Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 411: Prophecy (Part 2)

"We go all over the world, as long as you want, I will accompany you."

Johnny's eyes were burning, looking at Roshan.

Luo Shan's eyes became hot, and her heartbeat started to increase: "Then what about your father? And what about your performance?"

"No, these are not important. My father can take care of himself, and acting is nothing compared to you."

Johnny exclaimed excitedly, and took Roshan into his arms.

"Tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon, wait for me here, I will take you away."

Johnny finally made an appointment with Roshan.

The two parted. Johnny sent Roshan home. On the way home by himself, he suddenly thought of what the Oriental said for no reason.

He said he would get bad news when he came on a date today.

Sure enough, I got the worst news in my life.

Perhaps it is not surprising that the Easterner learned this news from Roshan's relatives and friends.

But the second thing is strange.

He said he would get good news.

Now it seems that the good news is that he is leaving with Roshan. The two traveled across the country and even the world together.

This was just made temporarily by myself, and I didn't even know it before.

Why does that oriental man know?

Does he know how to predict?

It's too much, that kind of natural thing doesn't exist at all.

Then he remembered that the Easterner had said that he would get bad news when he went home at night, even worse than the previous bad news.

Johnny didn't want to believe it.

But what happened before made him believe a little bit.

If there is really bad news, what will it be?

Is there any worse news than to separate yourself from Roshan?

Next, as in the movie.

When Johnny returned home, he accidentally found his father's test report, which indicated that his father had cancer.

Once again, Johnny was struck by lightning, and he sat weakly on his chair, staring at the test sheet with his eyes.

He never dreamed that his father would suffer from cancer.

No wonder my father has been coughing recently, but he didn't even care about it. He put almost all his thoughts on the speed performance and Luo Shan, and he never cared about his father who was close at hand.

Damn it!

How to do?

Cancer, it is incurable.

He and his father depended on each other since childhood. Although he is not his biological father, he treats himself better than his biological father.

Now my father has a terminal illness, but he never told himself.

What should I do?

How can I save my father?

If there is a way to save my father, I am willing to pay any price!

Looking at his father, who was lying on the bed, who was already asleep, but his brows kept frowning, Johnny made a not difficult decision.

He won't go to an appointment tomorrow. Although Roshan is very important to him, his father's life is more important than Roshan.

I want to stay with my father.

For three full hours, Johnny didn't move.

Finally, three hours later, the eastern man's face suddenly flashed across his mind.

By the way, the Easterner said that he would show up when he needed it.

Does that mean he has a way?

Although he soon felt that his idea was absurd-after all, at present, no one in the world dares to pack a ticket to treat cancer-but even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he has to try it himself.

Thinking of this, Johnny walked out of his residence.

It was dark, and in the distant sky, there were even thunder and lightning from time to time.

This is a gloomy, lonely night.

He looked at the dark night.

The oriental man will show up when he says he needs it.

Where is he now?

Click ——

Suddenly, an electric light flashed not far away, reflecting the entire street like daylight.

At such a moment, he saw a figure walking slowly not far away.

Looking at the silhouette of the figure, it was the Eastern man I saw during the day.

Yes, this person is Lin Yi.

What Lin Yi was thinking at this time was: Huh—I finally waited until I came out.

After holding down his words during the day, he went outside and took a walk. After Johnny came back, he quietly followed him back and hid in the dark. Johnny has been exploring with biological tracking.

Just waiting for Johnny to show up when needed.

In the end, Johnny sat there for three hours.

The night was dark and cold. After waiting for three hours, Lin Yi couldn't bear it.

From this he thought that in many movie novels, those experts put up the sentence "When you need it, I will show up", which seems very pretending.

But it is very likely that after pretending to be forced, he will always follow others in secret anytime and anywhere, waiting for them to appear in need, and then appear as an expert.

Think of it really embarrassing for these "seniors".

However, I pretend to be forced, and I have to finish it with tears.

He came slowly under the background of thunder and lightning, and he was indeed a master.

He glanced at Johnny up and down, and asked, "Am I right?"

When he said this, Lin Yi couldn't help but shudder, and his teeth touched each other a few times. I said in my heart: Please ask me in, it's so cold outside.

In the end, Johnny just said, "Yes, you are right. My father... If you can save my father, please help me. You can pay as much as you want, and you can do whatever you want."

Lin Yi's body trembled again, and he said in his heart that this horrible place, day or summer, is so hot that people want to peel off the skin.

It's so cold at night, and Brother A's suit can't resist it.

But the appearance of an expert still needs to be done.

"What if I let you sell your soul?"

Johnny was taken aback and looked at Lin Yi suspiciously.

Sell ​​your soul?

What do you mean?

He has no idea at all.

But he couldn't take care of these anymore. As long as he could save his father, he would be willing.

"Well, even if you sell your soul, as long as you can save my father."

"Very well, come with me."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he turned around, trembling in the cold wind, pretending to be superior, and walked slowly.

Johnny quickly followed.

Lin Yi originally wanted to go a little farther to avoid being spotted.

But after walking out for a mile, it was really cold, and I simply let the system show the rental and then came to the door of the house.

"The big white rabbit, behave, open that door."

Lin also said it again in accordance with the opening spell that the system said. However, in order to maintain a high image, the voice is very low.

As the cold wind roared, the door opened with a creak.

Johnny looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, and asked, "What did you just say?"

"Oh, that is the dialect of the Harnut tribe of the ancient Atlantis Empire, the ancient door opening spell."

Lin Yi casually said nonsense. ...


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