Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 374: Devouring sing 2 blind

Although the singer is blind, his hearing, smell and other perception abilities are much stronger than before.

At this moment, he heard Lin Yi's voice, his complexion suddenly changed, and he exclaimed: "Lin Yi!"

How could he not recognize Lin Yi.

It was absolutely unforgettable in a lifetime, his blindness was also given by Pailin.

And Lin also once said that their heads are stored on their necks, and they will come to take their dogs at any time.

In the first two years, they were indeed safe for two years.

But just like many addicted people, those addicted to theft want to steal things when they see other people's things, even if they are already millionaires, they still can't help stealing.

These two people are addicted to killing. They have not killed for two years. They are going crazy.

So on a dark and windy night, they secretly killed someone once.

After half a year passed in fear, for fear that Lin would also appear.

But Lin did not show up either.

This made them more courageous and killed another person. After waiting for two months, Lin Yi still did not appear.

They were bolder and began to take over.

Now they basically have to pick up at least three jobs a month to ease their desire to kill.

This time it was the invitation of the Axe Gang to come here to kill Aqiang, Asheng and Agui.

Unexpectedly, he ran into Lin Yi as soon as he came.

When Agui heard the singer calling out Lin Yi's name, he was also taken aback, but then he was overjoyed: "You are Lin Yi?!"

No one in the martial arts world knows Lin Yi's name.

They have defeated Mai Chang Er Blind and Huo Yun Cthulhu, and killed the third to tenth figures in the killer rankings. How can they know?

A Qiang once came to challenge Lin Yi, but by then Lin Yi had already traveled around the world. So he has never seen Lin Yi ever.

I finally saw Lin Yi at this time. How could this not make him excited?

Lin Yi turned his head, looked at A Qiang, nodded and said, "Yes, I am Lin Yi."

A Qiang was very surprised. He always thought that Lin was also a martial arts senior, but he did not expect to be so young, he looked only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Lin Yi turned his head again, and a cold breath suddenly spread out from his body.

There was a cold light in the eyes under the hood, and a cold bloodthirsty smile hung on the corners of the mouth: "I once said that your heads are stored on your necks. If you do evil again, I will naturally come and fetch them. Now, it’s about time."

Hearing this, the vocalist was startled.

The cold sweat on his forehead had already flowed down unconsciously.

He hurriedly shouted to the other side: "Fat and blind—"

At this time Fatty was at A Sheng, planning to win A Sheng alone.

Hearing this shout, he jumped out quickly.

As soon as he came out, he saw Lin Yi in his single eye, his complexion changed drastically, and the cold sweat on his forehead had already flowed down.

The two of them have only lost once in their lives, and that is to Lin Yi.

What Lin Yi said at the beginning is still fresh in their memory.

Is he really here today to take the heads of both of them?

But then he took courage for himself and for the skinny man: "Don't be afraid, I heard people say that he has been wandering around the world in the past ten years and wasted kung fu. We have practiced day by day in the past ten years. Great progress. Kill him first, and then kill the other three people."

Although the thin man knew that the fat man was emboldening them, he had the right to regard it as true at this time.

He didn't play any Zhengfeng anymore, and let the fat man press the piano beside him, his fingers and ten sharp nails swept the strings.

Just listen to "Zheng——"

There was a loud noise, and then, as many as ten skeleton soldiers holding swords in their hands were condensed, and they attacked Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiled coldly, and pointed out with his right hand.

call out--

A yang finger energy directly flew out, flying towards the center of the skeleton soldier.

This energy quickly came to the center of the skeleton soldier, and then suddenly exploded.


A small shock wave spread to the surroundings.

Under the shock wave, those skeleton soldiers screamed and were blasted to pieces.

Seeing the chanter, I couldn't help changing his color in amazement.

But they were unwilling to die and wanted to make the last dying struggle. The thin fingers hooked the strings again.

call out--

A burst of energy flew over, right in the middle of the guqin.


The guqin also exploded directly.

The last time Lin Yi's Three-Rank One-Yang Finger only exploded the Guqin into two sections.

But this time, the entire body of the instrument was exploded into all directions.

The fat and thin faces were stabbed by the flying sawdust, and blood was flowing.


The two of them screamed.

Lin also did not show any mercy, and shot out a burst of energy from the **** in both hands, hitting the two of them.

The two of them couldn't react at all, and their bodies exploded.

Now the power of Yiyang Finger has greatly increased, and the bodies of both of them have been blown to pieces and scattered.

Lin Yi didn't wait for the fragments to fall to the ground, and the fiery red energy gushing out of his body, he swallowed the flesh and blood of the two.

On the ground, apart from the guqin fragments scattered on the ground, there was nothing about the two of them. Not even a drop of blood.

It was as if the two had never appeared before.

Agui's eyes widened.

"What kind of effort is this?"

Lin Yi just turned around now, with a smile on his face longing for temporary satisfaction: "Yi Yang pointed."

A Gui gave a wry smile.

I was delusional to challenge Lin Yi before, but now it seems that if I really saw Lin Yi back then, I would only be humiliated.

Lin Yi swallowed the second blind, and the system prompt sounded in his mind: "Swallow first-class masters and second blind, you can get 5oo evolution points. The total evolution points 19132 points."

Lin also heard this, thinking that it was almost as expected.

But... there seems to be something wrong.

"Wait, they are all first-class masters. One person is 5oo evolution point, shouldn't two people be 1ooo? So where did 5oo go?"

The system chuckled and said: "Because they are two people, they are considered first-class masters. If they are separated, they are at best only first-class masters. It is worth 25o evolution points."

"Damn, profiteer!"

Lin Yi scolded.

But it doesn't matter, there is also Fire Cloud Cthulhu.

Huoyun Cthulhu should almost have a 1ooo evolution by then, she will definitely be promoted to level 9.

At this time, both Aqiang and Asheng had already left their respective places.

They wanted to pack their things and leave, but when they heard the sound of fighting, they hurried out.

When they heard A Qiang say that Lin is also the famous master Lin Wushi, and Lin Wushi has just killed the second blind, they are not consciously surprised.

According to what they thought, if you want to kill first-rate masters like Mai Sang Er Biao, at least there must be a fierce fight. How can the two first-rate masters be killed after so many fights?

So, how strong is this Lin Wushi? ...


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