Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 417: Little Devil Hogg

The other members of the Hogg Gang saw this scene, one by one was stunned in shock, looking at Lin Yishi without even blinking their eyelids.

After all, Lin also appeared too quickly.

It seemed to them that the oriental man seemed to have magic, suddenly appeared in front of them.

Moreover, the killing methods were clean and neat. Before they could react, their companions had fallen to the ground.

Only the skinny Hogg.

Except for a slight surprise in his eyes, he was not shocked. On the contrary, he held a toothpick in his mouth, slapped his hands, and said with a smile: "Yes, not bad, a bit interesting. I haven't encountered anything suitable for a long time. Opponent, I can't bear to be lonely anymore."

Lin Yi looked up slightly, the eyes under the hood looked at the skinny Hogg, his eyes were extremely cold.

This Hogg, indulging his subordinates, was quite proud of doing such a beast to such a little girl.

If you don't kill him today, how can you ping Lin's anger in his heart.

At this time, all the doors and windows in the entire street were closed tightly.

If it was Toby from the Hogg's Gang that was making trouble here during the day, they would still dare to watch the excitement all around.

But now the boss of the Hoggs has come in person. You know, the boss of the Hoggs is said to be a murderous demon.

Lin Yi killed the Hogg gang, with blood dripping on the sharp claws of his hands. As soon as he threw himself up, he jumped directly towards the skinny Hogg.

With a slight smile, Hogg faced Lin Yi, his fist blasted directly at the claws that Lin Yi had cut.


With a soft sound, Lin Yi only felt a huge force coming, and he took two steps back.

Hogg, the skinny leather bag, withdrew five steps directly.

Lin Yi looked at the skinny Hogg, her heart cold.

You know, his claws are extremely sharp, and even iron can easily cut it off, but he couldn't cut off Hogg's fist.

This and Hogg's power is also great, you know, his current strength has reached 8 tons, even if he continues to cut it, at least he can be blown away?

The result only made Hogg five steps back.

Lin Yi didn't know that Hogg was also quite surprised at this time.

His skin has already been trained to the point of invulnerability.

But at this time, there were two deep scars on his right fist.

This kid's claws are very sharp.

Moreover, Hogg's power is also extremely strong, but he was blasted back five steps by the kid just now.

It seems that this kid is also very strong.

And the Hoggers on the sidelines, one by one, had already been shocked to the extent that it could not be added.

They have followed the boss for so many years, and they have never seen anyone who can hold on to the boss for more than ten seconds.

Not to mention that someone can hurt the boss.

In their opinion, the body of the boss is invulnerable, and the boss is almost immortal.

As a result, I didn't expect that this kid not only hurt the boss, but also took the boss back five steps.

Hogg was surprised at this time, he spit out the toothpick in his mouth.

Then he clapped his hands and glanced at the wound on his right hand.

I saw that the wound was healing to the naked eye.

Lin also saw this scene, and his heart shook again.

It seems that this Hogg really is not an ordinary person.

Maybe the legend that he is a demon is true.

Hogg's right hand recovered quickly. He looked at Lin Yi with a hint of excitement on his face. Said: "Boy, you have successfully aroused my fighting spirit. Very good, then I will do two tricks with you."

Said that when he met his skinny hands, suddenly began to change.

The flesh on his hands quickly shrank, and the skin on his hands also began to turn black, tightly wrapping his bones.

On the ten fingers, the black nails began to grow longer, more than an inch long, and at the same time they became sharper.

At this moment, his hands are not like human hands, but like eagle claws with four elongated claws.

The next moment, his whole person suddenly attacked Lin Yi, and his degree seemed almost equal to Lin Yi's degree.

Lin Yi also waved his paw and greeted him.

Ding Ding Ding-

The two intersected four claws, and a series of sparks appeared.

Lin Yi was surprised to find out at this time that Hogg's power seemed a bit stronger than just now.

And the degree is a bit faster than just now.

The strength of the claws is also stronger than the fist just now.

It can be said that Hogg at this time is completely on par with his strength.

But this is just right. It swallowed an enemy with the same strength as his own. At least he should get an evolution point of about 50oo.

Under such strength, the two have fought for more than three minutes, and no one can do anything.

The eyes of all the people present were straight.

For them, this is the fight of the gods.

When the gods fight, it is definitely a fire from heaven to earth.

Those of the Hogg's Gang can only retreat continuously.

No way, the two gods are fighting more and more. If they retreat a bit slower, they will most likely be affected.

The gods fight, even if the aftermath hurts them, they can't afford to hurt them.

After another two minutes of fighting like this, Lin Yi gradually fell into a disadvantage.

In fact, in terms of strength, the two are inseparable.

But one thing:

Hogg's body was almost impenetrable, and even if Lin Yi's claws slashed on him, it would not have much effect on him.

But Lin Yi's body was not like this. Hogg made a few marks, that was a wound with deep bones.

For a long time like this, Lin also couldn't hold on.

More than ten minutes later, Hogg finally saw the opportunity and slammed Lin Yi's chest fiercely.

At this moment, the strength was so great that Lin Yi was thrown away far.

But as soon as he landed, Hogg had already appeared in front of him, and when he lifted his foot, he actually stepped on his head directly.

At the critical moment, Lin Yi raised his hands, and a huge sword nearly two meters long and more than one foot wide appeared in his hand.


Hogg stepped directly on the giant sword.

Lin Yi tried again to push Hogg away.

Then he turned over and stood up.

And what he was holding was Yang Guo's profound iron heavy sword.

Just now in a hurry, he could only use the prop bag of this profound iron heavy sword.

However, he could obviously feel that this mysterious iron heavy sword was 200 times heavier than the heavy sword Yang Guo used that day.

The profound iron heavy sword used by Yang Guo was more than sixty jin.

And the profound iron epee used by Lin Ye is probably more than six tons.

The voice of the system came at this time: "Hey, I didn't expect it, this mysterious iron heavy sword was strengthened by me. Is it still good at hand?"


[Three changes every day these days, because starting from the 5th, I have to burst for three consecutive days, so everyone bears it these days. 】...


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