Lüe also knew that Lin didn't have much money, so naturally he wouldn't order more, nor would he order expensive ones. She said to the patron: "Just a few home-cooked dishes. By the way, if you have sauerkraut, let's have a plate."

Unexpectedly, although she only ordered home-cooked dishes, the old beggar nodded again and again: "Yes, that's right, you must have sauerkraut and two dishes. By the way, it would be better if you have polenta~www.readwn.com~ For this old beggar's wealth, it is completely fine to eat big fish and meat.

The reason why he came here was just for those buckets of instant noodles, and by the way, Lin Yi had something to discuss with him.

At the same time, Lin Yi had already arrived at the previous alley.

Before long, I saw Ah Xing rushing over holding a piggy bank made of canned bottles. He ran out of breath, blushing and sweaty.

It shows how much he expects.

But when he came to this alley, he didn't see the old beggar, he looked around questioningly.

Lin Yi took the opportunity to come to A Xing and said, "Brother, are you looking for the beggar just now?"


A Xing looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

Lin Yi said, "He just had something wrong, so he will leave first."

"Ah? What about my martial arts secrets?"

Ah Xing looked extremely disappointed.

For such a simple child, Lin Yi couldn't bear to lie to him.

But there is no way, the original is such a plot, he can only reluctantly lie to it.

He said: "Brother, I have a magical house here. As long as you go in, you will get the martial arts secrets."

As he said, he looked around, no one looked around.

He was about to reveal his house.

A Xing was a little skeptical of Lin Yi at first, but at this moment, seeing that he was able to conjure a house out of thin air, while surprised, she also believed in him deeply.

"The white rabbit opens the door."

Lin Yi chanted the door opening spell and took Ah Xing into the room.

What made Ah Xing even more surprised was that when they entered the door, they found that this room was not an ordinary room. In the room, it turned out to be an alley, exactly the same as the alley where they were just now.

(End of this chapter)

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