Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 350: Unfathomable strength

The scene was quiet.

Only the light breeze blew, Gongsun Lue's skirt fluttered with the wind.

Ah San, who was opposite Gongsun Lue, stood motionless.

Except for Lin Yi and Gongsun Lue, everyone at the scene stared at Ah San in the field dumbfounded.

Ah San didn't even move? !

What's going on?

They only saw the woman on Ah San's back, with two taps, Ah San stopped moving?

Amidst everyone's suspicion, someone said: "Could it be...this is the legendary acupuncture technique?"

It turns out that in the martial arts, there is indeed a legend that there is such a kung fu, called "acupoint-pointing."

The principle is to use special techniques to hit the meridian points on the body, causing partial paralysis, or dizziness, pain, or even death.

But with this method, we must first recognize the extreme accuracy of the acupuncture points.

Everyone is different in height, short, fat and thin.

Secondly, you must have a special force technique to concentrate your strength on one point.

For example, clenching a fist, but the **** slightly protrudes outward, hit the acupuncture points with the knuckles.

Whether it is the method of identifying acupoints or exerting force, it is difficult to practice. So this kind of acupuncture has almost been lost.

But now this woman has used it, and his acupuncture technique is just two taps with **** on the right hand. It's not as hard as the legend.

Moreover, the legendary acupuncture may cause pain and death, but it does not allow people to remain motionless.

But this woman did it.

This is really incredible.

Now Ah San could not move, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't show it.

Then he can only be slaughtered.

Unexpectedly, the result of the fight between the two turned out to be like this.

Ah San actually lost.

Who is A San?

That is recognized as the strongest person among the younger generation.

His strength is even comparable to that of some older masters.

His half-step collapse of the fist even caused many old Yifei masters to suffer a dark loss.

But now, facing this beautiful and weak looking woman, she was defeated with only one move.

How can this not be shocking.

At the same time, their eyes turned to Lin Yi unconsciously.

This woman is this kid's disciple, and now she defeated Ah San with only one move, how strong should this kid be?

Thinking of this, everyone is secretly awe-inspiring.

Lin Yi was very satisfied with Gongsun Lu'e's performance, but if he were to do it, he would definitely blow away that San. Gongsun Lue was kind-hearted, but he just let him stay there, but still gave him a little face.

Lin Yi took a few steps forward and said loudly, "Is there any other disciple in the martial arts gym who wants to fight with me?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present you look at me and I look at you, but no one dared to come out to challenge.

Ah San was unhelpful, their other disciples went up, it was purely looking for abuse by themselves.

Who dare to go up?

"Who else?"

Lin Yi looked around the scene and said Lang Ran.

Everyone at the scene was silent.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Master Long again.

No one had expected such a situation suddenly, and now it can only be seen how Master Long responds.

Master Long also felt everyone's gaze, so naturally he couldn't persuade him.

He laughed and said: "I didn't expect your high apprentice to have such an ability. It seems that I am blind. Now, your apprentice is indeed stronger than our apprentice. But the apprentice is strong, not necessarily the master. Why don't we two fight in person and learn from each other. What do you think?"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said: "We are a martial arts training apprentice, and we are not the best in the world. My apprentice is better than your apprentice. At least it shows that my ability to teach apprentices is better than you, and will not mislead others. Based on this, am I not qualified to start a class here?"

Master Long said this speech silently.

Of course, if Master Long forcibly argued, he could find any reason and say, "Who can prove that this woman is your apprentice" and so on, he can just go over.

But Master Long's status can be higher than that of the more than one hundred martial arts masters like Shang-Hai, and he is definitely not a rogue.

Since his apprentice's skills are not as good as people's, what Lin Yi said he couldn't use righteous theory to refute, and naturally he would not use false theory to refute.

They exclude foreigners, this is their usual style, this is also to protect the interests of their local martial artist. But let him use despicable means, but he is disdainful.

Lin Yi had thought about a lot of things, if Master Long forced a rebuttal, he would naturally say that Master Long had a black face.

But now that Master Long didn't argue, he acquiesced in what he said. He also secretly said in his heart: It seems that Master Long is also a loyal elder.

Therefore, he gave a fist to Master Long: "Master Long, I am offended today. In fact, I don’t want to kick the gym deliberately, but I just want to have my own martial arts gym, which can teach students and make ends meet. It’s been proven that I won’t mistake people, and that’s all I want. Then I’ll leave.”

The tone of his speech was not half of the arrogance he had before, but he spoke very sincerely.

This made Master Long’s impression of him greatly He wanted to keep Lin Yi, first, let Lin Yi and everyone get to know him; second, also explore how strong Lin Yi really is.

But after thinking about it, although my opinion of this kid has changed, the other martial artists, especially those with a fierce temper, must still hate this kid in their hearts.

Therefore, Shang Ye only gave Lin Yi a fist and said, "Master Lin Wu walks slowly."

When everyone heard this, they all understood.

Based on Longwu Master's martial arts status, coupled with his age, he used to call Lin Yi "this kid", but now he changed his name directly to "Lin Wushi", which shows that he has acquiesced to Lin Yi's opening of the martial arts hall.

Now that Master Longwu has said this, other people are naturally not good at saying anything.

Although a very small number of people raised doubts in person, it was useless.


The fastest upload in the world is news.

Invincible Martial Arts Hall challenged other martial arts gyms, in just two days, spread throughout Shanghai-Hai.

"Have you heard, a new martial artist has arrived and opened an invincible martial arts hall."

"Heh, it's a big tone, it's still invincible."

"Who said no. But they have a strong tone and strength. A female disciple in their martial arts gym defeated Asan with just one move."

"No, Ah San's half-step collapse is so powerful. Are you bragging?"

"I'm bragging? The whole Shang-Hai has spread. Their female disciple is so strong that it makes the opponent desperate."

"In that case, their disciples are so powerful, then their master is even more powerful."

"I don't know this. Anyway, I have never heard of him shooting. But thinking about it, I know that their master's strength is absolutely unfathomable."


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