Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 407: The end is coming?

407 The end is coming?

Shui Ruobing seemed to know what Lin Yi thought.

She said: "According to what you said, your current strength can't fight against that one..."


Lin also reminded.

"Well, your current strength is still unable to fight Hydra. What you are thinking about now is to improve your strength immediately, not how to deal with Hydra. I heard Caixia say that your strength is improving very quickly..."

"Wait, who is Caixia?"

Lin Yi wondered.

"It's Liu Caixia, that very interesting girl."

Lin Yi just reacted and said, "Uh, it's better to call Hanyue."

The name Liu Caixia is really earthy.

But this is not the point.

Lin Yi glanced at Shui Ruobing.

Shui Ruobing's expression was nothing unusual.

This is very abnormal.

The average evolutionary, when he hears that he is promoted very quickly, he will definitely ask his own way of promotion with expectation, in the hope that they can learn a lesson.

As an evolutionary, Shui Ruobing didn't seem to care about it, he just mentioned it smoothly.

From this extension, Shui Ruobing looks unusual in every respect.

Who is she?

Why does she want to approach herself?

Yes, Lin also used the word "close".

He always felt that this Shui Ruobing met himself and saved himself twice. All this is definitely not a coincidence.

But at least one thing she said is right: It's better to improve your own strength now.

According to the system, after being promoted to level 10, the strength of the evolutionary will be greatly improved.

Maybe after he was promoted to level 10, he could deal with Hydra.

Even if it can't kill Hydra, at least it won't be as vulnerable as this time after facing Hydra.

Thinking of this, Lin also planned to wait a few days, and then deal with the Hydra after he came out of the next movie plane.

In the spare time these few days, he plans to go around in the ancient city of Dali, of course, also to go to Chongsheng Temple.

When Shui Ruobing heard that Lin Ye was going to these places, she also said, "I'm also planning to go to the ancient city of Dali, let's go together."

Before Lin Yi answered, the system's voice came: "Okay, okay, traveling with the United States, I like it the most. If you find a chance, you can hahahaha, hahaha, that's a perfect life. "

Lin Yi was already familiar with the virtue of the system, and ignored him and went to pack things by himself.

But the sky does not follow people's wishes.

They had planned to leave the next morning, but when they woke up the next morning, news came overwhelmingly on their phones.

"Zombies appeared in Lijiang!"

"Resident Evil is coming, there are really zombies in this world!"

"Yesterday Lijiang saw a strange flame bird, and today there are many zombies!"


There are countless titles like this.

Lin Yi clicked on a few webpages casually, and you could see the detailed descriptions above.

However, many of them are added fuel and vinegar, which is very exaggerated.

After Lin Yi's reasoning and analysis, after removing the falsehood and keeping the truth, some facts can still be seen.

It turns out that after the fire crow attacked Lijiang yesterday, although many people escaped, they failed to escape the virus.

What does the fire crow do?

The strength of the fire crows is actually not very strong. The real scary thing about them is their ability to spread the plague.

In the true state of the killing, the fire crows flew around Manhattan, spreading the virus, and this allowed the virus to spread rapidly in the city.

And today's fire crow appeared, obviously to let the virus spread.

Datonghui believes that a few small and controllable spreads will help them make more money.

Therefore, one in ten of those who visited the ancient city of Lijiang yesterday, although they escaped, they have been infected with the virus.

After going back, most people just had a fever. After treatment, their symptoms have disappeared.

However, there are still a small number of people whose symptoms have not disappeared after treatment, their body temperature has risen linearly, and they have been burning to more than 40 degrees.

It even burned to a temperature that the human body simply couldn't bear.

The doctors thought they had died of a high fever, but in the morgue, they came back to life.

Then the hospital doctors and nurses were massacred.

And after those doctors and nurses were caught or bitten by these zombies, they naturally became zombies.

Fortunately, the number of those infected is not large, only a dozen.

And because it was night and there were not many people in the hospital, not many people were caught and bitten by these zombies.

The total number is more than one hundred.

After the military arrived, these zombies were quickly wiped out.

Because there was too much movement and the Internet is now developed, many people were shooting with their mobile phones, and the video had already been circulated on the Internet.

This time, no matter what these people are, they can't hide the truth.

Of course, in order to make money, the Datong Association wanted to let people know about it.

So the matter spread quickly.

Early this morning, the whole country shook.

Even the news quickly spread all over the world.

Lin also saw the news and didn't want to go to the ancient city of Dali and Chongsheng Temple anymore.

He said to Shui Ruobing: "I have to go to Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and monitor the Hydra there. I must not let it go to the downtown area."

"I'll go with you."

Shui Ruobing said without hesitation.

Lin Yi paused and shook his head: "You don't need to take such a risk."

"You know, I always think of you as a younger brother, how can I watch you go on an adventure alone?"

Although Lin also knows that things are far from simple, but now he doesn't want to worry about them too much.

The two immediately cleaned up, and then drove to Lijiang.

When I arrived more than 20 kilometers away from Lijiang, there were already a lot of traffic jams.

The road has been blocked and no one can enter Lijiang.

As many people came here after hearing the news and wanted to enter Lijiang to find out, there were thousands of cars blocked here.

But this is not difficult to help the two evolutionaries Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing.

They abandoned the car and walked to the side.

In this case, you have to climb a mountain that is almost impossible to climb.

But it's not a problem for these two evolvers.

After climbing the mountain, the two entered Lijiang.

At this time, Lijiang is already in panic.

Except for military vehicles and police cars, almost no other moving vehicles can be seen on the street ~ ~ at least pedestrians, not even one.

The two of them found a car on such an empty street, and then drove to the Yulong Snow Mountain.

In the past, tourists from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain were like weaving.

But now the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain is also empty, and no ghost shadow can be seen.

The two stopped at the entrance of the cave at the foot of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and did not go in, they watched the Hydra here.

With Lin Yi's creature tracking skills, once the Hydra leaves the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, he will be aware of it. ...


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